Family Receives a Car

It was Saturday and I went back down to the ghetto see the new families that our King provided for us. When I arrived, there were over a 100 people worshipping our awesome God. God loves our worship. Being his children and we refused to do that, the rocks themselves will worship our God. These families in the ghetto have learned to worship God even before they receive a thing. They do not care who is watching or even walking by. They sing loudly just praising God. They do not ever watch what time it is. They physically concentrate on worshipping our King. They do not even know if I’m going to show up. But this does not stop them from worshiping.

What was different about this time was that Lydia’s mom began singing a song about Blue Mustang. She wrote a song in her own words. She has a beautiful voice as she sang it. Lydia and all the other kids were in the middle of the circle just dancing while they were praising God. It is interesting how these families worship God. They get in a circle and for protection they put the children in the center, the wives are in the next layer and the men stand around their family members to protect them just in case anybody would drive by and start shooting. I just love the way African American people sing. They will sing “Amazing Grace” without any music and yet when it comes out of their mouths, it is so beautiful. I remember the words that Blue Mustang gave me. He said, “You know because you are out witnessing every weekand, these families give you the opportunity to come together in a body and to worship God . You need fellowship just like everybody else.”

They never get tired of worshipping God. They always sing praises to our Lord for 1 to 2 hours. When everybody else feels they have to have Saturday for themselves, they bring glory to God. They even go to church on Sunday and worship him again.

They finished up the service by Lydia’s dad thanking God for the worship time. Then he anointed the new families that were about to be blessed. The two families were related by brother and sister. They were there with their spouses and they began praying for Blue Mustang. They prayed even though Blue Mustang may not show up today, that we are still going to pray and thank you for what just happened today and the people who were there supporting them.

Even though I was hiding and listening to the service, Lydia eventually saw me. She always yells out my name and comes running towards me. She exclaimed, “I knew that you would be coming. God even said that you were going to be here.”

They then began worshipping again thanking God again. Lydia then asked, “Are we ready for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the extra for inflation.” I begin laying the money out on the family’s hands and Lydia continued, “The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” When I lay down the twenty she said, “This is the extra for inflation.”

They do a good job of keeping the amount of money secret that Blue Mustang gives each time. It is always a shock to them to see the amount amount of money that they are given to go grocery shopping. They always begin crying when they realize that they are going to have enough to buy food.

There were two girls who worked at the grocery store that came out and they were crying. Lydia asked, “Why are you girls crying?”

They said, “It was because of you and your parents that you shared Jesus Christ to us. We gave our hearts to Jesus Christ just because of you guys. We were watching you guys worshipping and loving God. It is very emotional to watch you guys worshiping the Lord. We have learned how to worship the Lord by watching what you guys do. You guys definitely know how to worship.”

These girls have led their parents and their grandparents to the Lord. After they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, their lives have not been the same ever since. Many times the girls bring out snacks for the families when they arrive.

Before I left, the new family’s anointed me. They then laid hands on me that God would protect me. They also prayed for Blue Mustang that he would always be able to continue doing God’s ministry.

After they finish praying over me, this old couple came up to us. The man said, “My wife and I were losing faith. We felt like we were in a big rut. But when we heard you guys worshipping and singing all those old hymns, you requindled a new love for Jesus Christ.”

Lydia then begins telling them everything. She started talking about Blue Mustang what he does and then immediately told them what I did. She especially liked telling them about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit when laying out the money.

They asked her, “So Blue Mustang supplies money for families that are struggling.”

Lydia replied, “Yes, God is amazing.”

Rachel then stepped in and said, “He is spirit lead. He doesn’t do it for himself but he does it for the glory of God.”

The old couple then replied, “You know what! We want to buy your guys’s groceries. You can keep that money for gasoline.”

One of the family spoke up and said, “We cannot do that. We do not have a car.”

The old couple replied, “You do not have a car. We have an extra car. My wife does not want to drive anymore. None of our kids like the car because it is a 71 Oldsmobile. They say it looks like a boat. But you are welcome to have it.”

That family became excited that they were about ready to get a car. The old couple then went to bring the car back to that family. The car only had 71000 miles on it. It was a beautiful car and they gave it away. You can listen to the rest of the story below: