Two Gangs Give Hearts to Jesus Before the New Year

I just returned from my vacation in Reno Nevada with my sister. God wanted me to get back to see two gangs that I knew before the weekend. When I went to the airport all of Southwest Airlines flights were canceled but mine. People were extremely angry and could not believe that my flight was the only one going out. The only thing I could say was that God needed me to come back home to reach out to these two gangs on Friday. It was an amazing thing to see that big board with all the flights canceled but mine. It was even on time. Like I say, God gets the Glory and the Victory on this one. I am firm believer that God makes things happen if you are in his will.

I made it home in plenty of time to rest up from my vacation to prepare to meet the two gangs that I knew tomorrow. I am going to be meeting Blue Mustang for breakfast before I go, while the undercover police make the burritos for them to eat.

because the weather has been cold I have been forced to make them in their home. When I arrived at their address they were watching outside just in case another gang had drive-by. It is required that two men stay up each night to watch over the house. It happened to be that the two watching were the right hand man men of the leader. When I started carrying the coolers up to the house, they excitedly came out and said, “Where you been Sonny? We haven’t seen you what seems like forever. We thought maybe you might’ve been bumped off.”

I said, “No, God protects me.  I had the opportunity to spend last weekend with my sister in Reno.”

One man then said, “I have been thinking about what you said about John 3:16. That is incredible to think that even if I was the only person on the planet that he would still die for me. I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ. I do not know what these other guys want to do, but I don’t care. I want my heart transformed by Jesus before I go home.”

The guy watching with him decided that he was ready to do that also. they both give their hearts to Jesus Christ before anybody else was even awake. Both men began crying. Soon the leader came out and asked what was going on. They told him that would they just gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. At that time the leader began also to cry. He said you know I have not seen my parents and seven years. I too feel like I need to give my heart to Jesus Christ and go home. He then went back to his room and made a call to his parents. Meanwhile more of his men came out and they saw me standing there. They all asked did you bring us something to eat and I said sure I have something here for you. That’s great because we are hungry. him and they looked at all of the burritos that I had and asked are all these burritos for us. I said no I have another gang that I need to go to. As they begin eating they too noticed what was going on. After the leader came out and gave his life to Jesus Christ along with his two right-hand men the rest of the gang wanted to do that also.

Meanwhile the second gang that I was going to witness to, God decided to bring them to me. They only reason they stopped was when they saw my truck parked here. They figured that I would have something for them to eat and cautiously came up to the house they were neither friends nor enemies of this gang.

they too noticed that the men were crying. He then asked what is going on here. The leader then said me and my men have given their hearts to Jesus Christ and we are going home. About that time the other leader began to think you know it has been five years since I’ve been home. But I don’t know if my dad will even have me. I said you know with men it is impossible probably for you to go home but we are dealing with God. Let me pray for you that you will have the opportunity to go home. I prayed for him and he immediately dialed his dad he kinda went off into a secluded’s place and they talked. Soon this gang began giving their hearts to the Jesus Christ after the leader submitted his own life. The men all started calling family members and soon there was a whole bunch of people showing up. One of the gang leaders boldly asked does everybody here know Jesus Christ. Now is the time to give your hearts to him. So many of the parents began turning their lives over to Jesus Christ. Soon the landlord came up and was wondering what was going on and asked if they were having a party. The first leader said now we were just giving our hearts to Jesus Christ and going home. The landlord said you guys have been awesome tenets this house looks good. I am giving you both your last post deposit and your damage deposit back. Then one of the gang leaders members asked him are you Charlie’s dad. And he said yes I am I love the Lord and I am praying that Charlie comes home soon. They described who he was because he was the only blonde kid in that gang. And about this time that gang that Charlie belong to drove by the house. God says you go see them tomorrow on Saturday

more to come but you can hear the story