God Blessing People in the Ghettos

God sent me to the King Soopers store in what I consider the ghettos of Denver. This is a very dangerous place to hang out. You can even hear gunfire during the day. But there are hungry people even in these areas. Families are praying to our Heavenly Father for food. That is the reason why my King is sending me here today.

There was not a lot of activity going around the store just because of the danger involved of being there. I started looking for what might be considered a needy family. After I could not see a thing, I asked, “God, I am not seeing anybody here. What is going on?”

All of a sudden, a van drove into the parking lot. I thought maybe this was them. But it wasn’t. Then a family started coming towards the store. They were soon followed by a second family that was also walking to the store. I noticed that a little girl in the family was carrying a Bible. I made the assumption that they came from a Bible study or church. Both families then stopped and put their hands out. I had my window down and began listening to them as they started praying. They prayed, “Lord we need groceries. We need a miracle.”

I realized these are the families and said to myself, “Wow!”

The little girl prayed, “We need ice cream also.”

At this moment I began to cry. When you think about that any given day of the week I could go out and get ice cream. This was something these families could not even afford. I continued sitting in my pickup and listening until they finished praying. I then got out with my Bible and asked, “How can I pray for you guys?”

The little girl said, “We need a miracle today. You see we only have five slices of bread, one cheese slice and two slices of Bologna in the refrigerator.”

I replied, “Wow! I see that you need groceries. I want to tell you about what God is doing through a man whose name is Blue Mustang.”

A little boy there exclaimed, “That’s a car!”

I said, “Yes that is true but he drives a Blue Mustang. The Latinos gave him that nickname because he drives a Blue Mustang.”

He then said, “That is so cool! I want that nickname!”

His father then said, “So he gives you money to give to families to buy groceries. Is that what is happening?”

I said, “That is what he does but God chooses the families. I do not just drive around and hope that I will find somebody. God tells me exactly where to go. God brought me to this place today just strictly to bless you. I never come to this side of town because the gangs are seven blocks that way. I witness to gangs so I always go where they hang out.”

The father then said, “That is a miracle that you do that. The gangs need to hear about Jesus Christ also.”

As the father was speaking his daughter came over and held my hand. I still had my Bible in one hand as I was listening to her dad speak. I felt her hand grab hold of my other hand. I didn’t ignore her and said “Hi!”

The little girl said, “It looks like you could use somebody to hold your hand too.”

I wanted to cry but God kept me together. Because he wanted me to share Christ with them and talk more about the miracle God has for them.

Both families said, “If we could just have something to buy groceries.”

I said, “I have $280 with me to split between both of you. You can use this to go get the groceries that you need.”

Each family responded, “That is $140 each.” To them that was a lot of money for someone to give to them.

The little girl asked, “Can we buy ice cream now?” Her parents confirmed to her that they would get some.

The little boy asked, “Can we get some cereal and milk?” They too confirmed that they would get that. Just being able to buy ice cream, cereal and milk meant the world to these kids. I laid the money into the parents hands and they began crying. At this time the manager came out and asked, “What are you guys praying about?”

The manager was the large black man who looked like he worked out a lot. He was well-built and spoke like a gentle giant.

The little girl said, “Blue Mustang brought us money to buy groceries because we do not have any food at home.”

At this moment the manager started crying. The manager then used his left hand to reach into his pocket and pulled out some gift cards. He gave each family a gift card. He then said, “Each card has $200 on it. You guys go by groceries. Use the cash for bills or whatever else you may need. Jesus loves you and God is faithful.”

I said to myself this is so beautiful what’s happening right now. Both families hugged the manager then came up and gave me a hug. They said, “Thank you for what you did. You started a very awesome miracle.”

I said, “Yes we got to walk by faith and not by sight.”

The little girl said, “You got that right Mr.” as she reached out and gave me a big hug. At this moment all of them began praying for me. I already have told them about our ministry. They said, “You guys need prayer to do what you do.” After they finished praying, they went inside the store. I looked around and said to myself, “This part of town really needs Jesus Christ. God is definitely going to be bringing me back here again.