Post Thanksgiving Family

I had Friday off work for Thanksgiving and my King had plans for me to witness more gangs. Blue Mustang and I were making arrangements to meet for breakfast on Friday morning. We began discussing the three gangs that I was going to meet with. Blue Mustang then said, “I think we are going to have a family Friday morning.”

I hadn’t thought about that at all until God began directing my thoughts that the family would be in the ghetto and it would be at the King Soopers store. As we continued talking, Blue Mustang said, “I think this family was brought by the family that we blessed last year at Thanksgiving.” God never gave me any other direction but I exclaimed, “Now that would be cool.” So we waited to see what would happen.

On Friday morning I headed down to the King Soopers store in the ghetto. I saw two families praying together. I recognized Rachel from the family that was there last year. Blue Mustang was right when he said that the family that was there last year would be there with them. I found out that these families are related by sisters. Rachel had already told her sister about the miracle that they received last year after Thanksgiving. Rachel sister had approached her and asked, “Rachel, things are pretty tight right now and we cannot afford to buy groceries. My husband has a new job and we were forced to move to a new apartment. By the time we paid for damage deposit and first month and last months rent it has taken everything that we got. My husband is not going to be receiving a check for at least another week. Is there anything that you can do to help?”

Rachel replied, “We should pray and ask God for a miracle. Maybe God will send Blue Mustang to you like he did for us last year.” Her sister thought that that would be a great idea and both families headed to the grocery store.

As I approached the families Rachel soon recognize me. She was so excited to see me and thanked me for coming last year and began sharing everything with me what happened up to this point. It soon became time to hand out the money and Rachel asked, “Are you going to do what you did with us last year? I can’t exactly remember what you did but it was really cool.”

I smiled and started laying out the money with the 50s first saying, “This is the Father, this is the Son, this is the Holy Spirit and here’s an extra 20 for inflation.”

Rachel excitedly said, “Yeah, I remember that you did that last year. That is so cool and I like the part for the extra 20 for inflation.”

The kids were so excited now that they could go buy cereal and ice cream. Both the families begin to cry as the miracle unfolded. Rachel and John wanted to pray for us for me and Blue Mustang. They asked that God could continued to bless us financially so that we could keep this ministry going. They also prayed for our families and our protection.

It is so cool to be able to bless people you can listen to the rest of the story:

Thanksgiving with Three Gangs

It is Thanksgiving day and I am going to see three gangs today. My King has scheduled me to see the first gang about 10 o’clock this morning. The second gang around lunchtime and the third gang about 2 pm. What is interesting about the gangs that my King chose, he did three weeks ago. Most of the time it’s within the week that I go. My King always has me do it on Thanksgiving day because it is more powerful when it’s done on that day. The undercover police that I work with arranged not only to prepare the food for the gangs but found families who would cook the gangs meals along with their families. And I do mean these guys know how to cook great food.

You will begin to see the power of God as I talked to each gang. When I went to the first gang, I was carrying one of the turkeys. I knocked on the door and they seemed more curious than they were anxious. But they asked, “What do you want?

I said, “I have a Turkey meal for you.”

They were shocked when I said that and asked, “You really brought a turkey dinner for us.”

I said, “Yes, Jesus Christ said that you guys would be hungry.” They invited me in with the the turkey. They were excited like little kids in a candy store when they realized that they were going to get to eat. I asked some of the guys to help me go out and get the rest of the pies and drinks. The leader immediately sent some of the men to help me. Some of the gang members were just getting out bed and they were shocked to see a stranger in the house. This is something that gangs do not do.

As we set down the down to eat, I begin carving the turkey and handing out the meat. Everybody grabbed a plate and beginning to self-serve on the mashed potatoes, dressing, gravy and the other fixings that they provided. As everybody continued to eat, I read the scriptures Jeremiah 29:11 and John 3:16 to them. All of the gangs that I fed today had some men who had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ before. I was surprised on how many of the men could quote John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11 to me. Abusive fathers made these boys run away from God. When the gangs began seeing and tasting all the good food they began talking amongst themselves about traditions they had at home. As each gang member shared, they became more homesick. Soon the leader began to question why he was here and was thinking about going back home. Almost everybody in the gang had what they call a poor relationship with their dad’s. Most of them were abusive because of alcoholism and drugs. So many of them ran away. This leader was gone from home for over five years. He began to call home and his dad answered the phone. He began talking with his dad for a while. Meanwhile the rest of the gang were having the same thoughts about going home and they too began calling home. But they all said, “You know Sonny, we want our hearts right with Jesus Christ before we go home. We don’t want to go back with angry hearts.”

So the gang started giving their lives to Jesus Christ as I prayed for them. The leader came back out and said, “Sonny, when I was talking to my dad he was an entirely different person. I’ve decided that I want to go home. I don’t want this life anymore. He started to share what he was about to do with his men, but they said, “We already are starting to give our lives over to Jesus Christ now.”

So I pray for all of them as they asked for forgiveness of
their sins and God began transforming their hearts. Some of them began to cry and others began to shake and asked, “What’s happening to me?”

I said, “Jesus Christ is transforming your hearts as you asked him to.”

Soon family members started showing up and picking up their sons. I could not stay long because I had to go to the next gang.

The second gang was exactly the same as the first. They were more curious than they were anxious and they were wondering what I was up to. They were a carbon copy of the first gang. Again while they were eating they started sharing things about what they did on Thanksgiving day and they all began to want to go home but they too wanted to transform their hearts for Jesus Christ before they went back.

The third gang had the most men in it. The leader was a little bit more cautious but he was still was excited when I brought a turkey dinner up to the door. He was anxious to let me in but said, “You can come in but do not try anything funny.”

I said, “I have a turkey in my hands and I am here all by myself what could I really do. I did bring the Kingdom of God with me though.” That gave them something to think about.

They too like the first two gangs as I served them and they begin eating they too began thinking about family traditions and going home. What was so unusual about this third gang was there were some Mexicanos in this gang. One of the men shared, “I remember when my mom made these tamales for us on Thanksgiving growing up. I sure do miss those things.”

I said, “I don’t think I have any of those but let me check to see what else I’ve got.” I started checking and was digging down in the box and I picked up something that was wrapped in aluminum foil. He looked inside and began smiling. He said, “These are tamales. Thank you Sonny.”

I remember that this family asked me what kind of people were in these gangs. I told him that there were some Mexicanos in this last gang. They totally understood the culture and immediately made some tamales for those men.

All three gangs gave their lives to Jesus Christ that day. Almost every one of the Dad’s that abused their sons began to change their lives the minute their sons left. They all quit drinking and taking drugs and they had a special place for Jesus Christ in their hearts. I was thinking what it must be like for their sons to be sleeping in their own beds tonight. Many of these bedrooms were left exactly the way they were when their sons ran away. The mature Christian parents of their sons helped the other parents to find places to go to church and youth groups to develop their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Listen to the entire story below:

Blessing Families Becomes a Gangs Salvation

When I arrived at the King Sooper store, thirty families were meeting again in the parking lot. The families were taking turns praying for the two new families. Lydia from the first family that Blue Mustang blessed was in there with her Bible praying with them as she always does.

Lydia’s family has been instrumental in searching the neighborhood for new families. They introduced themselves and ask how things are going. When they find families that need groceries they asked them to come on Saturday to expect a miracle. These families that came today are related to each other by brother and sister. Lately there has been a large number of the families who have already been blessed who are coming together not only to worship the Lord but to encourage the new families. There is such a bond that these families have for one another. This is the way God would have us all be.

Lydia began praying and anointing the two shopping carts by them that God would fill them. I continued to watch as they prayed and worshiped God. When it was time to go in Lydia was the first one to spot me. She always gives me a warm welcome. When it became time to hand out the money neither one of the families knew what I was about to give them. The families never reveal what I give to each family. We always give three fifties which represent the father, the son and the Holy Spirit and a $20 bill to cover inflation. We always make them laugh and it is pretty cool as you lay the money on their hands saying this is the father, this is the son and this is the Holy Spirit and this twenty is for inflation. They usually smile then they began to cry when they realize that they are now going to have enough money to buy groceries. This definitely restores the faith of these new families. I would not be surprised these guys will be here next week supporting the new families.

As I was about to finish up a gang appeared in the parking lot. I walked over to them because I did not want to have them cause problems with the families. As I got closer to them, the leader asked, “Are you Sonny? They said you drive a red monster truck and we thought we saw it parked here.”

I told him that I was Sonny. He then asked, “Could you pray for us?”

While this was all going on the families were listening. And as I got ready to pray for them the families began to surround the young men and wanted to pray for them also. At first the gang was wondering what was going on but the families shared, “We heard that you want to be prayed for and we want to pray for you also.”

Lydia up with her infinite wisdom asked the leader, “Would like your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” She paused to give them
time to think. She then said, “You know it’s almost Thanksgiving. I bet your folks would love it if you would come home and celebrate Thanksgiving with them.”

When she mentioned Thanksgiving that jerked an emotion in these men and many of them began to cry. They said, “We do want to go home.” Lydia began leading these men to accept Jesus Christ.

What is so interesting about this is that if we were not obedient to God, I would not have been there. Not only would the families not be blessed but this gang would have missed out on an opportunity to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. It is important to remember that when we serve God, we do make a difference. But we also need to realize that without God and the Holy Spirit to change people’s hearts we would not be effective at all. So we always need to realize that we are just a catalyst to make things happen. God gets the Glory and the Victory but man do I get to see it. Listen to the complete story:

Families Had a Witch Terrorizing the Neighborhood

I went down to the King Soopers in the ghetto like I do every weekend. When I arrived, I noticed that there was 31 families there worshipping God and supporting the two new families who were about to be blessed. normally they meet by the picnic table but today they all happen to be in the King Soopers parking lot. The families that God has already blessed have been going out and locating new families who are in need. They have been bringing them to this store every Saturday. The other families that have already been blessed have been worshipping God and encouraging them to expect a miracle.

Other than the unusually large crowd, what set this apart from other meetings is the fact that the last two encounters have dealt with children who have had such bad nightmares. They were seeing shadows in their bedrooms. This was from a demonic presence. The families told me about a witch that was living in the neighborhood. The Lord revealed that he wanted me to anoint the witches home to stop this evil. The families followed me to her house. When we got about 30 feet away they paused and warned me not to go because it was such an evil place. I replied, “My King has asked me to anoint this place to protect your neighbor hood from her evil.”

I looked around the house and everything was dead. There was no life around this house at all. I began anointing the property and placing oil wherever God instructed me to do so. The witch was looking out the window while I was doing this. When I got near her door, she opened the door and sternly asked, “What the heck are you doing?” Boy, I could smell the stench of death even coming out of her home. I said, “My King has instructed me to anoint your property against the evil that it is putting out in this neighborhood. Jesus Christ also wants to take you away from all of this. So I am here place the blood of Jesus over this home.”

When I mentioned Jesus Christ she quickly went back inside and slammed the door. I continued anointing the place until God said I was done. You can listen to the rest of the story.

San Diego Gangs Give Lives to Jesus Christ

We were having breakfast at Wendy’s. I began talking about locating two gangs from San Diego. The encounter I had with them last week was very promising. One of the leaders was a Christian before and understood things about Jesus Christ. But circumstances led him away from Jesus. Blue Mustang said, “You know I think that you don’t have to worry about where they are. They are going to be looking for you.” God confirmed that this was about to happen.

After I met with the families, I headed to the park where I had my 1st encounter with them. Sure enough, when I got there I only had to wait a short time and both gangs showed up. They recognized my pickup and started coming towards me. The gang leaders both said, “Sonny, we all want to go home. But we do not want to go until our hearts are right with Jesus Christ.”

As I begin praying for these guys and they were accepting Jesus Christ, Two more gangs from San Diego showed up. They knew both of the gangs that were giving their hearts to Jesus Christ and they begin watching to see what was happening. Soon they too began thinking about their families and began to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. What’s so interesting about this is that these four gangs we’re getting ready to take over the East Side of Denver. But God had other plans for them. Listen to the rest of the story to find out what happened next.

Gang November

God had me witness to two new gangs from San Diego. There was another gang that I have witnessed to now for over a year and a half start to show up. But when they saw me walk over to those new gangs from San Diego they decided to stay in their cars and leave. They did not want to cause any problems for me. As I approached the San Diego gangs they had their hands on their pistols but they physically did not draw them on me. They asked me what I wanted. I said, “I am here to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you.”

After that I found out that one leader once gave his life to Jesus Christ but do to family circumstances of his dad selling drugs, the abuse got to be too much for him and he left home. He has not seen his family in 8 years. As I  continued sharing to that leader he began to cry and he left the scene for a moment.  I could see the expression on the men’s face when they heard that their leader once knew Jesus Christ. The other leader asked me  some more questions. I told them that Jesus Christ loves them and I am here to feed them breakfast. They were excited when I told them I had breakfast. They asked me where it was at. I said, “Why don’t you guys come over and help me get it out of my pickup and bring it here?”

They were anxious to help out and they were excited when they found out I had spicy breakfast burritos and Dr Pepper. I continued reading the scriptures to them while they were eating.

Soon that gang that I knew decided to come back because they knew I had breakfast and they were hungry. I said, “Guys these guys are cool. Put your guns away. They are hungry like you. Let’s eat breakfast in peace.”

Everyone began to relax. The leader of that gang that just showed up said, “I’ve had it with my life. I want to give my life to Jesus Christ.”

He did this right in front of the other two gangs. His entire game lifted their hands when I asked them if they wanted their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. The other two gangs watched while this all went on. It was very moving watching this gang turn their lives over to Jesus Christ.

After finishing breakfast the two gangs from San Diego wanted to leave. But before they left, they asked me to to pray for them. That gang leader still did understand the power of Prayer. Listen to the complete story.

Family November

When I went down to the ghetto in Denver the place where I normally go was totally surrounded by emergency vehicles. There was a drive-by shooting and they had the area where Blue Mustang and I bless two families each week.  The whole area was shut down and traffic came to a complete stop. There was a police officer that knew who I was and he asked me what I was up to. I said, “I am trying to get over to that King Soopers grocery store to bless two families.”

He replied, “I will get these cars out of your way so you can get there down this alley. You will be turning right at the street and you’ll be taken right at the store. We do not have any units there.”

After I pulled into the parking lot I observed the family’s praising and worshiping God even amongst all the sirens and commotion going on. They did not let any distractions get in the way of their faith of getting a miracle. Both husbands of each family were not Christians. But by the time they witnessed what happened and the power of God they wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ. Their wives took over and did the rest by leading them to accept the Lord. Listen to what God did at the store.