The Power of Specific Prayer

Sometimes we do not fully understand the power of specific prayer. Many times I have had people generically pray protection over me as I witness to the gangs. Even though I never have to go to the hospital for injuries, I get thrown around a lot. The earth and I get real close to each other as I am tossed about. Some of the stronger gang members like to play basketball with me. They pick me up and throw me into my pickup bed to make 2 points. In fact this game is so frequent the undercover police jokingly said, “Sonny, you need to borrow some of our bean bag chairs and put them in the back of your pickup. They will feel good on your body when they try to score.”

Things began to change when Blue Mustang decided to create a specific prayer for my protection. Blue Mustang said, “I need to ask God to specifically protect your body from injury.”

He knew that the gang members needed to show off for dominance. He prayed that they would not throw me on the ground or beat me to cause bodily injury. I greatly appreciated that prayer over me. It still had not sunk in yet. God had me go and witness to the Eastsiders gang again. The last time I was there they beat me with those small Colorado Rockies baseball bats. I was getting ready for them to come after me again. God knew that I was anxious and said, “Sonny, you have been prayed over. You need to watch what is about to happen.”

I walked over to the leader and he said, “My boys have something to show you.” There were five men holding those Colorado Rockies baseball bats. I was thinking that I was going to be hit again. They walked up to me until they were close enough to hit me. They lifted their bats up in the air and all five guys dropped their bats by my feet. They all said, “We are never going to hit you again!”

Blue Mustang’s prayer flashed before my eyes. It now has been a couple of months since he prayed that prayer and I have not been touched. All of the gang leaders have been threatening their men not to touch me. I am a firm believer in the power of specific prayers. The spiritual enemies of God hate specific prayers. You may have to ask God to send his angels to bind those spirits to make sure your prayer get through.