Gang November

God had me witness to two new gangs from San Diego. There was another gang that I have witnessed to now for over a year and a half start to show up. But when they saw me walk over to those new gangs from San Diego they decided to stay in their cars and leave. They did not want to cause any problems for me. As I approached the San Diego gangs they had their hands on their pistols but they physically did not draw them on me. They asked me what I wanted. I said, “I am here to tell you that Jesus Christ loves you.”

After that I found out that one leader once gave his life to Jesus Christ but do to family circumstances of his dad selling drugs, the abuse got to be too much for him and he left home. He has not seen his family in 8 years. As I  continued sharing to that leader he began to cry and he left the scene for a moment.  I could see the expression on the men’s face when they heard that their leader once knew Jesus Christ. The other leader asked me  some more questions. I told them that Jesus Christ loves them and I am here to feed them breakfast. They were excited when I told them I had breakfast. They asked me where it was at. I said, “Why don’t you guys come over and help me get it out of my pickup and bring it here?”

They were anxious to help out and they were excited when they found out I had spicy breakfast burritos and Dr Pepper. I continued reading the scriptures to them while they were eating.

Soon that gang that I knew decided to come back because they knew I had breakfast and they were hungry. I said, “Guys these guys are cool. Put your guns away. They are hungry like you. Let’s eat breakfast in peace.”

Everyone began to relax. The leader of that gang that just showed up said, “I’ve had it with my life. I want to give my life to Jesus Christ.”

He did this right in front of the other two gangs. His entire game lifted their hands when I asked them if they wanted their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. The other two gangs watched while this all went on. It was very moving watching this gang turn their lives over to Jesus Christ.

After finishing breakfast the two gangs from San Diego wanted to leave. But before they left, they asked me to to pray for them. That gang leader still did understand the power of Prayer. Listen to the complete story.