Two Girls Ready to Leap Off Overpass

It was Friday night it and I was getting ready to head to the streets after I had the undercover study Bible study. Around 11 PM my King had me do something that I was not expecting. He said, “You need to head down I-25 where there are two girls were about ready to jump off the overpass. Get going right away.”

I immediately started heading down I-25 and was looking at every overpass but I was having problems seeing them. My King then directed me to my eyes to the other side of the highway. The overpass was well lit and I could see them on the outside of that fence that goes across the top of the overpass. They were just standing there waiting for enough courage to jump off. I pulled off to the side of the highway. I was on the wrong side of the road and I had to physically walk and maneuver my way over the busy interstate to get over where they were at. I made sure that I had my Bible with me. When I got close to where they were at, they said, “There is nothing that you can say that will keep us from jumping.”

I said, “I am not here to do that but Jesus Christ sent me here to tell you how much he loves you. I also want to quote verse Jeremiah 29:11 for you.”

Before I could hardly say a word, one of the girls jumped in and quoted it word for word. She said, “I learned that verse when I was in Sunday school.”

I continue to talk with them about what happened. They shared with me, “We told our boyfriends that we wanted to have a relationship that honors marriage. So our boyfriends dumped us.”

I said, “No man is worth that who wants his own way and no respect for you. God has special men planned for you because you are willing to honor his will in marriage.”

All of the sudden they began to get scared and they asked, “Come closer to us. We want to get off this bridge.”

They begin to realize that they had value without their boyfriends. One girl grabbed a hold of my hoodie and the other one grabbed hold of her as we carefully walked off that bridge. One of the girls called their parents to have them come and get us.

The girls rededicated their life to Jesus Christ when returned to level ground. I did not share anything with what happened to the parents when they arrived. But the girls did and told them about their plans to jump. You can listen to the entire story here: