Restoring Faith in God

God sent me to another King Soopers in Denver. What was so unusual about this store was that everyone was black. I definitely stuck out in the crowd but I was welcomed here. Another thing I began to realize was the tight-knit community all of these people were.

When I arrived, I noticed a family in a circle praying. They were praying for a miracle. I asked the Lord, “Is this is the family?” and he confirmed it was. I continued watching the family pray and another car pulled up making a lot of racket. The muffler was hanging down. I happened to have a piece of baling wire in my pickup that I used to fix it. The family asked, “Are you a mechanic?”

I said, “No, I am definitely not a mechanic.”

I then asked everyone how they are doing. The first family said, “We are praying for a miracle because we are hungry.”

Their little girl said, “We have not had food for two days now. We’ve been eating crackers and peanut butter.”

When she said that, it just broke my heart. I begin thinking about all of the other families out there who are currently experiencing what these families are going through. And we do not even know they exist. I said, “Let’s pray.”

They then said, “We have been praying that God sends us someone to help us. We came here by faith.”

I replied, “That is what it takes. We step out in faith and let God do the rest.”

The family then said, “God brought us here. He told us that somebody would be coming here to help us with groceries.”

I then said, “Let me tell you about Blue Mustang…” As usual the kids pick up on that and always comment about Blue Mustang being a car. After I explain everything to them, they always say “Wow!” Their little girl said, “May God bless him 100 fold.” I finished with, “Yes. Amen.”

I then said, “He doesn’t do it to get recognized because he just hands the money to me and I get to witness the miracle. He wants to bless you so you can have food so that you can have groceries at home.”

A wife said, “You have truly restored our faith. The light was dimming in the faith department.”

I said, “God restored your faith. Let me pray for you guys.” I begin praying for them that God would restore them and bless them. I then reached in my pocket and pulled out the money. Like I said, it seems everyone knows everybody here. They were watching to see what their friends were up to. They stopped by to see what was going on. One family explained to the crowd that Blue Mustang gave this man money so we could buy groceries today. One man replied, “We are your neighbors. Why didn’t you say something?”

The family said “We rely on God and not on our neighbors.”

The neighbor then replied, “Yeah, we are to rely on God to but God puts people in your life just like me and this man here. But we can talk about that later. It is a miracle that this man showed up.”

The families said, “Now we can go and buy groceries.”

The little girl said, “I am tired of eating peanut butter for two days. Mom, I’m not really complaining but I am tired of peanut butter.”

While this was all going on people continually kept walking up to us. They were curious to know what was happening. They all noticed my Bible and asked me if we were having church out here. I said, “Yes I am.” Some of them said they wished that there was a church nearby because they didn’t like driving. It was interesting most of these neighbors were not Christians but they knew these families well. The families continued explaining to everyone there what just happened. The crowd was amazed with what just happened. Soon the crowd began to experience what the power of God meant. One family said, “We need to know God like you do because it would sure be nice to have the miracle today.” Soon a larger crowd of people began asking more questions. This was my opportunity to talk about Jesus Christ to them. I asked, “Who would like their names written in the Lamb’s book of Life?” Every one of them raised their hands.

While this was all going on, a low rider Cadillac drove by us. One man said not to look because this man deals in drugs. He continued driving slow just staring at us. Eventually he left the parking lot. I then turned back to the crowd and began praying for them. A total of 30 people gave their hearts to Jesus Christ today at this parking lot.

The manager of this store came out. He is very tall and well built like the manager at the last store I was at last week. He asked, “What’s going on out here? Is everything okay?”

The little girl said, “This man brought us money so we could buy groceries. We are having church out here in the parking lot. Do you know Jesus mister?”

The manager replied, “You know, I have been running away from God for five years. It just seems to get me into a lot of problems.”

This little girl said, “You need to quit running from God. You cannot run from him because he knows where you live. He can see everything. He is one that created the world. Isn’t that right Dad? If you think that you can do things in the dark, Jesus can see through the dark. Because he is a light.” Quite a profound statement from someone who is only seven years old.

One family began sharing Christ with the manager. The little girl then asked, “Do you want your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

The manager then replied, “Yes I do!”

Their little boy, Jerome, spoke up and said, “I would like to pray for you. I know how to pray.” Jerome then led the manager to accept Jesus Christ. This store is not real busy because they are more community oriented. The employees had an opportunity to wonder what was going on. The employees came out and asked their manager if he was okay. The employees saw us surrounding the manager and thought maybe we were attacking him and they came out to defend him. The manager then said, “No, I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. I am ready to surrender to God.”

Some of the employees then began praising God and started rejoicing. They said, “We have been praying for you for awhile for this day. Even our families have been praying for you. And now you have given your heart to Jesus Christ. That is something to celebrate about.”

The manager replied, “These two families need groceries. This guy and a man named Blue Mustang gave them money.”

One of the teenage girls wondered if that was really his name because it sounded so cool. I told her that the Latinos gave him that name because of the car he drives. I continued to share with them things about God’s ministry. One of the employees then spoke up and said, “Isn’t there a reason why we collect $20 a week in that box for families. We did that because families might be short on being able to buy the groceries. Why don’t we just give them that money so they can go buy groceries.”

The manager then asked, “Does anyone else here needed help buying groceries today?”

Everyone replied, “No, the only reason why we came here was because we were concerned that something might be going on here with our neighbor. We saw a huge crowd circled around them and we wanted to make sure they were okay. We all could use something for groceries but they are the ones that cannot afford it at all.”

The manager then invited everybody into the store to have some donuts and coffee. The little girl then looked at me and invited me to go shopping with her. She then grabbed my hand and we walked towards the store. The father then said, “Brother Sonny, you tell Blue Mustang God bless him.”

The other little girl holding the Bible said, “Before we go inside the store, we should pray for Blue Mustang and his family to give thanks to God for them.” She immediately led the prayer. It was amazing to watch this little girl pray for someone she didn’t even know. After she finished we entered the store and sampled the donuts and drinks. This manager was now an entirely different person. He was totally transformed because of Jesus Christ. He called his wife, parents and grandparents. His wife showed up in 20 minutes. When she arrived she was crying. She began jumping up and down with excitement while holding her husband. The manager then said, “I am going to go to church with you tomorrow.”

Later three teenagers and more people in the crowd gave their hearts to Jesus Christ because of what happened here today. There are 30 people going to church tomorrow because of Jesus Christ transforming lives today. I am so blessed to get to see all of this. God is continuing to send me to needy families in this area that are praying for a miracle.