Commerce City Gangs Come to Jesus Christ

It is Saturday and my King had me drive to the park on the east side of Commerce City, Colorado. When I arrived at the park I was surprised to see it empty of people. It was already warm and turning out to be a beautiful day. This is definitely a tough park. Not very many parents will bring their kids to play here. The gangs love coming here. There usually is a lot of gang activity going on here. I even see a lot of homeless people who hang out here.

I just did not understand what was going on. My King had me pick up tacos for the gangs to eat. My King knew that I was becoming anxious and said, “Sonny, why don’t you just be patient. Just wait.”

So I continued to watch and see what was going to happen next. Soon a bunch of old cars started showing up. Whenever I see 15 cars showing up at the same time, I know it’s a gang. They all parked close to my pickup.

One of the gang members got out and said, “You have a nice truck, but you should not be here. This is our turf.”

I did not know this gang but I knew the one that was going to be coming next. I then replied, “Did you guys hear about the new owner of this park?”

They replied, “What do you mean?”

I said, “I bought this park.”

They were shocked and exclaimed, “You bought this park?”

I said, “Yes, my boss bought it for me.”

They then asked, “Who is your boss?”

I replied, “My boss is Jesus Christ.”

They then sighed, “You had us going there for a while. We thought you really did buy it!”

I said, “Jesus bought it with a price so that I could come here and talk to you about how much he loves you.”

As I was speaking one of the kids came up to me and said, “You smell like tacos.” I had a bunch of tacos in my pickup sitting next to me so I’m sure I did smell like tacos.

I said, “Yes, I have a bunch of tacos in my pickup. Are you guys hungry?”

He said, “Bring it on. We definitely are hungry!”

I said, “I need some help getting everything. My cooler is in my back seat and is very heavy.”

I have to put it there to keep it from disappearing. I found out that if I go into a store and it’s in the back of my pickup, someone always steals it. So it has to be locked up.”

They were anxious to help me so, I had plenty of help getting everything out of my pickup. While they were doing all this, a second gang pulled up on the other side of the park and began watching us. I waved them to come over and meet with us.

The gang leader asked, “Why are you calling them to come over? We fight with this gang.”

I asked him what his name was and he said, “Billy.”

I then said. “Right now we need to call a truce. Let us have a good lunch. They are hungry just like you.”

Billy than replied, “Okay man. I can do that.” He then looked at his men and said, “If anyone in that gang makes a wrong move, you guys just start shooting them.”

The other gang cautiously began walking across the park and asked, “What do you want man?”

I replied, “Are you guys hungry?”

There leader whose name is Charlie then said, “Heck yes, we are hungry! What do you have to eat?”

I then told him about the tacos and the drinks I had.

Charlie hopefully asked, “Do you happen to have a Dr. Pepper?”

I then showed him the Dr. Peppers that I had just waiting for him in my cooler. I told him the same thing I told the other gang. “We are not going to do any fighting. We are here just to eat right now.”

He had no problem with that and his gang began helping the other gang to eat and drink everything I had.

While they were eating, I was praying and speaking about Jesus to them. I then asked them if they had any prayer requests. They began to reveal things that needed to be prayed over. Many of their family members were down with covid. After I finished with their prayer requests, I turned my thoughts to them and asked, “Do you men know where you’re going to spend eternity? Because I do know where I’m going. I am going to be in heaven with my King. I would like to invite you to come with me. I will be waiting there for you.”

The new gang began to ask questions first. Charlie then asked, “How do you get to heaven?”

I then replied, “First of all you have to ask for forgiveness of all your sins.”

Charlie said, “I have way too many sins. I can’t even count them all.”

I then said, “Jesus does not keep track of the number of sins. He is more interested in you asking for forgiveness and what is in your heart.”

Charlie then asked, “Is it really that simple?”

I confirmed, “It really is that simple. He will not only change your heart, but He will transform it.”

Charlie then asked, “Will it bring healing between me, my mom, and my dad?”

I said, “Yes it will. They will see the change that Jesus has made in your own life.”

Charlie then replied, “I would like to try it.”

Charlie’s  men were shocked at what he just said. They all looked over at him and said, “You are the meanest guy in the whole gang and you think that God is going to forgive you.”

Charlie’s answer was even more profound. He said, “Yes he will. God sent Jesus Christ for you and for me. I am tired of being mean. After you accept Jesus Christ you will not be walking in darkness anymore. Jesus Christ is not a religion but having a relationship with him. You have to worship him, pray with them and read his word. I do not have a Bible right now.”

I replied, “I have a whole box of Bibles in my pickup.”

As I was walking towards my pickup, they all shouted out they wanted Bibles too. These Bibles were the New Testament only. I began passing them all out asked, “Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

They paused a little bit but they came one by one. James was the first one who said, “I am tired of living this life. I am tired of hurting people. I am tired of waking up hungry. I want to go home.”

When James made this confession it emboldened the rest of them to take the step. They all began coming forward and they began thinking about their families. One asked, “What if our parents do not take us back?”

I began to encourage them and said, “God is faithful! As soon as you tell them what happened today, just see what happens. Call them and tell them.”

They all began calling their parents on their phones. In the beginning they were pointing their pistols at me and now they are crying. The gang I knew was watching everything that was going on. Billy came up to me and said, “Those guys are pretty tough. We just fought them last week and now they are crying.”

As the gang continued to watch they began to see the change in their lives. Billy then said, “I do not know if God will forgive me of all my sins but I will ask.”

I said, “He will. Not only will he forgive your sins but he will forget them. He is not going to hold them over your head. Once you ask, just watch and see what will happen to your heart.”

Billy’s gang began crying as Charlie’s gangs parents started showing up. Some of the parents recognize some of the boys in Billie’s gang and said, “Your parents just live three blocks from us.”

Billy then said, “We keep to ourselves.”

Billy’s gang continued watching as the parents were showing up for their sons in Charlie’s gang. Billy’s gang too decided now is the time for them to give their lives to Jesus Christ.

God is doing some amazing things right now. Most of the time when I witness to gangs only a small percentage give their lives to Jesus Christ. But lately whole gangs have been turning their lives over to Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has been working overtime to transform hearts in these men to bring them into God’s kingdom. I even noticed this witnessing on the streets. God will say to me, “Stand here and they will come to you.” I do not need to say anything. I will stand up next to a wall holding my Bible and the people come to me. People begin to walk by me and they notice God’s word in my hand. They stop and look at me and will say, “Hey, I sure could use some prayer today.” Just on Friday night, I prayed for 33 people who came to me and did not even know who I was. God gets the Glory and the Victory for all that. I just get to see it.

They continue to come. Others recognize the writing I have on my clothes and will say, “You must be a minister out here on the streets. We would like you to pray for us.” I expect the crowds to continue to grow each week as I witness on the streets. I firmly believe that God is trying to reach everybody to know who Jesus Christ is. He promised that he would not come back until every man has heard about Jesus Christ. I also know that he is working hard to have a unified church where we all believe in exactly what Jesus Christ believes in and we live our lives just like he did.

Grocery Cart Anointing

It was a cold Saturday morning and I headed towards the ghetto after I had breakfast with Blue Mustang. I drove by a park in the ghetto area and I noticed this family that was praying. What was unusual about this was that they were praying by a King Soopers grocery cart. I noticed that only one family was praying. My King knew that I was puzzled and I was getting ready to go over and talk to them. God said, “Sonny, just wait to see what happens.”

I was beginning to think that wasn’t the family because God always has been bringing two families to me. So I continued to wait as my King instructed. The weather was still cold outside and I checked the time and it was 10:45 AM. I then noticed a van pull up by the family. A family of four got out of the van. They too started walking towards the grocery cart. The wife began reaching into her purse and pulled out this little bottle. I focused in on the bottle and finally made out that it was anointing oil. I began to realize that family went back to get a bottle of anointing oil. It appeared to me that the other family was waiting for someone to show up. They took that bottle of anointing oil and began to anoint that King Soopers grocery cart. Both families were looking for a miracle and that was the reason why they anointed that cart. They were then going to push that cart all the way back to King Soopers which was two blocks away.

I begin to think to myself who in the world would ever anoint a grocery cart unless you were really desperate. They would definitely have to be seeking a miracle from God. I found out later that God asked them to anoint that cart. I am sure that they did not go to the store and bring the cart to the park. Many times people who do not have cars will take the cart to deliver their groceries directly to their home. It is work to take them back so they just abandon them in the neighborhood. That cart was left near where they lived. I also know that whenever you anoint something that it will affect anybody who will happen to use that grocery cart.

After they finished anointing the cart, both families circled around the cart and began praying. My curiosity got the best of me. I said to myself that I want to hear what they are praying. So I quickly got out of my pickup with my Bible in hand and I walked towards them. God sometimes tells me to wait and let them finished praying but he was silent on this one. When I was close enough to hear, I slowed my pace to listen to what they were praying. They were thanking God for the meat and the bread. A little girl then spoke up and thanked God for the milk and cookies. They were thanking God for everything that was going into that empty cart. These guys had strong hearts and they definitely know how to pray. When I couldn’t get any closer, I just stood there to finish listening. They finally said “Amen” then the little girl looks toward me and said, “Well, Hi there stranger.” I responded back then she said, “My name is Sylvia.” I told her my name is Sonny. Sylvia then replied, “Are you a preacher?”

I said, “Only when I am awake. When I am asleep I have to rest.” Everyone in the families began laughing. I then asked, “How did this all come about?”

They replied, “In order for us to receive a miracle, we had to anoint everything about it. We anointed the prayer we made and we anointed the cart. We even anointed the food that’s not even in there yet.” These families were strong believers but they were waiting for a miracle.

They then asked, “How can we help you?”

I said, “Actually, I am here to help you. I noticed that you were standing around this grocery cart. I also notice that when the van pulled up with the anointing oil that you used on the grocery cart then you prayed over it. Why did you guys anoint that cart?”

One of the mom’s said, “So you been watching us for a while.”

I said, “Yes, I came here because of Blue Mustang wanting to bless two families.”

Before I could finish my thought, their six-year-old boy said, “But that’s a car! You came here just because of a car.”

I said, “No, Blue Mustang is a man. He got that nickname from the “Latino” gang from San Jose, California. They call him that because he drives a Blue Mustang.”

The six-year-old then exclaimed, “Well, that makes sense!”

I then continued, “God give him a heart to bless families like you. He gives $140 per family. God chooses two families every time. You guys are the two families. You prayed that God would fill this grocery cart up with groceries. He has answered your prayer.” I then handed each family $140.

Boy, you should hear them shout out “Glory to God” in that African-American style. They also said “Hallelujah” and began dancing. They did not pay any attention to who was looking as they were praising and giving Glory to God. This celebration went on for several minutes. When they finally stopped, I said, “God gave Blue Mustang a heart for this ministry for families who are hurting and need food. He has a heart for God’s Kingdom.”

When I said that one of the husband exclaimed, “That is my daily prayer that God would give me a heart for his Kingdom while I am still in this world.”

I then said, “Practice Matthew 6:33. When you seek God’s kingdom just like you are doing, he will give you that heart. He has showed you that He is faithful. Look at what just happened.”

Sylvia was getting impatient and asked, “Can we go buy groceries now because I am hungry? I need some cereal.”

Before they went shopping, they anointed the money and prayed over it. They then prayed over Blue Mustang and his family. Sylvia looked over at me and asked, “Are you going with us?”

I replied, “Yes, I would like to go. We can put that grocery cart in the back of my pickup so that you guys will not have to push it to the store.”

They replied, “That sounds like a good deal to us.” As they lifted the grocery cart into the back of my pickup, they noticed the speakers I had in the box. They asked, “Are those speakers in the back of your truck?”

I said, “Yes, I minister to gangs and the music brings the gangs to me. God knew this and had me set my pickup like this. Blue Mustang supported that to. He also buys the food that I then take to other people who prepare it. I then take the burritos or whatever else God has me pickup to the gangs.”

They then asked me if I worked and I told them I do. They thought it was pretty amazing that I could do this and still work. I told them to remember that God is amazing. Sylvia interjected, “Blue Mustang was amazing too because we are going to eat today.” Her five year old brother then said, “I want to be Blue Mustang because that is so cool.”

Realize that God can make us more efficient. We can still work and serve him. Many times we do things that are not productive and that time could be better used to serve God. Paul, one of the dads, and all four kids wanted to come with me in the monster truck to go to the grocery store. I started playing “Amazing Grace” on the sound system. Paul then said, “I don’t know if you’ve ever listened to Glenn Miller. I just love that type of big band music.” I did not say a word. I just got onto my phone and quickly switched the music to Glenn Miller. He looked at me and said, “You must play this quite a bit.”

I replied, “This is also my kind of music. I love Glenn Miller, Ardis Shaw and all those other big bands. But when I go to the gangs they hear a lot of boom. That is what brings them to me. So my pickup compliments a lot of base with the subwoofers. This all attracts those gang members to come to me. Like I said earlier, God orchestrated all of this on how to set up my pickup.”

Paul said, “You are a brave man. I need to pray for you.” So the families anointed and prayed over me.

Sylvia then asked for a note pad. Her mom gave her one with and pen. It looked like she tried to write something down but paused and said, “I do not know how to write down Blue Mustang.”

Her mom spelled it out for her and she tried to write down the letters. She then drew a car on the paper. She then said, “We need to anoint him. Can we we do it on the paper?” I started to cry as I began to see what she was trying to do. We then anointed Blue Mustang. We then entered King Soopers and began walking the aisles. I looked at Sylvia and asked, “What do you think about all this?”

Sylvia responded, “I have learned that God answers prayer.”

The other little girl asked, “Does God answer prayers every time?”

Her mom answered, “It is all in God’s timing. He answers prayer. It is for His Glory and not for ours.”

Sylvia then took off and immediately ran to the cereal aisle. She selected a box of Captain Crunch cereal. Sylvia said, “I love Captain Crunch cereal.” We continued shopping and went through the entire store but I never saw Jerome the store manager. The employees told me that he was on vacation. The girls working at the store secretly came up to me and and said that they were going to give each family $100 gift cards for food. The girls at work here are definitely very giving. They have lived in this ghetto area long enough to know what it’s like to be hurting. Finally everybody filled their shopping cart.

As they got into the checkout line to pay, it seemed like the entire staff came together and gave each family a $100 gift card. They said this is from us to bless you. The families began to cry when they experience that wonderful second blessing.

Sylvia fell in love with the girl that handed out the gift cards. She grabbed hold of her and gave her a big hug and started talking with her. She wanted to know her schedule so she could come by and see her again. Before Sylvia let go, she prayed for everybody from that store that was there. The way she prayed I feel someday she’s going to become an evangelist.

This all started when they anointed that grocery cart and having the faith that God would supply the food to put inside it. The anointing did not stop here. They continued by anointing me, the money and Blue Mustang via a sheet of paper. In the end they had enough of a blessing that they could go home and have cheeseburgers tonight. They still have money left over when they checked out.

The assistant manager came out and said, “Before you leave, meet me at the gas pump to fill up your cars.”

The families replied, “We only brought one vehicle the other one is at home.”

The manager then said, “Go home and get it and I will fill it up to.” The manager waited there at the pumps until they got back with the other vehicle to fill it.

Again they replied, “In order for us to receive a miracle we had to anoint everything about it. We anointed the prayer we made and we anointed the cart. We even anointed the food that’s not even in there yet.” These families were strong believers but they were waiting for a miracle.

There is more to this story that happened as we walked out of the store. I was still talking to the families when nine young men walk by carrying two basketballs. They were carrying something else but I could not tell what it was. It looked like it was made out of plastic and duct tape. They recognized the families but had no idea who I was. They felt like I might be harassing these families and began to threaten me. They said, “If this guy is bothering you, we will get rid of him for you even if we have to carry him out and throw him away.”

The families replied, “No, but he is actually blessing us. We did not have anything to eat and he has changed this.”

The families began to explain to me who these boys were and they liked to play basketball. The manager of the store will loan them his basketballs from time to time. If not, they were using newspaper wrapped in duct tape for their ball. They could not afford to buy a basketball of their own. I looked at the boys and asked, “Are you boys hungry?” They confirmed that they were. I then said, “I have breakfast burritos, cookies, and granola bars.” I set up all the food on the picnic tables there at the park and served them.

I then said, “You boys just stay here. I will be right back.” I headed down to the Walmart store to pick up some basketballs. I was going to pick up four basketballs for these guys. The manager of the store when he figured out what I was up to brought out 10 more basketballs. He said I am going to pay for 10 balls and you pay for the other four. I then load them up out in my pickup and I headed back to the park. I had food for them in my pickup. When I met up with these guys I told him that I had food for them to eat. They were excited about getting something to eat. I did not tell him about the balls right away. After they ate I went over to the passenger side of my pickup and opened the door. I said I need some help over here. One of the guys came over and looked inside my pickup and saw all the basketballs. He said man look at all them basketballs. Yeah I need them I said I need you to get them out here they are for you guys. They were so excited I swear they thought I was giving them $1 million dollars. I threw some of them out myself towards them. I was totally amazed on how well they could shoot. They were really excited at being able to play with real basketballs. There was an older couple who was watching while this was all going on and they came out. They shared, “We are on a fixed income and have been trying to save up so that we could get you guys some basketballs. Maybe we can get you some shoes instead.”

The boys were really excited about that. Even though it was cold they said, “Sonny we want to ride in the back of your truck.” So some of them just jumped in the cab with me and the rest of them climbed in the back. We went to one of those Famous Footwear stores and picked them up some shoes. The old couple bought five pairs and I bought the other four. We then went back to the park where are they played with their new basketballs and new shoes. Boy were they having fun.

During the following week the boys called me and thank me for the blessings I gave them. They said, “At first there were only nine of us playing basketball but we got more boys together because of the extra basketballs you gave us. Now there are twenty-four of us. Boy, basketball is fun now that we have teams and real basketballs to play with. Because of what you have done, we are now going back to youth group and getting actively involved in church again.”

Before they met me the nine boys were playing basketball using a branch as a hoop. Somebody went in there and built them a court. I am betting that God had something to do with it. They put in four basketball hoops. Even the surface was replaced with a nice slab of concrete. The boys said, “We came here to play basketball one day and there were 30 guys here working to put all this stuff in.” The boys continued telling me what they’ve been up to. They have been witnessing to other teenagers in the area. The Holy Spirit has given them courage to go out even at night. Because of the danger in the streets at night, they used to be afraid to go out after dark. But now they pray with people and have given 110 homeless people blankets. He then said,” When it was cold that week the homeless were freezing out there. We took them hot cocoa and hot cider to warm them up. We just kept driving around searching for people who were in need.”

It is cool how God has been using these nine boys who rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ. I have learned that any circumstance that happens in my life and here I get a chance to meet different people, I continue to share Jesus Christ with them and love them. Showing love and kindness to people has the potential of changing their world by bringing them into God’s Kingdom. That is one thing that Jesus commanded us to do – is go out to talk about him and bring them into His Kingdom. Boy, it sure is fun watching God work.

Baseball Cap Brings Salvation

It was Saturday morning and I picked up the breakfast burritos after eating breakfast with Blue Mustang. God then had me go over to the east side or Commerce City, Colorado again. I went to the same park. When I arrived, there were 23 young men standing almost in a circle. I noticed that there was a baseball cap on the ground in the middle of them. This is definitely one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen before. I asked, “Lord, what is this all about?” I then walked over to them carrying only my Bible. I then asked, “How are you guys doing?”

The leader looked at me and solemnly replied, “What’s up Sonny?”

I asked, “What’s going on with the cap?”

The leader replied, “There was a drive by shooting here last Sunday. When the shooting started my right hand man Frederick tackled me to the ground so I would not get hit. He took the bullet for me. As I was going down, the bullet hit him in the back. The bullet then entered his lungs. He just could not make it. The hat marks the spot where Frederick died. We are just having a moment of silence for him because he put his life on the line for me. If he would not have tackled me I would’ve been dead for sure. I had to go to his parents to tell them what happened. But what was shocking was I found out his parents had died from Covid. Fredrick did not even know his parents were dead. When I arrived at his parents home, his aunt and uncle were cleaning out the house. I had to explain to them that Frederick died putting his life on the line for me. This brought tears to his aunt and uncle when they realize their nephew was gone. The aunt and uncle were not mad at me. His uncle said his brother raised Frederick right. The fact that he took the bullet for you shows me that he has a lot of character. His uncle then hugged me to encourage me.” The leader was beginning to get choked up.

The leader then said, “We came back here to have this moment of silence when you showed up.”

I did not even asked them if they wanted prayer. I immediately started praying for each of them. They started crying as I prayed over them. I asked God to bring healing to their hearts and to their families. When I finished praying for all of them, the leader asked, “Sonny, does God really forgive all of your sins? We have done a lot of bad things. We steal money. We use girls for fun. We steel drugs and sell them for money.”

I replied, “It only takes a willing heart to ask for forgiveness. You have to ask for forgiveness first. If you ask for forgiveness and for Jesus Christ to come into your heart. He will transform your heart and give you a new one.”

The leader replied, “He really can do that?”

I said, “Yeah man, he can give you a new heart.”

The leader then said, “If God can forgive all my sins, I want to give my heart to God.”

This was all that was needed to inspire the entire gang to want to give their hearts to the Lord. The leader said, “What a way to honor our best friend who died right here at this spot.”

I said, “I got to pray with Frederick at our last encounter. He was very close at making a decision to give his heart to Jesus then but he didn’t do it. But who knows maybe he did it on his own.”

The leader replied, “The night before he was shot, on his bed I saw the Bible that you gave him. He had it open and highlighted John 3:16”

I said, “He gave his heart to Jesus Christ. For him to be reading that in bed and the fact he highlighted John 3:16. That is the reason why he gave his life just to protect you. I know he is with our King. You do not have to have me around. You can do all of this on your own whenever you decide. But just remember that tomorrow is never promised not even for me.”

The entire gang said, “We want to give our hearts to Jesus Christ right now. We are tired of this life.”

They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. It is sad that sometimes tragedies are the only thing that will get our attention. But when Frederick laid his life down for the leader, it changed the hearts of everyone in that gang. I am not sure how long it might have taken for this gang to commit to Jesus Christ if this tragedy didn’t occur. This is the fourth time that I have seen this gang. God knows how to use every circumstance to his advantage and it brought salvation to this gang. God gets the Glory and the Victory

Next week I am going to meet this gang with all their family members. I am sure they are going to have lots of questions that I will need to answer. It is our responsibility to disciple those whom we bring to Jesus Christ.

Life Sacrifice Salvation

It is Saturday again and God had me head to one of the parks in Commerce City Colorado. These are fairly nice parks but very few people use them because of the gangs that hang around them. There has been a lot of drive-by shootings lately in these areas. Parents are reluctant to take their children here to play. Before I arrived God had me stop and pick up donuts, cookies and chocolate milk. I was thinking with it being almost lunchtime that people normally eat lunch at this time. I checked my watch which said 12:30 PM. God then reinforced what he said, “Sonny, go and get the donuts. Just do it!” I quit questioning God and picked up the donuts.

When I arrived at the park, I noticed that there were a group of young men kneeling down and praying on the sidewalk. The gang I saw were part of the East Siders. I have personally never met this gang before. I did not understand what was happening and God has not revealed anything to me yet. God brought me here so I went over there to see what was going on. They were still praying as I came up to them. I kept quiet and didn’t say a word. The leader was now praying and said, “Lord, I have not prayed to you in a long time. We lost a good friend and brother two days ago. I had to tell their parents that he was shot. It is just eating my heart out. I do not know what else to say other than the fact I am sorry. It was my fault that it happened.”

The entire gang remained kneeling while he was praying. You could see their pistols on their bodies as they knelt there. God then said,  “Sonny, get on your knees. What are you doing by standing up?”

I knelt behind them and continued listening until he finished. When he said “Amen”, God said, “Sonny, you need to start praying now.”

I had no idea what I was going to say. But the minute I opened my mouth, God started giving me the words. I prayed, “Father, thank you for all these young men. I thank you for their lives. I thank you for those who are here that none of them got killed or hurt. They miss their friend and fellow gangster. I pray for the family that lost their son. I ask that you would intervene in their hearts and to tell all that are here that you love them. Lord, it’s nobody’s fault. The leader should not take this weight on himself. Other people have made choices that made this happen. I pray that you bring healing to this gang.”

At this moment, some of them started crying. I did not know of anything else to say but God said, “Sonny go and lay your hand on each one.” They all stayed kneeling as I began praying for each one that God would encourage them bless them and love them. After I finished praying for the gang I prayed with the leader. He began to cry. I was about to find out what happened.

I had already looked around where they were praying and noticed the dried blood on the sidewalk. The chalk marks were still there where a body laid. They were kneeling right on the spot where their friend died. I found out later that this man, Ricky, was the bodyguard and lost his life defending the leader. When the drive-by shooting occurred, Ricky immediately covered himself over the the leader while he pushed him down. This action prevented the bullets from striking the leader but the bullets struck him and killed him instead.

After hearing the story from the leader, I replied, “Jesus Christ gave his life for us. He rose again from the dead. God honored that and he also knows that Ricky gave his life for you. He was a noble man who loved you and protected you. He is now going to be standing before God. God saw what he did and it is not going to be in vain. I am sure that he embraced him. Whenever one gives his life for another man God will always honor that. There is no greater love than the love of sacrificing yourself for another.”

As I was saying this, the leader began crying so hard that he was beginning to sob. God said, “Sonny, reach out and hug him like he is your son.”

I held my arms out as I walked toward him. At first he had his arms hanging straight down as I reached around to hug him. Soon he raised his arms up and he began hugging me to. He continued to cry for about five minutes. All the rest of the gang was standing and watching. When I checked my surroundings, I could see another gang across the park. I did not know their identity either. When I was done hugging the leader, I asked the gang if they were hungry. One of the gang members immediately spoke up and said, “Boy, I sure could use some donuts and chocolate milk right now.”

I said, “Before I arrived here, God told me to get donuts and chocolate milk. Let’s go to my pickup and get them.”

I immediately put my tailgate down and started laying out the donuts and the drinks. But when I put the cups out they said, “We do not need cups. We just pass the jug around.” It is amazing how many times gangs never use the cups. They all pass the jugs around.

The leader then asked who I was. I told them my name and the ministry that I have reaching gangs and telling them that Jesus loves them. The leader replied, “Thanks for your prayer man. I don’t want to be a gangsters anymore. I feel it’s time to give my heart to Jesus Christ. Your prayer was so good. When you quoted Jeremiah 29:11, that really hit my heart. It meant so much to me. I am speaking for myself.” He then turned towards his men and said, “You guys have a choice to continue being gangsters or to give your hearts to Jesus Christ like I am going to do.”

There was a moment of silence. His men one by one said, “I want to go back to my family.”

I started praying for each one. One by one they began giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. After they did that, they began calling their families.

When the leader gave his heart to the Lord, a van pulled up. It was Ricky’s parents that were driving the van. The leader then said, “I need to see what they are going to say.”

Ricky’s parents came over to speak to the leader. They said, “We want to let you know that it is not your fault what happened to our son. It is definitely not your fault! We found out that he gave his life trying to protect you. So now we are going to have to adopt you as our son. If my son could give his life for you, now you are our son.” This brought peace to the leader and he began to cry.

The leader then said “I have just given my heart to Jesus Christ. We are not going to be gangsters anymore. We are going back to our families.”

Everybody there began exchanging contact information so they could get a hold of each other as they separated. The leader who had really never prayed until today had his heart touched by Jesus Christ. He now wanted to pray for me. The leader began sharing more of his past to me. He told me about when he was young and how his parents listened to Billy Graham as he grew up. He was a wonderful man. My problem was that I did not get along with my dad. I felt my dad was too strict for me and I did not want to follow his rules. That is the reason why I am out here. Now I am going to try to get back home. The leader pulled out his phone and called his parents. When he began speaking to his dad, his dad began crying. Other families kept coming to pick up their sons while the leader was still talking to his parents.

One parent asked, “You said that you gave your life to Jesus Christ?” The son replied, “Yes, that is true. It is time for me to change my life. I want a new purpose for my life. I do not want to do this anymore.” The parents and their son began crying together. There was a total of 19 men in this gang.

As the families continue coming I looked over to see what the other gang was up to. They just continued to watch as all the families began picking up their sons and taking them home.

After everyone left, I began to head over there to talk with them. When they saw me coming, they all jumped in their cars and left.

God gets the Glory and the Victory for what happened today.

That gang may have thought that they have gotten away from me but I know my King has plans for me to meet them in the near future. I will be there to make sure they hear the message of Jesus Christ.

Ghetto Cemetery Blessing

It is Saturday morning and I am heading back down to Denver. I was getting ready to turn at the King Soopers in the ghetto. God then said, “No, keep going straight.” I did not question what God said and continued to drive straight. I went two blocks when God had me turn right. As I began heading south, I was beginning to drive by a cemetery and I noticed two families out there in the middle of the cemetery. God then said, “That is them.”

Now this really caught me off guard. It was hard to believe that someone would be praying for food in the cemetery. God knew that I was beginning to doubt him and said again, “It is them! Get going!”

I turned at the entrance of the cemetery and made sure that my music was not playing on the outside speakers. The families were knelt down in the gravel and snow praying. When I parked near them, they never even looked up. I waited until they stopped praying before I went up to them. When they finished praying they immediately looked in the direction where I parked. I grabbed my Bible and got out of my pickup. I then began walking towards them. The first thing I did was introduce myself. I said, “Good morning. God brought me here because he wants to answer your prayers.”

They then asked, “How do you know our prayers? Do you know what we were praying for?”

I replied, “No, but God does. So, why are you guys here?”

They said, “Our mom and dad are right here. We are brothers. Our parents had the biggest faith ever. We are not praying to them but we were praying that God would give us the faith our parents had. A lot of us do not look at faith as a ministry or part of religion. We think faith is what we are going to get today. It is up to God what else we are going to get.”

I said, “We have to continue to walk by faith and not by sight. If you look around, all these people here are not with us anymore. So they cannot make any choices. They either had a choice to walk by faith and not by sight or just to walk by sight. I walk by faith and not by sight. If I would walk by sight, I would be running all the time because of all the pistols that are pointed at me from the gangs .”

They exclaimed, “Really!”

I said, “I minister to gangs all over the United States. This is God’s ministry and he gets all the Glory for that. The other ministry God is having us do, was started by Blue Mustang to help families. I bet you are praying that God would give you a miracle in your finances so you could buy groceries. You guys are struggling right now. Both of you haven’t worked for a long time because the companies are not open still or they sold out.”

One said, “I was there for 19 years. My brother was there for 21 years. They sold out because of covid. Now we are all out of jobs.”

I then asked, “So you were praying for the same faith as your parents?”

They replied, “Yeah, we need faith. We need to keep our heads up. When God is calling us out, we want to walk it in faith. We do not want to look around and ask the question ‘Why do we want to do that?'”

I said “Your faith and prayer is the reason why I am here.”

One of the husbands asked, “So God brought you here to help us?”

I explained, “God did bring me here but Blue Mustang started this ministry. God has blessed him so that he can give money to help families. He does not like to see families struggling to buy food.”

The one husband’s daughter, Samantha, asked, “Blue Mustang! That is a car, right! How is it that a car can talk to you?” I began to chuckle as she responded to what I said. I am glad that God has a sense of humor. I think he enjoys kids asking questions and the excitement it brings to them.

I replied, “The Latino gang gave him that name. He is a Godly man that God has blessed so he can bless families that need food. You are chosen today to be blessed by God.”

Both of the wives began crying. (This is interesting – the wives are sisters while the husbands are brothers. They met at a Christian party. They all hit it off and became families.)

The brothers then said “We do miss our parents greatly. They taught us that we need to have that strong faith and to walk in it.”

Samantha asked, “Does that mean that I get to have double stuffed Oreo cookies today?”

I confirmed that she could.

She then said, “Can we go to the store now, because I am hungry?”

I know she was being truthful because they were all very hungry.

The wife, Linda, asked, “How much did Blue Mustang give us?”

I replied, “He gives $140 to each family.”

Linda said, “That will help us tremendously. We have filed for unemployment but we will not get paid until next week. We need to go by groceries right now.”

I said “There is a King Soopers right down the road from here.”

Linda replied, “Yes, I know exactly where it is. We live just nine blocks from it.”

I then gave them my ministry cards and the money. When I laid the money in their hands, they began crying and hugging me. They then prayed over Blue Mustang and me. I then prayed over each family.

Lisa then said, “I know that this is all from God. Why would anyone ever want to stop by a cemetery? People usually come here to put down flowers and to remember friends and family. People do not want to interfere while they are doing that. We are grateful God told you to come here.”

I said, “You are right. You were chosen by God because you were hungry. Your faith is the reason why I am here. The second reason is Blue Mustang’s wanting to bless families. Blue Mustang puts his faith in God knowing that God will always provide.”

Samantha exclaimed, “Why he is just like Santa Claus. But he is a Christian Santa Claus.” Samantha then looked me in the eyes and asked, “Do you want to go shopping with us?”

These kids are so cute and it is very difficult to say no to that. I confirmed to her that I would go to the store with her.

Her brother, Jerome, was looking at my pickup. He then said, “That is a cool monster truck.”

I said, “Maybe you should ask your dad if you can come with me to the store in my truck. I can follow the rest to your family to King Soopers.”

Jerome said, “That would be cool!”

His dad was all over that and said, “Let us get into your truck and go.”

They saw my stereo system and asked if I could play “Mercy Me – I Can Only Imagine”. I started the song playing. Then I flipped the switch to turn the outside speakers on. They were totally blown away by the sound that my stereo could make. I continued following the rest of the family to the store.

When we walked into the store, the manager was watching us. He began shaking his head as he began to realize what I was up to. Samantha took off running heading for the cookie aisle. She’s still had a hold of my hand and would not let go. I was being towed to the cookie aisle. Meanwhile, the manager went over and had a group huddle with all the kids that worked at the store. Because the store is in a dangerous part of town, it is not real busy in the morning so they could do that.

Samantha with cookies in hand then wanted to go get milk. But her mom, Julianna, said, “This is not the time to do that. We should wait till the end.”

I noticed that two of the girl employees each had a cart they were pushing. They were following close behind us and it appeared to me they were putting in similar items that we were getting. I found out later that the manager did tell those two girls to duplicate the things that these families were picking out. Both of the girls continued talking to each other trying not to make it obvious. The families were so excited to be able to get groceries that they were not paying any attention at all. One thing I did notice when they walked by the meat area they grab these huge tubes of hamburger for each of the families. These families both had plans of grilling cheeseburgers together after they finished shopping. Each family calculated everything they had in their cart to make sure they did not go over. The family split up and went into two different checkout lanes.

The girls that were following us did the same thing. They split up and went into their separate lanes behind the families. One dad turned around and looked at the girls cart behind him. He then turned around and looked at his own cart. He turned around again and looked back at the girl saying, “You have everything that we have in our carts.”

Leroy then said, “Wow! Look at that, sweetheart.”

Linda turned around to and said, “You do have everything that we have. Why this sure is funny!”

The other family noticed the same thing. Each family began putting their groceries on the conveyor belt. The girls did the same and mixed their stuff with the family’s. Leroy said, “No, that is your stuff.”

Each girl said, “No, our manager told us to duplicate everything that you picked out. He wanted to double everything that you had.”

Leroy then replied, “We cannot afford that!”

While they were debating what just happened, the cashier continued totaling everything up. The manager then put his card in and paid for everything. He went over to the other family’s bill and did the same thing as they watched. Both of these families began to cry as they witnessed this amazing miracle.

Samantha went over to the manager and gave him a big hug and said, “Thank you for blessing us. We sure could use it.”

The manager then pulled out two $50 gift cards to help them out with gas.

The family’s children began thanking God by saying, “If we had not prayed this morning nothing would’ve happened. If Blue Mustang would not have helped us, we never would’ve come here. Sonny in turn would not have brought the gift from Blue Mustang. We stepped out in faith and God took care of us.”

Their little son Billy then said, “Don’t forget about Blue Mustang. He is a car.”

I noticed that Billy had in his possession the hotdog buns. The only time he let go of them was to scan them then he immediately grabbed them back and continued to hold them. He loves hot dogs. He said, “I am going to hold onto the hotdog buns no matter what.”

This store is blessed because they are givers. It is in that part of town where if I was not called to go there, I would not go. If you look out in the parking lot, you can see drug dealers, pimps, and even child traffickers. These kids grow up here while all this is going on. Knowing the Lord is a plus because his word does tell us that he will protect us if we serve him. The sisters came to the cemetery because they remembered how much faith their parents exhibited. They asked God to give them the same faith their parents had. They knew that faith was important in order to please God.

The families then left the store. They picked up a gallon of ice cream and chocolate syrup. They were going to have ice cream after they ate their cheeseburgers.

The last words that they shared with me was from Samantha. She said, “We have learned today to walk by faith not by sight. God blessed us because of that.” That little girl left me inspired as everybody went their separate ways. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

Another Isaiah 41:10 Blessing

It was Saturday morning and I just finished eating breakfast with Blue Mustang. I started heading towards the ghetto in Denver to find some more families to bless. God has been taking me there lately. As I was getting closer to my destination, God said, “Sonny, turn around. I have families praying for food some place else.”

I was starting to fall in love with the people at the ghetto and I was looking forward to speaking with them again. But God continued, “No, I have some other people that need you.” He had me heading west. I had no idea where I was going. I drove for a few minutes then he had me turn right which entered into another King Soopers store. The ghetto is real close to this store but you can tell things are a lot better around here. I still think that my King has me stop at King Soopers stores just because he likes that word King. As everybody knows he’s the King of all kings. Blue Mustang also has mentioned to me that we always eat at Burger King for breakfast. We just enjoy eating there immensely plus everything is so much cheaper. Everyone knows us there and we get great service.

I entered into the parking lot and I stopped and waited. Soon all kinds of people started showing up to go grocery shopping. It was humanly impossible to find who I was to bless so I told, “God, there are just too many people here. You are going to have to bring them to my pickup.” I began looking for grocery lists. But it seemed like everybody had one of those in their hands so I knew that wouldn’t work either. I repeated, “God, just bring them to me.” I then sat back in my seat and closed my eyes. Since my eyes were going to be closed I said, “God, just let them knock on my door while I’m resting.” I did not have my eyes closed very long when I heard this knocking on my passenger door. I looked over to my passenger side and noticed a younger teenage girl standing there. I rolled my window down to talk to her.

She then said, “At my grandma’s house she had somebody paint the verse Isaiah 41:10, that you have written on your door, on her wall. For you to have that verse on your door, God answered our prayer. When we were praying this morning needing a miracle today.”

I then asked, “What is your name?”

She replied, “My name is Elizabeth.”

I then asked, “Who brought you to King Soopers today?”

She replied, “It was God. In order to get something you have to go wherever it is. That is what my mom and dad always say and that is the reason why we are here. We have been here praying for 45 minutes already. I got out of the van because I was tired of just sitting there in one spot and wanted to go for a walk. I happened to walk by your pickup and saw that verse on your door. I have already called my parents and told them about the verse you have on your door.”

When her parents got here they asked me about what their daughter had already shared with me.

I then said, “God gave me that verse because I minister to gangs. It says fear not because I am with you. That verse says it all. God had me put that verse on my door as a reminder not only to me but even for those that pull up beside me at a red light.” I paused a second then asked, “So you came here because you need a miracle?”

She replied, “Yes, we definitely do need a miracle. My husband lost his job because the company he worked for shut their doors because of covid. Nobody wanted to come to work because of fear. We have to wait on finances until my husband gets a different job. We are hungry and we could use some groceries. God said for us to come here because the miracle was going to be here.”

I said, “Well let me tell you about Blue Mustang…” As usual I was interrupted by her young daughter who exclaimed, “Blue Mustang!” I then looked at her knowing that her parents were still listening and said, “Blue Mustang has a ministry that blesses families so they can buy groceries.”

Her parents replied, “Anything will help that will get us something to eat even if it is five dollars.”

I said, “He gives $140 per family. I know that’s a lot of money to some people. Some people may think that’s not very much.”

The wife quickly said, “That is a lot of money. We could buy a lot of groceries with that.”

I said, “God is faithful and he heard your prayers. You came here because God brought you here. You need to be where the food is at. God sent me here to bless you. I go where God sends me and Blue Mustang gives me money so you are able to buy groceries. God put that in his heart and it is a huge ministry. It’s entirely to bless families.”

The wife asked, “Can I call my sister? They need groceries to.”

I said, “Of course; go ahead and call them.”

She shared with me that her sister wasn’t really a Christian. They were both brought up in church but her sister has walked away from it.

I then said, “When you call her, ask her if she would like to receive a miracle today. God has provided one. But it was entirely from God. Tell her you had nothing to do with it.”

She then walked away and called her. I began talking to her kids as she made the call. Their 14-year-old son Josiah asked, “Is that what you do all day is go to King Soopers stores and wait for somebody to show up so you can bless them with money from Blue Mustang?”

I replied, “No, I just do that Saturday mornings. That is when God opens the window from his kingdom to bless people with money to buy food.”

Josiah then asked, “What do you do the rest of the day?”

I said, “I minister to gangs in the city and the United States”.

Josiah exclaimed, “Boy, that would be dangerous!” I confirmed that it can be. He then said “That really is walking by faith and not by sight.”

I replied, “That is true. If I walked by sight, I would probably run when I would see all of them pistols pointing at me. But faith keeps me on the path to share the message of Jesus Christ with these gangs. Without faith in God, I would not be able to do this ministry at all. Even with faith it is still tough to see pistols pointing at me all the time.”

Josiah then said, “I need to pray for you.” Josiah then laid his hand on my heart and began praying over me. He prayed, “Lord, I pray that no harm comes to this man. I see the scars on him. Lord, you are the healer and protector. Continue to protect Sonny wherever he goes. Prepare those hearts of those young men that are broken in Jesus name. Amen.”

I began crying after he prayed that word over me. I then shared with him, “Blue Mustang prayed almost the same prayer two months ago. I would get hit a lot every weekend. They would hit me with bats and their fists. Some would body slam me into the ground. But since he prayed for me specifically that I would not get injured, I have not been touched. This is proof God’s answers prayer.”

Josiah exclaimed, “Amen, that is a miracle.”

Josiah was on fire with excitement. Josiah’s mom, Nancy, came back from her phone call with her sister. She said, “My sister is on her way with her family.”

It wasn’t long and her sister Lisa showed up. Lisa got out of her car and began to question me right away. She exclaimed, “So let me get this right.”

Lisa’s husband interrupted her conversation and said “Be careful how you speak to this man. You can tell he is a Godly man. Just be thankful and grateful.”

Lisa said “All right I can do that.” She then looked at me and asked, “So you go where God sends you with money from Blue Mustang so families can buy groceries?”

I replied, “Yes, you are right. God blesses Blue Mustang. He in turn provides the money to give to families that are hungry. God then sends me to the store where these families are waiting. God does it all.”

Lisa then said, “My sister said she has been here 45 minutes already.”

I replied, “That is true too. Normally, I go to the King Soopers east of here. That is where God has been sending me lately. But today he wanted me to come here.”

Lisa then shared, “I used to pray a lot. But since my mom died of cancer, I have been mad at God.”

I said, “You know what? It wasn’t because of God that she died. God did not create cancer. He had no part of that but he is the healer. We all only live so long and eventually we get to go and see the King. Tomorrow is never promised not even for me. So don’t blame God for the cancer that took your mom. It was time for your mom to go see God. So don’t blame God because He did not do that.”

Lisa began crying. She asked, “Will you pray for me because I need my heart restored back to Christ. I need a fresh anointing from God.”

Elizabeth came over and started praying for her aunt for that fresh anointing. Lisa then exclaimed, “I am going to serve God from this day forward no matter what. No matter what my circumstances are I am going to continue serving him.”

I began thinking that this ministry God has us doing is not only to bless people with money to buy groceries but many times it is dealing with the salvation of people and the strengthening of their faith. Many times their faith is at a dim point in their life. God wants to restore that faith by encouraging them. This ministry of God has many purposes and I am lucky enough to get to see it all happen as He brings everything together.

Lisa then came to me and said “I want to rededicate my heart to Jesus Christ.” Nancy came up to her and started praying with her. Lisa’s husband, Leroy, began crying as he watched his wife rededicate her life to Jesus Christ. Josiah went up and hugged his uncle as he continued to cry. This moment of celebration of Lisa re-dedicating her heart to Jesus Christ became a tearful celebration for all the families. As things begin to settle down, I reached into my wallet and handed $140 to each family. Both families just looked at me with their mouth open and said “This is a lot of money.” I just love it when God gives money to people who really appreciate it. Both families began to make a grocery list of the things they needed.

While they were making their lists, I noticed three girls who looked just like cheerleaders coming out of the store with three grocery carts. They come up to us and said, “We are looking for some volunteers. We are looking for two families.”

Both families had a puzzled look and asked, “What do you want us to volunteer for?”

The girls replied, “To take gift cards.”

The families began to laugh and said, “You are really looking for volunteers to take a gift card?”

One of the teenagers said, “Yes, every Saturday we give three $100 gift cards to people who are looking for help.” This definitely caught the families off guard because they have never heard anything like this before but they did take them up on their offer.

All the teenagers then asked, “We would love to pray for you first before we give them to you.”

When these teenage girls started praying for those families you could tell they do this quite often. Their prayers were beautiful to listen to. After they finished praying for the families they prayed for me and God’s ministries that I am involved in.

One of the teenage girls was amazed with what I was doing and asked, “So you minister to all the gangs here in the city?” I confirm that I did. She then exclaimed, “And you are still alive?”

The way she said that made me laugh. I then shared with her the prayer that Blue Mustang gave me a couple months ago.

She then exclaimed, “Blue Mustang, that is sure a cool name. I just love it.”

I then shared with her the details on how he got that name from the Latinos. She paused with an inquisitive look and said, “The Latinos, would that happened to be Lorenzo?”

I then asked, “How in the world do you know Lorenzo?”

She said, “They come here to buy their groceries from time to time. They were always trying to pick us up and get us to go with them. Then one day he apologized to us and said we are not going to try to pick you up anymore. We are going to change our lives.”

This did not surprise me one bit. I have been watching the Holy Spirit changed his heart all of the time I’ve been bringing the message of Jesus Christ to him.

The families began calling their families and telling them how they got blessed today. They began sharing how they received $140 then another hundred dollars. We now have $240 to spend on groceries. The teenagers still had another hundred dollars gift card to give away and asked if the families needed it.

Lisa said, “No, I am sure there is someone out there right now who is struggling. We need to give that gift card to them.”

The teenager said “No problem” and put the card back into her pocket. At this moment we all began going into the store and doing some shopping. The families they called started showing up while we were in the store. The families were all curious and wanted to meet me. Many had prayer requests of things they wanted me to pray for. The teenagers then asked if any of these families that showed up needed a gift card. They also confirmed that they were doing well and it should be given to somebody who is really in need. The families were embarrassed because they did not realize that their sisters families were in such need. They agreed that they needed to communicate with each other more often and agreed they are going to take care of them from now on.

One teenager began praying for some of the families that rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ. The manager then walks by and asked, “Are you girls praying for more people?” They confirmed that they were and the manager then said, “You just keep at it. I know that we are paid to work at King Soopers but we also are to serve God. You continue to pray for them with whatever it takes.”

The teenager then shared with the manager what they had already done.

The manager said “This is amazing. God is faithful.” and then walked away. After everybody went through the checkout, the manager ended up paying for everyone’s bill. So now the miracles continue to multiply. The families have their groceries paid for and they still have $240. I know these families and they are not going to go out to waste the money. They will either put gas in their vehicles or they will be buying more groceries.

A couple days later they called me and said, “We took Blue Mustang’s money and those gift cards and went back to the grocery store. This time we bought some of the things we wanted not necessarily the things that we needed. We all wanted some ice cream and cookies.”

There is a lot of good things that happened this week. The families received a blessing and the people who gave got blessed also. The faith of the families is restored. God gets the Glory and the Victory. I am excited to see what the King of Kings has planned for next week.

Commerce City Gangs Get Saved

It was going to be a beautiful Saturday. God had me go to Commerce City, Colorado. He knew that there were going to be some gangs hanging out there today. When I arrived at the park, I could see Regi’s gang there and they were having a good time. A second gang showed up shortly. Their arrival started changing everything. They stopped what they were doing and began looking at each other. Gangs all have their territories and another gang will not be tolerated. It really looked like they were about ready to go at each other’s throats. I then asked, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”

There was a wide sidewalk down the middle the park so I decided I was going to drive my pickup on that sidewalk right down the middle of them. God has trained me well in what to do in this situation. I always get in trouble for doing this but no one was in sight to do anything about it. It is interesting when the pistols come out they all run away and they stay away until the gangs leave. They never act tough around the gangs. I have never received a ticket but I always get the same message, “Sonny, you need to get your pickup off the grass and park on the street.”

When my pickup came to a complete stop, I jumped out and started getting all the food and drinks out and putting them on my tailgate. Both gangs were caught off guard and they were surprised. They asked, “What are you doing man? We don’t get it!”

I then replied, “Are you guys about ready to fight?” They confirmed they were. I then said, “Let us have breakfast first before you fight.”

The gangs then exclaimed, “Are you kidding me? Who do you think you are?”

I said, “My name is Sonny.”

When I mentioned my name, the other gang leader exclaimed, “You’re that guy that witnesses to gangs about Jesus Christ. We just don’t want to hear any of that right now.”

I said, “Still, I did bring breakfast and the food is getting cold.”

They began to look over the food and said, “Breakfast burritos?” I confirmed I had those.

One kid then asked, “Do you have any cereal?”

I said, “Yes, I have Captain Crunch cereal which is my favorite.”

He then politely asked, “Could I have some?” and I confirmed that it would be great. I pulled the bowls out and the bottled milk. Then I reached for my box of Captain Crunch cereal. A lot of the guys went for the cereal over the burritos.

I then said, “God knew you were hungry and he sent me here to serve you guys and to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you.”

They couldn’t argue with me at this moment because they all had food in their mouths. I then read John 3:16 to them.

Some of them were beginning to get irritated and exclaimed, “Dude, would you just stop talking about Jesus!”

“No,” I replied, “I am not allowed to do that. I was sent for a specific purpose of telling you He loves you. That is the only reason why I am here. Jesus wants to show you that you have a new purpose in life. What you are doing now is not what God wants. He created you for His Glory and Kingdom, not for yours. God wants to bring healing to you and to your hearts.”

One gang member then said, “You know nothing about my heart.”

After he finished speaking, two young boys snuck up behind me. I found out their names were Isaiah and Lucas. They were both riding bicycles and pulling wagons. I looked at them and I was just about ready to tell them that they should leave right now.

I said to myself, “These boys don’t realize who these guys are. These are gangsters that I am with.” I then looked in the back of their wagon and noticed that they had literature in them. The boys then said, “We are here to pass these out. They tell you how much Jesus loves you. You guys all have parents and I know that they miss you.”

As they started handing them out they said, “Just read them anytime you want.” I looked at the pamphlet and on the front it said, “How to accept Jesus Christ?” They continued to hand the pamphlets out to every gang member. Each man took one. They immediately put them in their pockets. None of them read them right away.

Isaiah grabbed one of the pamphlets and opened it. He said, “I want to read one of the verses that is in the pamphlet.” He began reading John 3:16 to them. He read further and quoted Jeremiah 29:11 to the gangs. Lucas picked a pamphlet and read Matthew 6:33 to them.

These boys appeared to have come from nowhere. Now they are beginning to preach to both of these gangs. They started telling them how God wants them to go back to their families and to forgive their parents. They also said they should also ask for forgiveness for the things they have done. Isaiah finished up saying, “We both have warm beds and parents who love us. I know that your parents love you too. You should go back home because that is where God wants you to be. Not out here on the streets.”

Finally Regi said “We have had enough. You two boys, leave now.”

Regi’s right hand man said, “These boys are making lots of sense. Just like Sonny said, I bet our families do miss us. Our parents probably are crying for us every day because we are not there. I need to ask my parents for forgiveness because I was a jerk. I was mean to my parents. They were just trying to guide me the right way. I thought I had too many boundaries and too many rules so I decided to leave. Look at where I’m at right now. Maybe I should call them and talk to them.”

Lucas said, “You won’t regret it. Your dad and your mom both love you. You should call them. Let us pray for you before we leave.”

God told me to be quiet and just listen to these boys speak. Many times God tells me to just listen. Lucas started praying for him. He definitely was a praying machine. He continued praying for the gang’s salvation and that God would protect them. I was totally amazed on how the Holy Spirit was giving him insight into every gang member as he prayed over them. He would say things like “Your sister cries and prays over you every night.” These are things only the Holy Spirit would know. I followed each boy around not necessarily protecting them but to give them support as they prayed. After they finished praying for all the gangs, they prayed over me.

I asked Isaiah and Lucas if they were hungry. I then told them I had Captain Crunch cereal and pretty spicy breakfast burritos.

Lucas said, “I never had a homemade burrito before.”

Isaiah asked, “Do you have a Dr. Pepper?” I told him that I had one and he gladly took it from me.

I finally noticed that their parents were on the edge of the park using binoculars to watch over their sons. They were standing with four other couples. They were all praying over these two because God has called them to be out on the street handing out these pamphlets. They do this every weekend. The parents believe God wants their son’s to do this and they are going to take them wherever they need to go.

I watched the boys as they went back to the van. Their parents prayed over them. I saw one of the boys signaling to his mom and dad as he was pointing to his throat. He was chugging that Dr. Pepper trying to get the burning sensation of the burrito out of his throat.

Both gangs watched as the boys left. They then asked, “Are those boys with you?”

I replied, “No they are not. God brought them here today to show you who He is. Those boys were speaking life into you guys.”

One gang member said, “When he prayed for my step sister like he did, it pierced my heart.”

Another one said, “He prayed for my sister and told me that she was worried sick over me.”

They all began thinking about what each man was saying. They all reached for their phones and began calling home. In 30 to 40 minutes, cars began to show up. They were all family members coming to pick up their sons. Before they had a chance to leave, I said, “Do you want your names written in the Lamb’s book of life. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised not even for me.” I then pointed towards the street and asked, “Did you guys notice that three other gangs have been driving around the park observing what has been going on. They did not do any drive-by shootings because God has been protecting you.”

Regi said, “I am tired of being a leader. I am always worried that we are going to get shot. If that would happen, I would not be able to see my mom and dad again. You are right. I am done.” He then looked at his men and said, “If you guys want to be gangsters go ahead but I am going home.”

He then picked up his phone and called his dad. He has not spoken with his dad in four years. As he spoke to his dad Regi began crying right away. He had his phone on speaker and I could hear his dad speak. He asked, “Are you crying Regi?”

Regi replied, “Dad forgive me for the things I did to you. I am sorry.”

His dad was so excited speaking to his son. He asked, “Where you at? We are coming for you.”

I could not count all the people that showed up. All kinds of family members were so grateful to be able to see their sons again. After all the gang members gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, the parents saw the change in their sons hearts. They wanted what their sons had and they were ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Many of the sons brought their parents over to me to pray over them after they convinced there parents they needed to accept Jesus Christ. I prayed over them for their salvation. Everything that happened today was so beautiful. I was here at this park over 4 1/2 hours watching while God used his servants to bring the message of salvation to these gang members and their families.

Many of the families called me the next week and let me know that the boys are trying to get their GED’s, counseling and whatever they needed to do for their new life in Jesus Christ. I told them all to call me if they needed help. My job is to disciple them and to make sure they continue on their path of serving Jesus Christ. I’m not sure if those little boys realized how dangerous those gang members were but I am beginning to think that they did not see gang members. What they saw were broken hearts. And they truly must understand their calling and that God will protect them until their ministry is finished. God has been using other people to bring salvation to the gangs. It not only brings courage to them but it keeps me humble when they do my job for me.