Gang Needing Prayer Ends Up Giving Hearts to Jesus

It was Saturday and my King sent me to a park near Commerce City. The gang was running late so I call Blue Mustang to talk to him about the families that I met earlier. Shorty into our conversation, all of these cars started showing up. This gang had arrived. There are 29 men in this gang. As they got out of their cars, they began walking towards me. I reached into the back of my pickup and began pulling out the coolers. As I looked over the bed of my pickup, I could see another gang pull up on the other side of my pick up.

That gang got out of their car and walked towards me. The leader of that gang they called him Salvador. He looked towards the other gang leader and said, “Hey Marty, I don’t wanna fight with you. I know that we are enemies and we usually fight with each other. I saw Sonny’s truck and I just want to talk to him. A lot of our family members are very sick right now. We are going to ask Sonny to pray for them.”

Marty replied, “Sure that’s OK. If your parents are sick, that is cool that you are asking for Sonny to pray for them.”

Salvador then continued, “Yeah, I think that our parents all have Covid 19. I am just here for prayer.” I then began praying for each gang member’s parents that were sick. I prayed directly to God asking that he would bring healing to their bodies and restore their health. I then noticed that some of Marty’s men were crying. I felt in my spirit that the Lord was really getting hold of this gang of Salvador’s.

After I finish praying, I said, “I have been talking to you guys a lot about Jesus Christ for a long time. Tomorrow is never promised not even for me.” I then began looking at both gangs and continued, “Are there any of you who want to give your heart to Jesus Christ now and go back to your families?”

The men who were crying from Salvador’s gang said, “We are tired of the life we are living. I am tired of getting into fights and getting shot at everyday. I want to go home. I do not know if my parents want to take me back but I just want to go home.” Those five men from Salvador’s gang then gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. They then immediately began calling their parents. Four Men from Marty’s gang said, “We want to go home too. We too are tired of living this life. We want our hearts to be transformed like you said Sonny before we go home. I want to forgive my dad for what he has done. We are ready.” They too began crying. I then noticed other of Salvador’s men began walking away. It appeared to be talking on their cell phones. I assumed that they were calling home also.

Salvador then came to me and said, “Here I came here just for prayer, but I ended up losing my whole gang. All their families are coming for them. I better join them. I do not have a gang anymore.”

I then said, “Now you belong to a Christian gang. You can serve God.”

Salvador then replied, “That sounds like a good idea.” He then gave his heart to God. He then pulled his cellphone out and called his parents and told them what he did. His parents were too sick to come and get him. But his parents immediately began crying because they were waiting for this day. I began thinking how Salvador’s game only wanted to come for prayer but ended up giving their hearts to Jesus Christ today.

After Salvador’s gang finished giving their hearts to Jesus Christ, we begin to eat breakfast. One of his men came to me and said, “You know my stomach just cannot take that spicy food anymore. Do you have anything else.”

I replied, “You see that Brown bag over there. There are some burritos that aren’t spicy at all. Those are just sausage, egg, and potato burritos.”

He had a big smile on his face and said, “Praise God! He is already answering my prayer!”

Soon the parents of Salvador’s gang began showing up. Marty’s gang also noticed what was going on. They too began thinking of all the things that they were missing by being away from home. They too began giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. You can listen to the entire story below: