Another Isaiah 41:10 Blessing

It was Saturday morning and I just finished eating breakfast with Blue Mustang. I started heading towards the ghetto in Denver to find some more families to bless. God has been taking me there lately. As I was getting closer to my destination, God said, “Sonny, turn around. I have families praying for food some place else.”

I was starting to fall in love with the people at the ghetto and I was looking forward to speaking with them again. But God continued, “No, I have some other people that need you.” He had me heading west. I had no idea where I was going. I drove for a few minutes then he had me turn right which entered into another King Soopers store. The ghetto is real close to this store but you can tell things are a lot better around here. I still think that my King has me stop at King Soopers stores just because he likes that word King. As everybody knows he’s the King of all kings. Blue Mustang also has mentioned to me that we always eat at Burger King for breakfast. We just enjoy eating there immensely plus everything is so much cheaper. Everyone knows us there and we get great service.

I entered into the parking lot and I stopped and waited. Soon all kinds of people started showing up to go grocery shopping. It was humanly impossible to find who I was to bless so I told, “God, there are just too many people here. You are going to have to bring them to my pickup.” I began looking for grocery lists. But it seemed like everybody had one of those in their hands so I knew that wouldn’t work either. I repeated, “God, just bring them to me.” I then sat back in my seat and closed my eyes. Since my eyes were going to be closed I said, “God, just let them knock on my door while I’m resting.” I did not have my eyes closed very long when I heard this knocking on my passenger door. I looked over to my passenger side and noticed a younger teenage girl standing there. I rolled my window down to talk to her.

She then said, “At my grandma’s house she had somebody paint the verse Isaiah 41:10, that you have written on your door, on her wall. For you to have that verse on your door, God answered our prayer. When we were praying this morning needing a miracle today.”

I then asked, “What is your name?”

She replied, “My name is Elizabeth.”

I then asked, “Who brought you to King Soopers today?”

She replied, “It was God. In order to get something you have to go wherever it is. That is what my mom and dad always say and that is the reason why we are here. We have been here praying for 45 minutes already. I got out of the van because I was tired of just sitting there in one spot and wanted to go for a walk. I happened to walk by your pickup and saw that verse on your door. I have already called my parents and told them about the verse you have on your door.”

When her parents got here they asked me about what their daughter had already shared with me.

I then said, “God gave me that verse because I minister to gangs. It says fear not because I am with you. That verse says it all. God had me put that verse on my door as a reminder not only to me but even for those that pull up beside me at a red light.” I paused a second then asked, “So you came here because you need a miracle?”

She replied, “Yes, we definitely do need a miracle. My husband lost his job because the company he worked for shut their doors because of covid. Nobody wanted to come to work because of fear. We have to wait on finances until my husband gets a different job. We are hungry and we could use some groceries. God said for us to come here because the miracle was going to be here.”

I said, “Well let me tell you about Blue Mustang…” As usual I was interrupted by her young daughter who exclaimed, “Blue Mustang!” I then looked at her knowing that her parents were still listening and said, “Blue Mustang has a ministry that blesses families so they can buy groceries.”

Her parents replied, “Anything will help that will get us something to eat even if it is five dollars.”

I said, “He gives $140 per family. I know that’s a lot of money to some people. Some people may think that’s not very much.”

The wife quickly said, “That is a lot of money. We could buy a lot of groceries with that.”

I said, “God is faithful and he heard your prayers. You came here because God brought you here. You need to be where the food is at. God sent me here to bless you. I go where God sends me and Blue Mustang gives me money so you are able to buy groceries. God put that in his heart and it is a huge ministry. It’s entirely to bless families.”

The wife asked, “Can I call my sister? They need groceries to.”

I said, “Of course; go ahead and call them.”

She shared with me that her sister wasn’t really a Christian. They were both brought up in church but her sister has walked away from it.

I then said, “When you call her, ask her if she would like to receive a miracle today. God has provided one. But it was entirely from God. Tell her you had nothing to do with it.”

She then walked away and called her. I began talking to her kids as she made the call. Their 14-year-old son Josiah asked, “Is that what you do all day is go to King Soopers stores and wait for somebody to show up so you can bless them with money from Blue Mustang?”

I replied, “No, I just do that Saturday mornings. That is when God opens the window from his kingdom to bless people with money to buy food.”

Josiah then asked, “What do you do the rest of the day?”

I said, “I minister to gangs in the city and the United States”.

Josiah exclaimed, “Boy, that would be dangerous!” I confirmed that it can be. He then said “That really is walking by faith and not by sight.”

I replied, “That is true. If I walked by sight, I would probably run when I would see all of them pistols pointing at me. But faith keeps me on the path to share the message of Jesus Christ with these gangs. Without faith in God, I would not be able to do this ministry at all. Even with faith it is still tough to see pistols pointing at me all the time.”

Josiah then said, “I need to pray for you.” Josiah then laid his hand on my heart and began praying over me. He prayed, “Lord, I pray that no harm comes to this man. I see the scars on him. Lord, you are the healer and protector. Continue to protect Sonny wherever he goes. Prepare those hearts of those young men that are broken in Jesus name. Amen.”

I began crying after he prayed that word over me. I then shared with him, “Blue Mustang prayed almost the same prayer two months ago. I would get hit a lot every weekend. They would hit me with bats and their fists. Some would body slam me into the ground. But since he prayed for me specifically that I would not get injured, I have not been touched. This is proof God’s answers prayer.”

Josiah exclaimed, “Amen, that is a miracle.”

Josiah was on fire with excitement. Josiah’s mom, Nancy, came back from her phone call with her sister. She said, “My sister is on her way with her family.”

It wasn’t long and her sister Lisa showed up. Lisa got out of her car and began to question me right away. She exclaimed, “So let me get this right.”

Lisa’s husband interrupted her conversation and said “Be careful how you speak to this man. You can tell he is a Godly man. Just be thankful and grateful.”

Lisa said “All right I can do that.” She then looked at me and asked, “So you go where God sends you with money from Blue Mustang so families can buy groceries?”

I replied, “Yes, you are right. God blesses Blue Mustang. He in turn provides the money to give to families that are hungry. God then sends me to the store where these families are waiting. God does it all.”

Lisa then said, “My sister said she has been here 45 minutes already.”

I replied, “That is true too. Normally, I go to the King Soopers east of here. That is where God has been sending me lately. But today he wanted me to come here.”

Lisa then shared, “I used to pray a lot. But since my mom died of cancer, I have been mad at God.”

I said, “You know what? It wasn’t because of God that she died. God did not create cancer. He had no part of that but he is the healer. We all only live so long and eventually we get to go and see the King. Tomorrow is never promised not even for me. So don’t blame God for the cancer that took your mom. It was time for your mom to go see God. So don’t blame God because He did not do that.”

Lisa began crying. She asked, “Will you pray for me because I need my heart restored back to Christ. I need a fresh anointing from God.”

Elizabeth came over and started praying for her aunt for that fresh anointing. Lisa then exclaimed, “I am going to serve God from this day forward no matter what. No matter what my circumstances are I am going to continue serving him.”

I began thinking that this ministry God has us doing is not only to bless people with money to buy groceries but many times it is dealing with the salvation of people and the strengthening of their faith. Many times their faith is at a dim point in their life. God wants to restore that faith by encouraging them. This ministry of God has many purposes and I am lucky enough to get to see it all happen as He brings everything together.

Lisa then came to me and said “I want to rededicate my heart to Jesus Christ.” Nancy came up to her and started praying with her. Lisa’s husband, Leroy, began crying as he watched his wife rededicate her life to Jesus Christ. Josiah went up and hugged his uncle as he continued to cry. This moment of celebration of Lisa re-dedicating her heart to Jesus Christ became a tearful celebration for all the families. As things begin to settle down, I reached into my wallet and handed $140 to each family. Both families just looked at me with their mouth open and said “This is a lot of money.” I just love it when God gives money to people who really appreciate it. Both families began to make a grocery list of the things they needed.

While they were making their lists, I noticed three girls who looked just like cheerleaders coming out of the store with three grocery carts. They come up to us and said, “We are looking for some volunteers. We are looking for two families.”

Both families had a puzzled look and asked, “What do you want us to volunteer for?”

The girls replied, “To take gift cards.”

The families began to laugh and said, “You are really looking for volunteers to take a gift card?”

One of the teenagers said, “Yes, every Saturday we give three $100 gift cards to people who are looking for help.” This definitely caught the families off guard because they have never heard anything like this before but they did take them up on their offer.

All the teenagers then asked, “We would love to pray for you first before we give them to you.”

When these teenage girls started praying for those families you could tell they do this quite often. Their prayers were beautiful to listen to. After they finished praying for the families they prayed for me and God’s ministries that I am involved in.

One of the teenage girls was amazed with what I was doing and asked, “So you minister to all the gangs here in the city?” I confirm that I did. She then exclaimed, “And you are still alive?”

The way she said that made me laugh. I then shared with her the prayer that Blue Mustang gave me a couple months ago.

She then exclaimed, “Blue Mustang, that is sure a cool name. I just love it.”

I then shared with her the details on how he got that name from the Latinos. She paused with an inquisitive look and said, “The Latinos, would that happened to be Lorenzo?”

I then asked, “How in the world do you know Lorenzo?”

She said, “They come here to buy their groceries from time to time. They were always trying to pick us up and get us to go with them. Then one day he apologized to us and said we are not going to try to pick you up anymore. We are going to change our lives.”

This did not surprise me one bit. I have been watching the Holy Spirit changed his heart all of the time I’ve been bringing the message of Jesus Christ to him.

The families began calling their families and telling them how they got blessed today. They began sharing how they received $140 then another hundred dollars. We now have $240 to spend on groceries. The teenagers still had another hundred dollars gift card to give away and asked if the families needed it.

Lisa said, “No, I am sure there is someone out there right now who is struggling. We need to give that gift card to them.”

The teenager said “No problem” and put the card back into her pocket. At this moment we all began going into the store and doing some shopping. The families they called started showing up while we were in the store. The families were all curious and wanted to meet me. Many had prayer requests of things they wanted me to pray for. The teenagers then asked if any of these families that showed up needed a gift card. They also confirmed that they were doing well and it should be given to somebody who is really in need. The families were embarrassed because they did not realize that their sisters families were in such need. They agreed that they needed to communicate with each other more often and agreed they are going to take care of them from now on.

One teenager began praying for some of the families that rededicated their hearts to Jesus Christ. The manager then walks by and asked, “Are you girls praying for more people?” They confirmed that they were and the manager then said, “You just keep at it. I know that we are paid to work at King Soopers but we also are to serve God. You continue to pray for them with whatever it takes.”

The teenager then shared with the manager what they had already done.

The manager said “This is amazing. God is faithful.” and then walked away. After everybody went through the checkout, the manager ended up paying for everyone’s bill. So now the miracles continue to multiply. The families have their groceries paid for and they still have $240. I know these families and they are not going to go out to waste the money. They will either put gas in their vehicles or they will be buying more groceries.

A couple days later they called me and said, “We took Blue Mustang’s money and those gift cards and went back to the grocery store. This time we bought some of the things we wanted not necessarily the things that we needed. We all wanted some ice cream and cookies.”

There is a lot of good things that happened this week. The families received a blessing and the people who gave got blessed also. The faith of the families is restored. God gets the Glory and the Victory. I am excited to see what the King of Kings has planned for next week.