Blessing Two Families in Reno Nevada

I told Blue Mustang that my sister bought me a ticket two weeks ago to come to her house for Christmas. He then said, “I bet God is going to bring families into your trip when you get there just like he did last year.”

God finally confirmed to me that there would be two families. He did not say anything else. After I arrived in Reno, my sister and her husband took me to one of those chain grocery stores to go shopping. Usually this is where God brings the families to me. I looked around the store but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I then decided to look in the back. I snuck to the back of the store and opened the door to the dumpsters. There I saw an old beat up car and a family rummaging through the dumpsters. They were collecting expired fruits and vegetables and they even had picked out a package of expired steaks. I then walked outside where they were working and asked them this question, “What would you say if somebody would come from Colorado to bless you.”

They replied, “That would be totally amazing and we would receive it.”

I then said, “Well, I have come from Colorado and I am here to bless you.”

At this moment they began to cry. I never really noticed but God had the manager come outside about this time and he began to listen to everything that I said. I began to tell the family a little bit about me about me and the ministry that Blue Mustang has in the ghetto in Denver. I then began laying the 50s into their hands. I said, “This is the Father, this is the Son and this is the Holy Spirit. And this is $20 for inflation.”

Normally they laugh at this, but this family was in dire straits and they began to cry realizing what just happened. Their little son asked, “Does that mean we can get some cereal?”

I said, “You bet!”

The father said, “You know the fruit and vegetables are rotten.” He then threw them back into the dumpster. He then said, “But I am keeping the steaks. We are going to move our car to the front and come in the store like normal people.”

The manager then came up to me and said, “I have never seen anything like this before and it about made me cry. I want to make sure that I give these this family a discount when they check out.”

The manager walked with me through the store so that we could meet them at the entrance. When we walked outside there was another family that approached the manager and asked, “Do you have any expired baloney or food that we can have? We are hungry and have nothing to eat.”

The manager looked at me and asked, “Does this always happen like this?”

I said, “Yeah, many times it does.”

About this time the husband’s wife said, “I recognize my sister. She is coming towards us.” I noticed she was referring to the car of the first family. Up until this time I had no idea that these families were related. God has been bringing two related families together for Blue Mustang. Both families always love God.

I introduced myself to them and explained to them the ministry of Blue Mustang to them. I then blessed them the same way I did the first family. The sisters were both excited to see each other there because this was not planned. This was orchestrated by God. Their children also asked, “Does that mean we can buy cereal now?” Things likes cereal we take for granted but to both of these family it was a luxury. My sister, who took care of blessing one family, again missed out on what just happened. They were both busy inside of the store getting groceries and never realized what was happening. There are always families in need no matter where we may travel.

I have noticed that in the ghetto of Denver that the whole community is changing because of what Blue Mustang started. I just don’t see the bad guys like I used to. When good is present, the forces of darkness are forced to move out of the way. But it takes effort on our part, prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit to make this happen. Maybe Blue Mustang has started something big here in this community. Only time will tell us what God is up to.