Post Thanksgiving Family

I had Friday off work for Thanksgiving and my King had plans for me to witness more gangs. Blue Mustang and I were making arrangements to meet for breakfast on Friday morning. We began discussing the three gangs that I was going to meet with. Blue Mustang then said, “I think we are going to have a family Friday morning.”

I hadn’t thought about that at all until God began directing my thoughts that the family would be in the ghetto and it would be at the King Soopers store. As we continued talking, Blue Mustang said, “I think this family was brought by the family that we blessed last year at Thanksgiving.” God never gave me any other direction but I exclaimed, “Now that would be cool.” So we waited to see what would happen.

On Friday morning I headed down to the King Soopers store in the ghetto. I saw two families praying together. I recognized Rachel from the family that was there last year. Blue Mustang was right when he said that the family that was there last year would be there with them. I found out that these families are related by sisters. Rachel had already told her sister about the miracle that they received last year after Thanksgiving. Rachel sister had approached her and asked, “Rachel, things are pretty tight right now and we cannot afford to buy groceries. My husband has a new job and we were forced to move to a new apartment. By the time we paid for damage deposit and first month and last months rent it has taken everything that we got. My husband is not going to be receiving a check for at least another week. Is there anything that you can do to help?”

Rachel replied, “We should pray and ask God for a miracle. Maybe God will send Blue Mustang to you like he did for us last year.” Her sister thought that that would be a great idea and both families headed to the grocery store.

As I approached the families Rachel soon recognize me. She was so excited to see me and thanked me for coming last year and began sharing everything with me what happened up to this point. It soon became time to hand out the money and Rachel asked, “Are you going to do what you did with us last year? I can’t exactly remember what you did but it was really cool.”

I smiled and started laying out the money with the 50s first saying, “This is the Father, this is the Son, this is the Holy Spirit and here’s an extra 20 for inflation.”

Rachel excitedly said, “Yeah, I remember that you did that last year. That is so cool and I like the part for the extra 20 for inflation.”

The kids were so excited now that they could go buy cereal and ice cream. Both the families begin to cry as the miracle unfolded. Rachel and John wanted to pray for us for me and Blue Mustang. They asked that God could continued to bless us financially so that we could keep this ministry going. They also prayed for our families and our protection.

It is so cool to be able to bless people you can listen to the rest of the story: