Dumpster Blessing

It is Saturday and I began heading down to the King Soopers store in the ghetto. When I pulled into the parking lot I began looking around for the families. God then said, “Sonny, they are in the back.” I decided to park my pickup and just to walk back there with my Bible. When I arrived at the back of the store I noticed two families on their knees praying. They were real close to one of the dumpsters. You can tell that they had been picking some of the better fruit and vegetables out of the dumpsters. I continued listening to them pray and just waited until they were finished.

They prayed, “Lord we need food and we need groceries. We are starving and you are our provider. We rest everything on you.”

One of the small kids named Susie asked, “Mom, please ask God to give us some cereal because I want some cereal.”

The parents then continued praying and finally they said Amen. They then stood up and turned around and that is when they saw me. One family asked, “You must be a preacher because you have the word of God with you.”

I said, “Yes, I minister out on the streets.”

They then said, “You are definitely out on the streets. That’s where we are also.”

Susie then ran over to me and began hugging me. Nobody here knew me and I did not say anything else. She then said, “Thanks for being near by. We are praying for a miracle.”

I said, “You guys must be very hungry to be back here.”

They replied, “We have already dug out the good fruit and vegetables.”

As they finished explaining to me, the manager then came out and prayed with us. He then said, “From this day forth I am going to put all of the fruit in boxes so that you do not have to dig through the dumpsters.”

The manager realized he had not greeted me yet today and said, “Oh, Hi there Sonny!” The manager then walked back into the store.

Susie then said, “Could you pray for us because we need a miracle?” Both families were focused on receiving a miracle. I replied, “God is a God of miracles. He can shift things that nobody can shift. He has never left you. He hears your heart even before you speak. He knows all. Let me explain to you who God is. Do you really know him? We do not serve a little God but we serve a big God.”

The families then said, “Yes, we know God. We love him and we trust him. He told us to come back here to get the fruit that we needed and to wait for a miracle.” They already were waiting in the alley by a trashcan. They were going to wait there all day and do what ever it took.

I then said, “Well, let me tell you about Blue Mustang and the ministry that God has given him for families like you.” Of course Susie could not let that go. I explained to her that he got that nickname from the Latinos because he drives a Blue Mustang.

Susie then said, “Wow, that is so cool!” She figured it out quickly and I told her that she’s pretty smart. She then said, “Yes I know. It is all because of Jesus.”

I then asked the families if they’ve all been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Her older brother Samuel spoke up and said, “I have and I started speaking in tongues right away and it scared me and I ran out of church. My parents went out to get me and brought me back into the church. The pastor then asked me to close in prayer. When I did it I was speaking in tongues the entire time. I have no idea what I even said.”

I replied, “Samuel, that was beautiful. Jesus knew every word that you said.”

Samuel then said, “It is cool that you are here. Can I pray for you?”

I still have not given anybody any money or anything else up to this time.  We have just been talking. In this ministry God has warned me about people touching me. If someone who is demonic or has a demonic spirit in them touches me, it could transfer into my body. So I have to be very careful when someone touches me. The Holy Spirit confirmed that it would be okay for Samuel to pray for me. Samuel then found a box and brought it over by me so he could stand on it. He wanted to put his hand on top of my head. The minute he started praying he went off speaking in tongues. Samuel is really anointed. When Samuel said Amen he replied,” I do not know what I said but Jesus knows every word I spoke. It is exactly what you needed.”

I then asked Samuel if I could pray for him. I began praying for him and his family and the Holy Spirit took over and I began speaking in tongues over them. Samuel said,” I love it when other people speak in tongues because it is from heaven. That’s a heavenly language.”

One of the wives whose name was Rachel asked, “So Blue Mustang gives money to families to buy groceries.”

I confirmed that it was true.

She then said, “Do you want to see our grocery list?”

I told her that I was interested in seeing it. On that list was a loaf of bread, baloney, and cheese. That was everything on the list. I then asked, “You guys must like baloney.”

Rachel replied, “Not really but it is cheap.”

I then said, “Blue Mustang gives $140 for each family.” At that moment they all began crying.

Susie then spoke up and said, “That means we are getting cereal. Now I want to pray for you.”

She began praying for Blue Mustang that God would bless him 100 fold and bless me. She finished up by praying, “God do not let the world go hungry.” Man these kids sure do know how to pray. Their parents must be teaching them right.

The parents continued to cry because they were down to nothing. Both of the husbands work for the same company and it laid them off because they shut down completely and unemployment is running out. They were having difficulty finding jobs that would support their families. I then gave them the money and Susie asked me if I wanted to go shopping with her.

I told her that I would love to go shopping with her.

One of the girl employees came out of the door with some trash. She looked at the families and pointed at me. She asked, “Are you going to go grocery shopping now? Because I recognize that man there. That man brings miracles to this place.”

I reminded her that it was through Jesus Christ.

She then replied, “I know that!” She then invited us to come through her door to save us from walking around the store. She let us through the back of the store and grabbed a couple of carts for the families.

What was really cool about walking through the back of the store I spotted the rest of the teenagers holding hands in a circle. I feel that they were praying for us. We began shopping and Susie continued holding my hand. She would not let go the entire time.

Susie then said, “You know what is happening today, sure does help our faith. Mom always talks about having faith. She would say we need to walk by faith and not by sight.”

I then said, “You are right. This is all temporary what you are seeing. Jesus Christ is eternal.” I continue to talk with everybody as we shopped and we finally finished up. We went to check out. They started ringing up the bill for each family and when it came time to pay the teenage girls working there pull out their cards and paid for the groceries. They then looked at the families and said, “You can use that money for something else even if it is to get an ice cream cone.”

This store is amazing and I know it’s anointed but if you leave something in the back of your vehicle it will be gone before you could come back. Many times I come out of this store and I will notice guys eyeing my pickup. One guy once said, “Those are nice wheels. You should not leave it sitting here.”

I replied, “I know it is a temptation for you guys but Jesus Christ protects that truck. It is anointed by God.” You should see the expressions change on their faces. He then sheepishly replied, “I will see you around.” They then hightailed it out of there as fast as they could.”

I continued speaking with the families and reminded them that everything that happened today was from God. I am just Sonny.

Rachel then said, “No, you’re not just Sonny. You are a man of God.”

My King will be bringing me back to the ghetto.