Family November

When I went down to the ghetto in Denver the place where I normally go was totally surrounded by emergency vehicles. There was a drive-by shooting and they had the area where Blue Mustang and I bless two families each week.  The whole area was shut down and traffic came to a complete stop. There was a police officer that knew who I was and he asked me what I was up to. I said, “I am trying to get over to that King Soopers grocery store to bless two families.”

He replied, “I will get these cars out of your way so you can get there down this alley. You will be turning right at the street and you’ll be taken right at the store. We do not have any units there.”

After I pulled into the parking lot I observed the family’s praising and worshiping God even amongst all the sirens and commotion going on. They did not let any distractions get in the way of their faith of getting a miracle. Both husbands of each family were not Christians. But by the time they witnessed what happened and the power of God they wanted to give their lives to Jesus Christ. Their wives took over and did the rest by leading them to accept the Lord. Listen to what God did at the store.