Open Cross Blessing II

After we had breakfast on Saturday I had to meet with three undercover police officers at the Windsor King Soopers store. They came from Fort Collins and when I met them I also prayed for them. They then asked me what I was going to do now.

I said, “God is sending me to meet with two families in Denver because they need groceries bad.”

The undercover policeman asked, “What do you mean by that statement?”

I replied, “God sends me to families that are praying for a miracle in the area of groceries.”

The undercover policeman asked, “How do you know where to go?”

I replied, “I just go. Many times God will just tell me where the next turn is while I’m driving. I just follow his directions until we get there.”

The undercover policeman exclaimed, “Are you serious?”

I said, “Yes I am. God always brings me into the presence of needy families praying.”

He exclaimed, “Now, that is incredible. I want to be able to hear God’s voice like that.”

I replied, “The number one rule is that you have to listen. If you are not listening you will never hear him speak.” At that moment both of the undercover policeman started crying. They turned to me, prayed for me and then left.

I started heading towards Denver and God guided me to that field where the open cross is located. He brought me here a few months ago. I began to drive down the road towards the cross. I could see two families there praying in the distance. (I found out later that the husbands were brothers). They had already been here one and a half hours before I arrived. They had been worshiping God with music. I made sure that I did not have my outside speakers on because I did not want to disturb their prayers. As I approached them, I carefully parked my pickup and waited until they finished praying. As soon they stood up, I got out of my pickup to go meet them. One dad immediately complemented me on my pickup on how nice it looked. I said, “It does not belong to me.”

With a puzzled look he said, “It doesn’t?”

I said “No, it belongs to my boss.”

Still with a puzzled look he said, “Your boss!”

I replied, “Yes, his name is Jesus Christ.”

All of the sudden he began to laugh and said, “That is a good one.”

I then asked him, “Can I tell you what you guys were praying for?”

He then asked, “How would you know that?”

I replied, “Because God told me what you were praying for. You were praying for food because you are totally out.”

Their little girl Isabella asked, “Did you hear us? Because that is exactly what we were praying for. I don’t even have cereal.” (Like a typical young child they are either wanting cereal or ice cream.)

I then turned back towards the parents and said, “God told me that you guys needed food. He brought me here to help you. The guy who is responsible for all this is spirit led by God. He gives me money to bless people just like you to buy groceries. His name is Blue Mustang.”

Their little boy Ishmael said, “That is a car! That is definitely not a man!”

I replied, “That is the nickname the Latinos gave him.”

He interrupted, “The Latinos?”

I continued, “They are a gang from San Jose California.”

Ishmael then asked, “Are they mean?”

Before I had a chance to answer him his parents interrupted me and asked, “So God brought you here just to give us food?”

I said, “Yes, that is the only reason why I am here.”

The husband shared, “We were praying for food while we were driving. We saw this cross here. I like to kneel before a cross because of what Jesus Christ did on that cross for me. I wanted to kneel before God to give him all my troubles. I am setting everything before the altar. We cannot handle what is going on right now we want to give everything to him. We are asking God for help.”

The other husband Jaden said, “We were not going to move from this spot until God answered our prayer. We do not care if it would’ve been all day and all night. He brought us here to pray.”

I said, “God has answered your prayer. You poured your heart out to him. You did not just give him a one minute prayer but you faithfully worshipped him and prayed for a miracle. You continued honoring him until he answered your prayer.”

Up to this point I still had not shown any money but Isabela said, “We need to thank you and Blue Mustang for coming here and helping us.”

I was surprised when she said that. Usually the parents bring this up. But she was understanding the significance of people helping people. Isabela began praying, “I do not know who Blue Mustang is but I think that is a cool name. Bless him tenfold for everything he has done to help families like us. Bless Mr. Sonny for bringing the money to us. Protect him as he ministers to gangs today. Amen!”

This prayer came from an eight-year-old girl. She learned everything from her parents by listening to them pray. If she continues in this path, Isabella is going to be quite a prayer warrior.

I then reached into my pocket and pulled out the money. I gave each family $140. Both families began to cry as they saw the money laying in their hands. They then said, “We are going to use this money for God. We are not going to get what we want but we are only going to get those things that we need.”

Isabela then asked, “Mr. Sonny, do you want to go grocery shopping with us?” I just cannot say no to that. We all jump back into our cars and headed to a King Soopers store that was near where we were at.

I went into the store with both families. The manager noticed that we were such a large group and was interested in what we were up to. He began to follow us around the store at first then left.

We were walking down one of the aisles when I noticed one of the girl employees putting stock on the shelves. She looked at me and noticed my hoodie and said, “God Over gangs! That message is powerful! So you must minister to gangs.”

I confirmed that I did.

Isabela then said, “Yeah and he has this friend who helped us with money because we don’t have anything to eat at home. They call him Blue Mustang.”

She said, “That is really a cool name.”

Isabela replied, “Yes, I know.”

She then said, “God bless you guys” and walked away with her cart.

We continued shopping until we had two carts filled with groceries. Both families tried to figure out to the dime what to buy so they did not go over their budget. I was there just in case they did go over. I would cover the rest.

The manager then came over and whispered something into the ear of the girl at the cash register. The girl we met earlier in the aisle reported to the manager what was happening. (All of the employees of this store keep a watch out for families in need.) The manager then left. The cashier said, “I will just ring both of these carts up together.” She finished checking out the one cart then she pulled up the second cart and continued on tallying the groceries. The checker then said, “All of your groceries have been paid for. We are all Christians at the store and we are always on the lookout for families in need. That is the reason why we paid for your groceries.”

Both families began crying again as they received another miracle. The manager came over to us and looked at the families. He said, “That money that Blue Mustang gave you, just use it to buy gas or go out for ice cream later. But we are taking care of your groceries at this store today.”

It is interesting that when we stay faithful to God that pleases him. They so trusted that he was going to do something today that they continued to worship and pray. God honored that by multiplying the blessing. I finally saw their bill and they must have miscalculated. I was watching them as they were trying to keep track of how much everything costs and was surprised when it was over that much. It was over $400.

That girl in the aisle saw what they were buying and doubled up on on several items. God put it in her heart to get those items. That is the reason why they were so far off. God already knew what he was going to do. That manager was an extremely interesting individual. When we walked in he was really kind. He asked us how we were doing and to enjoy shopping. I felt he already was suspicious and began to realize. That girl stocking the shelves was a plant to find out more of what was going on. Somehow he sensed that these families were in need. It was also strange that the girl who was stocking shelves then all of a sudden I saw her with a grocery cart putting items in it.

I began to wonder what she was up to. She is a teenager and I usually see them put in items like chips and junk food. But this looked like all serious food that one would feed their families. I even noticed that a ribeye steak even showed up in their cart.

We all went outside the store where I prayed over all the families. Both families then prayed over me. They even anointed my truck and prayed over it. Isabela then said, “I am going to pray over you that gang members do not hurt you anymore.” I told her about Blue Mustang’s prayer that he made over me. Isabela then said, “God is listening. He is for real. He is not dead. He is alive to take care of you. Keep your eyes on Jesus, Sonny.”

After hearing that from her, I said to myself “I think she’s going to be a pastor someday.” We said our good byes and I headed off to witness to the gangs.

Thank you God for adding families to your ministry.