Being in God’s Will

Over the Christmas break I have discovered the power of what it is like to be in the will of God. I know from Jesus Christ that I am not a perfect being. I am one of those that the book of Romans talks about:

Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

This is proof that I am not any more special than anyone else. But one thing I do know is that when you’re doing things for God he is going to be there to make sure it happens. On my flight to Reno from Denver my plane was the only one that wasn’t canceled. I was flying Southwest Airlines and they have been having problems. But God needed me there. He had two hungry families waiting for me when I arrived to bless. I was in the security line 1.5 hrs before my flight but the line was moving to slow. I flagged down on of the men riding in luggage cart and mentioned to him that I was about to miss my flight. He immediately said climb on board and he rushed me towards the front of the line. He then told the checkers that I had an important mission and to push me through to my flight. While he drove me to the front of the line, he shared with me that God told him that there would be a man with an emergency and that I should help you.

God was not gonna let any flight delay keep me from getting there.
I arrived in Reno on time. The families waiting for me were sure surprised when they found out I came from Colorado to bless them.

I also discovered on my way back that the same thing occurred. All Southwest flights were all canceled but mine. There were two gangs that were waiting for me to witness to when I returned. God made sure that I arrived home without putting flight issues into my life. Again, God made sure my flight left on time and arrived on time.

While I was waiting to board I could see all the anger from irritate passengers. One man was abusive to a lady who worked for Southwest. She had no control of what was going on and I cannot stand men who abusive women. I went up to him and began to ask the guy about his medical history. I caught him off guard and he began to answer my questions. Soon he asked me what this was all about. I warned him that a helicopter was about to come and he would be unconscious. I explained to him that they would need his medical history. That shook him up and he was about to sit down. I made him apologize to the woman first. He greatfully did and quietly sat down. As I was about to leave,  I looked into his eyes and said that I would come back if he changed his mind and finish the job. You should have seen everybody settle down. The Southwest employee smiled.

My God gave me rest during my trip and I was not stressed out about anything going home. I had time to meet with Blue Mustang for breakfast before I went to the gangs.

So many times in life we are doing things for ourselves and we are contrary to the will of God. Sometimes we need to get back to doing things for our God and he will make our lives less challenging. But our King will allow things to happen to test us because he wants to see what we’re made out of and what our faith is like. Just remember you can go on a vacation and be in God’s will. How do we know if we are in God’s will? Check to see if what you are about to do gives Glory to God. If it does, this is a good indicator that you are in his plans. If not, you are just glorifying yourself.