Balloon Blessing

It was Saturday morning and I went to the King Soopers store in the ghetto. I pulled into the parking lot but nobody was there. The only two cars that were there belonged to the employees that work there. I was sitting there and my mind began to wonder. I began to think, “Did I come to the right place? Lord, there’s nobody here but the workers.”

God said, “Just wait. Be patient.” I continued to watch then I noticed a family coming with a King Soopers cart. Another family behind them was pushing a cart also. I said to myself this has to be them. They must not live very far away from here to be pushing those carts. Soon they stopped. They had helium balloons tied to each cart. Both of the families and their kids placed their hands on the balloons and began praying over them. I quietly said, “What in the world is going on? Who would ever pray over a balloon.” I did not understand and God had not revealed anything to me yet. I continued to wait and watch as they prayed over their balloons. Soon they finished and they release their balloons into the atmosphere.

I looked up and said, “Lord, these are weird families.”

God immediately replied, “No, wait till you hear what they have to say.”

I grabbed my Bible and walked over there to greet them. I said, “Good morning! How are you guys doing?”

The families replied, “We are doing pretty well but we are needing a miracle. Both our families do. This is my brother. We are really hungry.”

I have to ask, “Why were you praying for those balloons. I watched you as you prayed over them.”

The dad said, “We have this helium bottle that we use to fill up balloons on our kids birthdays. Before we filled the balloons, we put notes in each of the balloons. On the notes it said, “Dear Lord, we need food today.” We then placed the notes in the balloons and sent them up to God. Both me and my brother anointed the balloons before we release them. We did this for our kids.”

The daughter Jasmine spoke up and said, “We thought that if we sent the balloons up to heaven that God would grab them and read the note that’s inside.”

I said, “That is a good prayer request to have God grab it. You notice that you cannot see those balloons anymore.” They began staring up into the sky trying to get a glimpse of anything. I then said “God has already grabbed them. He read your notes and He sent me here before you even sent them up.”

The families then asked, “What does that mean?” Jasmine looked at me with wide eyes and exclaimed, “Does that mean that you are the miracle?”

I said, “Yes, I am part of the miracle.”

Jasmine then replied, “But you are a human being. How can that bring us food?” Jasmine was a talker and I again explained what was happening. I said, “God hears your prayers. He is faithful. He even says that He is faithful. Second you have to know who Blue Mustang is.”

As usual the kids always wonder how a car can talk. I just wish I had a dollar for every time they asked this question I’d be very well-to-do. I then explained to her that he got his name from the Latinos and he drives a Blue Mustang. The kids replied, “That is so cool that Blue Mustang drives a Blue Mustang.” By now the families were also beginning to laugh. Now the kids were confused and asked what this Blue Mustang has to do with the miracle?”

I said, “God has put it in Blue Mustang’s heart to give $140 to each family so they could buy groceries. The money is not to be used for smokes or beer but is used entirely for families who are hungry.”

Jasmine said, “I finally get some cookies.” I then reached into my wallet and pulled out the money and gave each family $140. They began to cry. I said, “Let’s pray over this money so you can buy groceries. The families took each bill and anointed it. One of the dads anointed his hands before he anointed the bills. The other brother prayed over the money while this brother anointed the bills. I began to cry as they did this.

After they finished praying I asked, “Why did you anoint the money?” The brother said, “I want this money that Blue Mustang gave us to be anointed. It must’ve been anointed already because it came here. But we want to anoint it so that God will give him a thousandfold.”

Jasmine then asked, “Does that mean that we are anointed by God?”

Jasmine’s mom, Dorothy, said, “Yes, you are anointed by God! You belong to Him.”

One of the girl employees in the store was watching from a window as everything was going on. I could tell she was saying something. I could see her lips move with the other employees. I’m sure that she was saying that Sonny is back. When we went into the store the girls greeted us at the door. Even though the doors were automatic they wanted to make sure it looked special. They said “Welcome to King Soopers. Our store belongs to God.”

You may have problems visualizing what this store faces. Try to envision a place where a tornado has gone through and devastated the neighborhood. This store was then placed in the middle of it. Everything around it looks really bad. It is so dangerous here that you cannot even go outside at night. You need to be sent by God or you may never walk out of here alive. I even heard a lot of yelling and some shooting going on while I was talking to the families. These kids are growing up in this environment.

The girls then said, “Hi Mr. Sonny. Did you bring some more blessings to our store? ” I confirmed that I did. One of the other girls spoke up and said, “It is because of Blue Mustang and God. Sonny is just the messenger. He is the deliver and he brings blessing to the families.”

The manager then came up rubbing his hands together and said, “Yes, we get to bless more families today!” The manager then headed over to grab a grocery cart and took off.

The families started making a grocery list of the things they needed.

The girl employees then asked, “Can we see your list?” They looked over the lists and took a picture of them with their cell phones. Two of them took off but the rest of them hung around with the kids.

Jasmine grabbed my hand and we headed off to go grocery shopping. The daughter Elizabeth has not said a word all the time while I was there. She said, “This is like having Christmas. God has answered our prayer when He grabbed our balloons.”

I began thinking to myself what would it be like when those balloons came down and people would see those notes inside. We continued shopping until the families had everything they needed. When we started out to the checkout line the other two girls with the grocery carts had everything duplicated in their carts. They said, “We are buying these groceries for you.”

I am totally amazed on how these girls time after time continue to bless people. They live in an area where there is not much in the terms of finances. They take what they get and they still want to give what little they have to bless other families. After we finished paying for the groceries we all headed back outside.

Jasmine looked at me and said, “Could you get down on your knees. I want to anoint you and pray over you.”

I immediately got down on my knees. Before my knees reached the pavement I placed one of my hoodies on the ground. There is glass all over the parking lot.

She then anointed me. When she started praying she said, “Dear Lord, I pray for Blue Mustang and I also pray for Sonny to bless them a thousandfold like my mom and dad said and keep Sonny safe from all the gangs that shoot at each other.”

Man that was quite a prayer coming from a seven-year-old. She came up to me and gave me a big hug and kissed me on the nose. She then said, “You are now anointed, now go out and save the world.”