Trashcan to Grocery Cart Blessing

It is Saturday and my King had me go back to the King Soopers store in the ghetto. As I parked my pickup God told me to immediately get out of my pickup. I grabbed my Bible and just began walking. I had no idea where I was walking to. God then said, “Sonny, walk around the building.” There were two kids in the back. A boy and a girl were both sitting in two grocery carts. Two families were holding hands around those grocery carts praying. After the parents prayed the little boy Stephen asked to pray. His dad asked, “Are you sure you want to do that Stephen?”

Stephen said, “I have never prayed out loud before but I want to try it. I am going to start like you always do.” He paused for a moment then prayed, “Our Father who art in heaven please hear our prayer. We need a miracle. We are hungry and we need food. I am tired of eating food from the trashcan.” I immediately began crying as he said that. That just pierces ones heart when you see kids suffering like that. He continued praying and said, “I shouldn’t complain Lord because even in the trashcan you provided food for us to eat. I should not complain about that. But we still need a miracle because I need some cereal. I want some fresh milk. Could you please just answer our prayer. Father continue to help us walk by faith and not by sight. We have faith in you that you will provide in Jesus name. Amen!”

This prayer was made by a seven-year-old boy. Again, I am sure his parents are responsible for teaching him how to pray. His whole family knew how to pray. Stephen’s dad then spoke and said, “We are praying for a miracle but whatever your will is today just let it be done according to your will. We also ask this In Jesus’s name. Amen!”

Their little girl said, “My brother forgot that we were supposed to pray for cookies too.” I was about three car lengths from them when she finished praying.

One of the moms began praying and said “Whatever this man behind us has for us let us accept it with all of our hearts in Jesus name. Amen!”

What was interesting about this was her back was always toward me. She never looked at me once. But she knew that I was behind her. The Holy Spirit was prompting her. She turned around and said, “While I was praying the Holy Spirit said that there is a man standing behind me that is bringing you good news today.”

I said to myself, “That is God and that is exactly how he works.”

I replied, “First of all I want to thank the Lord for bringing me here today. Second, I want to thank God for Blue Mustang. He has a ministry to bless families just like you. He gives me money for the families but God brings me right to them. God knew your prayer even before you prayed it. He knew that you were going to be here even before you knew that you were coming here. He even knew that you would be praying over your kids in the grocery cart.”

Samuel said, “I climbed into the cart while we were praying because this is where I am supposed to be.”

I replied, “That is a powerful message. If I pray for the gang members inside my truck they will never hear me. I need to go into the park where they are at.”

Samuel then said, “You minister to gangs? Oh my goodness you are a brave man.”

I said, “It is only because of God that I am able to do this.”

Their little five year old girl then asked, “Did God tell Blue Mustang to buy us cookies.” I confirmed that it was true. She then replied, “I did not know that cars could talk.”

I said, “Blue Mustang is a man of God and we eat breakfast every Saturday morning with Terry Bird. We talk about the day. Then we pray for the coming events.”

She then said, “You meet with all the characters from Sesame Street. Is Terry Bird Big Bird’s little brother or big brother?”

I replied, “I think that he is his little brother.”

She then exclaimed, “Wow! Does he have yellow feathers too?” She then jumped out of the grocery cart into my arms where I held her and she soon fell asleep. These people were total strangers and I have never met them in my life.

Her dad then looked at me and said “She does not do that with total strangers.

His wife Martha then said, “He is not a stranger, he is part of the family of God.”

The manager then came out the back door. He had a grocery cart full of fruit they were going to throw away. The fruit was still good but it was just to the point where people wouldn’t buy it. He said “Joseph, this is your fruit. I have put it aside and this is the best stuff. The other stuff I had to throw away.”

The little girl then asked “Are there any cookies in there?”

The manager confirmed that there wasn’t. They immediately loaded the fruit into their van and came back.

One kid whose name is Isaac then asked, “How much money are we getting? Because mom said that we were going to be getting money for groceries.”

I replied, “Each family gets $140.” Isaac then covered his eyes and said, “We are millionaires.”

The manager overheard us talking and asked, “Who is Blue Mustang?”

This was a new manager as the old manager Jerome retired. I then explained to him everything about Blue Mustang.

The manager then said, “If he gives $140 to each family I am going to match that.” He then looked at the families and said “Why don’t you guys come into the store and buy some groceries? You buy whatever you need and what you want. From now on I will always make sure that you have food.”

Both families began crying after what the manager did for them. Their other little girl has not said anything to me but she came over and said, “I think that I love you. Could you be my uncle?”

I said, ” Yeah, that would be cool. What is your name?”

She replied, “My name is Susie Q”.

I repeated, “Susie Q.”

She said, “Yeah, they got my name from some song.” From then on she would not stop talking.

I then asked, “What is your favorite Bible verse?”

She replied, “Psalms 91. My grandma reads that one to me all the time.”

The families kids are being raised right even at that young age they are beginning to know the word of God. They knew how to stand in faith. They prayed in faith. They also knew that God was going to provide. One thing I’ve noticed about the people in the ghetto is they don’t have a lot, but with God they have everything. If I would’ve given one of them half of my breakfast sandwich I had this morning they would’ve been ecstatic to receive it. They are so thankful. If I would offer someone someplace else the same offer they would tell me I don’t need that.

Jerome left a legacy at that store to help families. God loves these people and he will bring.