Family Receives a Car

It was Saturday and I went back down to the ghetto see the new families that our King provided for us. When I arrived, there were over a 100 people worshipping our awesome God. God loves our worship. Being his children and we refused to do that, the rocks themselves will worship our God. These families in the ghetto have learned to worship God even before they receive a thing. They do not care who is watching or even walking by. They sing loudly just praising God. They do not ever watch what time it is. They physically concentrate on worshipping our King. They do not even know if I’m going to show up. But this does not stop them from worshiping.

What was different about this time was that Lydia’s mom began singing a song about Blue Mustang. She wrote a song in her own words. She has a beautiful voice as she sang it. Lydia and all the other kids were in the middle of the circle just dancing while they were praising God. It is interesting how these families worship God. They get in a circle and for protection they put the children in the center, the wives are in the next layer and the men stand around their family members to protect them just in case anybody would drive by and start shooting. I just love the way African American people sing. They will sing “Amazing Grace” without any music and yet when it comes out of their mouths, it is so beautiful. I remember the words that Blue Mustang gave me. He said, “You know because you are out witnessing every weekand, these families give you the opportunity to come together in a body and to worship God . You need fellowship just like everybody else.”

They never get tired of worshipping God. They always sing praises to our Lord for 1 to 2 hours. When everybody else feels they have to have Saturday for themselves, they bring glory to God. They even go to church on Sunday and worship him again.

They finished up the service by Lydia’s dad thanking God for the worship time. Then he anointed the new families that were about to be blessed. The two families were related by brother and sister. They were there with their spouses and they began praying for Blue Mustang. They prayed even though Blue Mustang may not show up today, that we are still going to pray and thank you for what just happened today and the people who were there supporting them.

Even though I was hiding and listening to the service, Lydia eventually saw me. She always yells out my name and comes running towards me. She exclaimed, “I knew that you would be coming. God even said that you were going to be here.”

They then began worshipping again thanking God again. Lydia then asked, “Are we ready for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the extra for inflation.” I begin laying the money out on the family’s hands and Lydia continued, “The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” When I lay down the twenty she said, “This is the extra for inflation.”

They do a good job of keeping the amount of money secret that Blue Mustang gives each time. It is always a shock to them to see the amount amount of money that they are given to go grocery shopping. They always begin crying when they realize that they are going to have enough to buy food.

There were two girls who worked at the grocery store that came out and they were crying. Lydia asked, “Why are you girls crying?”

They said, “It was because of you and your parents that you shared Jesus Christ to us. We gave our hearts to Jesus Christ just because of you guys. We were watching you guys worshipping and loving God. It is very emotional to watch you guys worshiping the Lord. We have learned how to worship the Lord by watching what you guys do. You guys definitely know how to worship.”

These girls have led their parents and their grandparents to the Lord. After they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, their lives have not been the same ever since. Many times the girls bring out snacks for the families when they arrive.

Before I left, the new family’s anointed me. They then laid hands on me that God would protect me. They also prayed for Blue Mustang that he would always be able to continue doing God’s ministry.

After they finish praying over me, this old couple came up to us. The man said, “My wife and I were losing faith. We felt like we were in a big rut. But when we heard you guys worshipping and singing all those old hymns, you requindled a new love for Jesus Christ.”

Lydia then begins telling them everything. She started talking about Blue Mustang what he does and then immediately told them what I did. She especially liked telling them about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit when laying out the money.

They asked her, “So Blue Mustang supplies money for families that are struggling.”

Lydia replied, “Yes, God is amazing.”

Rachel then stepped in and said, “He is spirit lead. He doesn’t do it for himself but he does it for the glory of God.”

The old couple then replied, “You know what! We want to buy your guys’s groceries. You can keep that money for gasoline.”

One of the family spoke up and said, “We cannot do that. We do not have a car.”

The old couple replied, “You do not have a car. We have an extra car. My wife does not want to drive anymore. None of our kids like the car because it is a 71 Oldsmobile. They say it looks like a boat. But you are welcome to have it.”

That family became excited that they were about ready to get a car. The old couple then went to bring the car back to that family. The car only had 71000 miles on it. It was a beautiful car and they gave it away. You can listen to the rest of the story below:

Gang Needing Prayer Ends Up Giving Hearts to Jesus

It was Saturday and my King sent me to a park near Commerce City. The gang was running late so I call Blue Mustang to talk to him about the families that I met earlier. Shorty into our conversation, all of these cars started showing up. This gang had arrived. There are 29 men in this gang. As they got out of their cars, they began walking towards me. I reached into the back of my pickup and began pulling out the coolers. As I looked over the bed of my pickup, I could see another gang pull up on the other side of my pick up.

That gang got out of their car and walked towards me. The leader of that gang they called him Salvador. He looked towards the other gang leader and said, “Hey Marty, I don’t wanna fight with you. I know that we are enemies and we usually fight with each other. I saw Sonny’s truck and I just want to talk to him. A lot of our family members are very sick right now. We are going to ask Sonny to pray for them.”

Marty replied, “Sure that’s OK. If your parents are sick, that is cool that you are asking for Sonny to pray for them.”

Salvador then continued, “Yeah, I think that our parents all have Covid 19. I am just here for prayer.” I then began praying for each gang member’s parents that were sick. I prayed directly to God asking that he would bring healing to their bodies and restore their health. I then noticed that some of Marty’s men were crying. I felt in my spirit that the Lord was really getting hold of this gang of Salvador’s.

After I finish praying, I said, “I have been talking to you guys a lot about Jesus Christ for a long time. Tomorrow is never promised not even for me.” I then began looking at both gangs and continued, “Are there any of you who want to give your heart to Jesus Christ now and go back to your families?”

The men who were crying from Salvador’s gang said, “We are tired of the life we are living. I am tired of getting into fights and getting shot at everyday. I want to go home. I do not know if my parents want to take me back but I just want to go home.” Those five men from Salvador’s gang then gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They then immediately began calling their parents. Four Men from Marty’s gang said, “We want to go home too. We too are tired of living this life. We want our hearts to be transformed like you said Sonny before we go home. I want to forgive my dad for what he has done. We are ready.” They too began crying. I then noticed other of Salvador’s men began walking away. It appeared to be talking on their cell phones. I assumed that they were calling home also.

Salvador then came to me and said, “Here I came here just for prayer, but I ended up losing my whole gang. All their families are coming for them. I better join them. I do not have a gang anymore.”

I then said, “Now you belong to a Christian gang. You can serve God.”

Salvador then replied, “That sounds like a good idea.” He then gave his heart to God. He then pulled his cellphone out and called his parents and told them what he did. His parents were too sick to come and get him. But his parents immediately began crying because they were waiting for this day. I began thinking how Salvador’s game only wanted to come for prayer but ended up giving their hearts to Jesus Christ today.

After Salvador’s gang finished giving their hearts to Jesus Christ, we begin to eat breakfast. One of his men came to me and said, “You know my stomach just cannot take that spicy food anymore. Do you have anything else.”

I replied, “You see that Brown bag over there. There are some burritos that aren’t spicy at all. Those are just sausage, egg, and potato burritos.”

He had a big smile on his face and said, “Praise God! He is already answering my prayer!”

Soon the parents of Salvador’s gang began showing up. Marty’s gang also noticed what was going on. They too began thinking of all the things that they were missing by being away from home. They too began giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. You can listen to the entire story below:

School Bus Salvation

Now that the new year has started I was thinking back about one of the most unusual things that God had me do last year. I do believe that a school bus that brought a gang to accept Jesus Christ was probably the most unusual thing that he did. This all started about mid December when God asked me to go see several gangs. He had me pick up Christmas cards for each gang to fill out. He asked me to have them to write down things that they would like to share with their parents. The gangs accepted their cards and some begin filling them out right away. We had burritos and I talked with them about Jesus Christ while they ate. But they still were not ready to give their hearts to Jesus and I eventually left. My King already has made plans for me to see one of these gangs again next week.

It was Thursday of next week and I was speaking to the highway patrolman that night. After the meeting, which was cut short because of other activities, God had me go speak to that gang with the time that I had left. God said, “Before you go, I want you to get a school bus.”

I began to think maybe God was losing it because I could see nothing coming from this. But I have learned that God usually has some plan that I just cannot see. Of course being this late, where would you pick up a school bus at this time of night. But I remembered that the undercover police had buses in their garage. I asked, “My King needs a school bus.” At first they thought maybe I was losing it it but they knew from past experiences that I was serious. They weren’t sure at first but they finally let me have one. Then they asked, “Have you ever driven a bus before?”

I said, “No, but it can’t be any worse than riding a horse.” They chuckled at my reply. They said, “We we’ll show you how to run one.” They showed me where all the switches and the bus things were just in case I had to stop at a railroad track. They then had me practice in the parking lot driving it forward then backing up just to make sure I felt comfortable. I am sure that I was not that comfortable because I had a lot of fear driving something that big on the street. I told the undercover police to pray for me. I then left the lot and headed towards the gang’s home that God wanted me to see. Eventually, my King told me why I needed to get this bus. When I got to their home, some of the gang members came out to greet me. They looked like they were about ready to start shooting at me. When I open the bus door they saw who was sitting in the bus. The leader said, “Geewiz Sonny, we didn’t know that was you in that bus! We were about ready to start shooting at you! Did you trade your monster truck in for a bus?”

I replied, “No, My King told me to bring this bus. He wants us to go cruising together to view the Christmas lights.”

The other gang members said, “Wow! that sounds like fun.” They were like children and started running towards the bus.

The gang leader standing all alone said, “I guess it looks like we’re going to view Christmas lights tonight.” So he climbed on board with his men and we started heading out to view the lights. Everybody was quiet so I got on the buses microphone and said, “Hey guys, shouldn’t you guys be going ‘ooh’ and ‘aww’ as we see these cool lighting displays.”

They chuckled as I said that. I know that they were thinking about the past before they became gang members about these things they did around Christmas. They we’re beginning to miss all of this. Finally I said, “Let’s go to Parker. I know they’ll have some fancy lights displays.” We headed towards Parker and turned into one of the fancy developments. The people out walking gave us a strange looks. They never have seen a bus here at this time of night.

I turned to the leader and asked, “What Christmas traditions did you do during Christmas?”

He shared, “Mom would make tamales and cookies. She would do all kinds of baking.” He continued to share some of the things that he did and finally confessed, “My folks lived in this area and we are just a few blocks away from them.”

I suggested, “Let’s go and see your parents. They will surely be surprised.”

The leader had not seen his parents in almost 7 years and hesitated. He replied, ” I am not sure that my dad will want to see me. I left on bad terms. He may never forgive me.”

I said, “You will never know unless you try.”

He finally give me directions to his home. When we got there his parents came out to greet us. They were surprised to see a school bus in front of their home. But they were even more surprised when their son came out of the bus. He immediately went and talked privately with his dad. His mom invited all of us to come into the house. Sure enough just as he said, his mom was making tamales and making cookies as their family always did. As the leader was talking to his dad they started apologizing to each other about what happened years ago.

The leader said, “Dad, I really left on a bad foot. I said some pretty nasty things too. I am just asking for your forgiveness.”

His dad replied, “Son, I just want to say I’m sorry for anything that I did to cause this.” His parents already knew the Lord so he understood what he must do. They started crying and hugging each other. Then the leader came to me and said, “Sonny, I want to come home. I want to give my life to Jesus Christ.”

I looked around to see what his men were thinking about this, but I noticed most of them had left the room and they were on their phones. They too were calling home. All of their parents were coming to pick them up. His men too wanted to go home and they too wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. They just wanted to make sure that their hearts were right with God before they went home.

It is interesting that just filling out a Christmas card which the entire gang sent their cards out. This prepared their hearts for what I was doing tonight. God then use that school bus and the Christmas lights to bring this gang to Salvation. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

A lot of healing took place at the leader’s home. We ate everything that his mom had prepared for Christmas but she didn’t care. After praying for everybody and watching the unsaved families give their hearts to Jesus Christ, it was time to go. I needed to let their sons go so they communicate with their families. I then took the bus back to the garage where I got it. I parked it back inside the shed where I found it. As I drove into the buses parking spot, I noticed on the chalkboard that there were names on that board and next to their names were their prediction on how many bullet holes would be in that school bus. One guy said that I would have one bullet hole and one guy was as high as seven bullet holes. But the man there who knew God and talked about Jesus Christ all the time wrote “zero – When God Is Watching Over You nothing will happen.” Of course this man won the bet.

Before I went home I checked the condition of the bus. Even though we had pizza on the bus, the gang members left the bus really clean and they did no damage to the interior at all. I was about ready to go in and sweep up what little there was but the undercover police told me that we will take care of it.

Even though it was supposed to be private, everybody from the undercover police knew that I took out the bus. It was interesting that the captain said, “You guys are not to allow him to take a bus by himself. You should have drove him.”

All his men said, “No way are we were picking up gangs. That could be dangerous. They may even shoot at us.” The captain dropped it knowing they were right and said everything is okay. This reminds me about how much my King protects me as I complete his ministry. But I would not give this up for anything.

Christmas Card Miracle

It is Saturday and it is time for me to witness to more gangs. I was looking for a new gang from Dallas Texas. I thought that maybe because of the cold weather that I would be forced to meet them at their homes. But the weather turned out to be nicer then I thought so I headed to the park that’s near Commerce City. Sure enough when I got there they were gangs there but not the one I was looking for. There were two gangs facing each other but no weapons were drawn. I recognized both of these gangs and the leaders were having a peaceful discussion. I stopped my pickup and got out to put my tailgate down. I saw five men running towards me from one gang. They shouted, “Hey Sonny, let us help you with those heavy coolers. We have been waiting for you and we are craving Dr Pepper badly.”

As they began lifting the cooler down, I asked, “How is it that both of your gangs are talking to each other? You always fight with each other.”

One man replied, “We are done fighting. Those Christmas cards that you had us fill out to send to our parents. It really messed us up. When we thought about our parents, past Christmases, and began writing things down it made us cry. We have a surprise for you SONNY. I wrote a song about forgiveness to my mom and dad. I know that God will forgive me if I forgive my parents.”

When he sang it to me I was impressed on how amazing his voice was. I really believe God will use his voice for his Kingdom. I then went over to the leaders and began starting a conversation with them. They immediately asked, “Sonny, can God really forgive us. We have done a lot of bad things. We have already called our parents to ask for forgiveness from them. Even though our parents did bad things to us, we were not much better in the way we treated them. We want Jesus to be able to forgive us. ”

I began to notice cars starting to show up. The one leader continued, “We have not been a gang for two weeks. The first thing we did was make things right with our parents. They are coming at 2pm to meet us. The next thing, as you said, is to get our hearts right with God. We want to do that before we go home.”

What happened next is amazing. Listen to the entire story:

Being in God’s Will

Over the Christmas break I have discovered the power of what it is like to be in the will of God. I know from Jesus Christ that I am not a perfect being. I am one of those that the book of Romans talks about:

Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

This is proof that I am not any more special than anyone else. But one thing I do know is that when you’re doing things for God he is going to be there to make sure it happens. On my flight to Reno from Denver my plane was the only one that wasn’t canceled. I was flying Southwest Airlines and they have been having problems. But God needed me there. He had two hungry families waiting for me when I arrived to bless. I was in the security line 1.5 hrs before my flight but the line was moving to slow. I flagged down on of the men riding in luggage cart and mentioned to him that I was about to miss my flight. He immediately said climb on board and he rushed me towards the front of the line. He then told the checkers that I had an important mission and to push me through to my flight. While he drove me to the front of the line, he shared with me that God told him that there would be a man with an emergency and that I should help you.

God was not gonna let any flight delay keep me from getting there.
I arrived in Reno on time. The families waiting for me were sure surprised when they found out I came from Colorado to bless them.

I also discovered on my way back that the same thing occurred. All Southwest flights were all canceled but mine. There were two gangs that were waiting for me to witness to when I returned. God made sure that I arrived home without putting flight issues into my life. Again, God made sure my flight left on time and arrived on time.

While I was waiting to board I could see all the anger from irritate passengers. One man was abusive to a lady who worked for Southwest. She had no control of what was going on and I cannot stand men who abusive women. I went up to him and began to ask the guy about his medical history. I caught him off guard and he began to answer my questions. Soon he asked me what this was all about. I warned him that a helicopter was about to come and he would be unconscious. I explained to him that they would need his medical history. That shook him up and he was about to sit down. I made him apologize to the woman first. He greatfully did and quietly sat down. As I was about to leave,  I looked into his eyes and said that I would come back if he changed his mind and finish the job. You should have seen everybody settle down. The Southwest employee smiled.

My God gave me rest during my trip and I was not stressed out about anything going home. I had time to meet with Blue Mustang for breakfast before I went to the gangs.

So many times in life we are doing things for ourselves and we are contrary to the will of God. Sometimes we need to get back to doing things for our God and he will make our lives less challenging. But our King will allow things to happen to test us because he wants to see what we’re made out of and what our faith is like. Just remember you can go on a vacation and be in God’s will. How do we know if we are in God’s will? Check to see if what you are about to do gives Glory to God. If it does, this is a good indicator that you are in his plans. If not, you are just glorifying yourself.

Academia Experiencing the Power of God

God has been talking a lot about what he’s going to be doing in Academia through his prophets. I have had the opportunity to speak to college students on Monday and Tuesday night. I received a report from one girl who said, “Our professor came into the classroom early and observed me having a serious conversation with another student.”

He was curious what we were talking about and asked, “Megan, you look so serious when you were talking with the other student. What were you guys talking about?”

Megan replied, “We were talking about how God is so faithful.” The professor wanted to immediately stop our discussion and did not ask anymore questions.

A couple of days later he asked a little bit more about what we were talking about then Megan asked, “Is your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

He immediately replied, “No.”

Megan then replied, “Our time on this Earth is temporary. We do not know when in our time is up. Now is the time to give your heart to Jesus Christ.”

Again, he really did not want to speak anything more about this and dropped the subject. Four days later he came to Megan and said, “You know I have not been able to sleep at night. I have been thinking about what you said about where am I going to be spending eternity.”

Megan replied, “That was the Holy Spirit convicting your heart. He wants you to give your life to Jesus Christ.”

After Megan prayed for him, that professor began to cry and gave his life to Jesus Christ. When he told his wife about it she also began crying. You know his class has been a lot different since he has given his life to Jesus Christ. Megan reported that there was a different atmosphere going to his classroom after giving his heart to Jesus Christ. I know that God is going to continue working through Academia and I would love to be able to make a report which I probably will in the future witnessing the Holy Spirit moving during algebra class. God loves our young people and he wants their hearts. God will be using students like Megan to accomplish his will.