Families Had a Witch Terrorizing the Neighborhood

I went down to the King Soopers in the ghetto like I do every weekend. When I arrived, I noticed that there was 31 families there worshipping God and supporting the two new families who were about to be blessed. normally they meet by the picnic table but today they all happen to be in the King Soopers parking lot. The families that God has already blessed have been going out and locating new families who are in need. They have been bringing them to this store every Saturday. The other families that have already been blessed have been worshipping God and encouraging them to expect a miracle.

Other than the unusually large crowd, what set this apart from other meetings is the fact that the last two encounters have dealt with children who have had such bad nightmares. They were seeing shadows in their bedrooms. This was from a demonic presence. The families told me about a witch that was living in the neighborhood. The Lord revealed that he wanted me to anoint the witches home to stop this evil. The families followed me to her house. When we got about 30 feet away they paused and warned me not to go because it was such an evil place. I replied, “My King has asked me to anoint this place to protect your neighbor hood from her evil.”

I looked around the house and everything was dead. There was no life around this house at all. I began anointing the property and placing oil wherever God instructed me to do so. The witch was looking out the window while I was doing this. When I got near her door, she opened the door and sternly asked, “What the heck are you doing?” Boy, I could smell the stench of death even coming out of her home. I said, “My King has instructed me to anoint your property against the evil that it is putting out in this neighborhood. Jesus Christ also wants to take you away from all of this. So I am here place the blood of Jesus over this home.”

When I mentioned Jesus Christ she quickly went back inside and slammed the door. I continued anointing the place until God said I was done. You can listen to the rest of the story.

One Reply to “Families Had a Witch Terrorizing the Neighborhood”

  1. After God had me anoint the witches home, she began to see things change in her house. She could not go to sleep because she kept hearing someone singing “Alleluia”. It got so bad that she decided to sell her home. During this time though she began to realize that there was a lot evil going on in her home and she began burning everything that was evil. On the day that the movers came, the woman walked across the street where Lydia’s folks lived. This woman already looked different. She said, “I have burned all the evil things in my home. After you guys anointed and prayed over my home, I have not been able to sleep at nights. Could you guys pray for me?”

    10-year-old Lydia asked, “Do you want to be released from all of this and give your heart to Jesus Christ?”

    She said, “My life is in such turmoil right now. That is the reason why I decided to move because I could not even sleep at night. That sounds like a good idea.”

    Lydia had her anointing oil and Bible in hand and prayed over her that she would give her heart to Jesus Christ and he would put her name in the Lamb’s Book of Life. From this day forward this witch changed her life for Jesus Christ.

    A new family has now moved into what used to be the witch’s home. Lydia’s family says came over to the new family and introduced themselves to the new family. They said, “We have anointed and blessed this home for the Kingdom of God. We do not want you to bring any evil into it.”

    The new family happened to be Christians already and said, “Oh no, we are Christians and we don’t want any of that either.” The new family slept that first night in their new home and went over and talked to their neighbors the next morning. They said, “That was the most peaceful sleep that we have had in a long time.”

    God is continually changing this neighborhood. He loves all these people here dearly and he wants the best for them. We are seeing it happen before our very eyes. Always remember God gets the Glory and the Victory.

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