Ghetto Cemetery Blessing

It is Saturday morning and I am heading back down to Denver. I was getting ready to turn at the King Soopers in the ghetto. God then said, “No, keep going straight.” I did not question what God said and continued to drive straight. I went two blocks when God had me turn right. As I began heading south, I was beginning to drive by a cemetery and I noticed two families out there in the middle of the cemetery. God then said, “That is them.”

Now this really caught me off guard. It was hard to believe that someone would be praying for food in the cemetery. God knew that I was beginning to doubt him and said again, “It is them! Get going!”

I turned at the entrance of the cemetery and made sure that my music was not playing on the outside speakers. The families were knelt down in the gravel and snow praying. When I parked near them, they never even looked up. I waited until they stopped praying before I went up to them. When they finished praying they immediately looked in the direction where I parked. I grabbed my Bible and got out of my pickup. I then began walking towards them. The first thing I did was introduce myself. I said, “Good morning. God brought me here because he wants to answer your prayers.”

They then asked, “How do you know our prayers? Do you know what we were praying for?”

I replied, “No, but God does. So, why are you guys here?”

They said, “Our mom and dad are right here. We are brothers. Our parents had the biggest faith ever. We are not praying to them but we were praying that God would give us the faith our parents had. A lot of us do not look at faith as a ministry or part of religion. We think faith is what we are going to get today. It is up to God what else we are going to get.”

I said, “We have to continue to walk by faith and not by sight. If you look around, all these people here are not with us anymore. So they cannot make any choices. They either had a choice to walk by faith and not by sight or just to walk by sight. I walk by faith and not by sight. If I would walk by sight, I would be running all the time because of all the pistols that are pointed at me from the gangs .”

They exclaimed, “Really!”

I said, “I minister to gangs all over the United States. This is God’s ministry and he gets all the Glory for that. The other ministry God is having us do, was started by Blue Mustang to help families. I bet you are praying that God would give you a miracle in your finances so you could buy groceries. You guys are struggling right now. Both of you haven’t worked for a long time because the companies are not open still or they sold out.”

One said, “I was there for 19 years. My brother was there for 21 years. They sold out because of covid. Now we are all out of jobs.”

I then asked, “So you were praying for the same faith as your parents?”

They replied, “Yeah, we need faith. We need to keep our heads up. When God is calling us out, we want to walk it in faith. We do not want to look around and ask the question ‘Why do we want to do that?'”

I said “Your faith and prayer is the reason why I am here.”

One of the husbands asked, “So God brought you here to help us?”

I explained, “God did bring me here but Blue Mustang started this ministry. God has blessed him so that he can give money to help families. He does not like to see families struggling to buy food.”

The one husband’s daughter, Samantha, asked, “Blue Mustang! That is a car, right! How is it that a car can talk to you?” I began to chuckle as she responded to what I said. I am glad that God has a sense of humor. I think he enjoys kids asking questions and the excitement it brings to them.

I replied, “The Latino gang gave him that name. He is a Godly man that God has blessed so he can bless families that need food. You are chosen today to be blessed by God.”

Both of the wives began crying. (This is interesting – the wives are sisters while the husbands are brothers. They met at a Christian party. They all hit it off and became families.)

The brothers then said “We do miss our parents greatly. They taught us that we need to have that strong faith and to walk in it.”

Samantha asked, “Does that mean that I get to have double stuffed Oreo cookies today?”

I confirmed that she could.

She then said, “Can we go to the store now, because I am hungry?”

I know she was being truthful because they were all very hungry.

The wife, Linda, asked, “How much did Blue Mustang give us?”

I replied, “He gives $140 to each family.”

Linda said, “That will help us tremendously. We have filed for unemployment but we will not get paid until next week. We need to go by groceries right now.”

I said “There is a King Soopers right down the road from here.”

Linda replied, “Yes, I know exactly where it is. We live just nine blocks from it.”

I then gave them my ministry cards and the money. When I laid the money in their hands, they began crying and hugging me. They then prayed over Blue Mustang and me. I then prayed over each family.

Lisa then said, “I know that this is all from God. Why would anyone ever want to stop by a cemetery? People usually come here to put down flowers and to remember friends and family. People do not want to interfere while they are doing that. We are grateful God told you to come here.”

I said, “You are right. You were chosen by God because you were hungry. Your faith is the reason why I am here. The second reason is Blue Mustang’s wanting to bless families. Blue Mustang puts his faith in God knowing that God will always provide.”

Samantha exclaimed, “Why he is just like Santa Claus. But he is a Christian Santa Claus.” Samantha then looked me in the eyes and asked, “Do you want to go shopping with us?”

These kids are so cute and it is very difficult to say no to that. I confirmed to her that I would go to the store with her.

Her brother, Jerome, was looking at my pickup. He then said, “That is a cool monster truck.”

I said, “Maybe you should ask your dad if you can come with me to the store in my truck. I can follow the rest to your family to King Soopers.”

Jerome said, “That would be cool!”

His dad was all over that and said, “Let us get into your truck and go.”

They saw my stereo system and asked if I could play “Mercy Me – I Can Only Imagine”. I started the song playing. Then I flipped the switch to turn the outside speakers on. They were totally blown away by the sound that my stereo could make. I continued following the rest of the family to the store.

When we walked into the store, the manager was watching us. He began shaking his head as he began to realize what I was up to. Samantha took off running heading for the cookie aisle. She’s still had a hold of my hand and would not let go. I was being towed to the cookie aisle. Meanwhile, the manager went over and had a group huddle with all the kids that worked at the store. Because the store is in a dangerous part of town, it is not real busy in the morning so they could do that.

Samantha with cookies in hand then wanted to go get milk. But her mom, Julianna, said, “This is not the time to do that. We should wait till the end.”

I noticed that two of the girl employees each had a cart they were pushing. They were following close behind us and it appeared to me they were putting in similar items that we were getting. I found out later that the manager did tell those two girls to duplicate the things that these families were picking out. Both of the girls continued talking to each other trying not to make it obvious. The families were so excited to be able to get groceries that they were not paying any attention at all. One thing I did notice when they walked by the meat area they grab these huge tubes of hamburger for each of the families. These families both had plans of grilling cheeseburgers together after they finished shopping. Each family calculated everything they had in their cart to make sure they did not go over. The family split up and went into two different checkout lanes.

The girls that were following us did the same thing. They split up and went into their separate lanes behind the families. One dad turned around and looked at the girls cart behind him. He then turned around and looked at his own cart. He turned around again and looked back at the girl saying, “You have everything that we have in our carts.”

Leroy then said, “Wow! Look at that, sweetheart.”

Linda turned around to and said, “You do have everything that we have. Why this sure is funny!”

The other family noticed the same thing. Each family began putting their groceries on the conveyor belt. The girls did the same and mixed their stuff with the family’s. Leroy said, “No, that is your stuff.”

Each girl said, “No, our manager told us to duplicate everything that you picked out. He wanted to double everything that you had.”

Leroy then replied, “We cannot afford that!”

While they were debating what just happened, the cashier continued totaling everything up. The manager then put his card in and paid for everything. He went over to the other family’s bill and did the same thing as they watched. Both of these families began to cry as they witnessed this amazing miracle.

Samantha went over to the manager and gave him a big hug and said, “Thank you for blessing us. We sure could use it.”

The manager then pulled out two $50 gift cards to help them out with gas.

The family’s children began thanking God by saying, “If we had not prayed this morning nothing would’ve happened. If Blue Mustang would not have helped us, we never would’ve come here. Sonny in turn would not have brought the gift from Blue Mustang. We stepped out in faith and God took care of us.”

Their little son Billy then said, “Don’t forget about Blue Mustang. He is a car.”

I noticed that Billy had in his possession the hotdog buns. The only time he let go of them was to scan them then he immediately grabbed them back and continued to hold them. He loves hot dogs. He said, “I am going to hold onto the hotdog buns no matter what.”

This store is blessed because they are givers. It is in that part of town where if I was not called to go there, I would not go. If you look out in the parking lot, you can see drug dealers, pimps, and even child traffickers. These kids grow up here while all this is going on. Knowing the Lord is a plus because his word does tell us that he will protect us if we serve him. The sisters came to the cemetery because they remembered how much faith their parents exhibited. They asked God to give them the same faith their parents had. They knew that faith was important in order to please God.

The families then left the store. They picked up a gallon of ice cream and chocolate syrup. They were going to have ice cream after they ate their cheeseburgers.

The last words that they shared with me was from Samantha. She said, “We have learned today to walk by faith not by sight. God blessed us because of that.” That little girl left me inspired as everybody went their separate ways. God gets the Glory and the Victory.