Academia Experiencing the Power of God

God has been talking a lot about what he’s going to be doing in Academia through his prophets. I have had the opportunity to speak to college students on Monday and Tuesday night. I received a report from one girl who said, “Our professor came into the classroom early and observed me having a serious conversation with another student.”

He was curious what we were talking about and asked, “Megan, you look so serious when you were talking with the other student. What were you guys talking about?”

Megan replied, “We were talking about how God is so faithful.” The professor wanted to immediately stop our discussion and did not ask anymore questions.

A couple of days later he asked a little bit more about what we were talking about then Megan asked, “Is your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

He immediately replied, “No.”

Megan then replied, “Our time on this Earth is temporary. We do not know when in our time is up. Now is the time to give your heart to Jesus Christ.”

Again, he really did not want to speak anything more about this and dropped the subject. Four days later he came to Megan and said, “You know I have not been able to sleep at night. I have been thinking about what you said about where am I going to be spending eternity.”

Megan replied, “That was the Holy Spirit convicting your heart. He wants you to give your life to Jesus Christ.”

After Megan prayed for him, that professor began to cry and gave his life to Jesus Christ. When he told his wife about it she also began crying. You know his class has been a lot different since he has given his life to Jesus Christ. Megan reported that there was a different atmosphere going to his classroom after giving his heart to Jesus Christ. I know that God is going to continue working through Academia and I would love to be able to make a report which I probably will in the future witnessing the Holy Spirit moving during algebra class. God loves our young people and he wants their hearts. God will be using students like Megan to accomplish his will.