Christmas Card Miracle

It is Saturday and it is time for me to witness to more gangs. I was looking for a new gang from Dallas Texas. I thought that maybe because of the cold weather that I would be forced to meet them at their homes. But the weather turned out to be nicer then I thought so I headed to the park that’s near Commerce City. Sure enough when I got there they were gangs there but not the one I was looking for. There were two gangs facing each other but no weapons were drawn. I recognized both of these gangs and the leaders were having a peaceful discussion. I stopped my pickup and got out to put my tailgate down. I saw five men running towards me from one gang. They shouted, “Hey Sonny, let us help you with those heavy coolers. We have been waiting for you and we are craving Dr Pepper badly.”

As they began lifting the cooler down, I asked, “How is it that both of your gangs are talking to each other? You always fight with each other.”

One man replied, “We are done fighting. Those Christmas cards that you had us fill out to send to our parents. It really messed us up. When we thought about our parents, past Christmases, and began writing things down it made us cry. We have a surprise for you SONNY. I wrote a song about forgiveness to my mom and dad. I know that God will forgive me if I forgive my parents.”

When he sang it to me I was impressed on how amazing his voice was. I really believe God will use his voice for his Kingdom. I then went over to the leaders and began starting a conversation with them. They immediately asked, “Sonny, can God really forgive us. We have done a lot of bad things. We have already called our parents to ask for forgiveness from them. Even though our parents did bad things to us, we were not much better in the way we treated them. We want Jesus to be able to forgive us. ”

I began to notice cars starting to show up. The one leader continued, “We have not been a gang for two weeks. The first thing we did was make things right with our parents. They are coming at 2pm to meet us. The next thing, as you said, is to get our hearts right with God. We want to do that before we go home.”

What happened next is amazing. Listen to the entire story: