Cartel Gives Hearts to Jesus

It was Sunday and I went down to Denver to meet with the gangs I spoke with yesterday. By the time I got finished with them it was almost dark. I was sitting on a picnic table and began thanking the Lord for what just happened. By the time all their families picked everybody up there was over 140 people there. Both gangs went home with their families.

As I was still sitting on the picnic table, I looked over to my left and noticed three black Cadillacs pulling up beside me. These are the kind of cars that the cartels drive. I said, “Lord, give me wisdom to speak to these guys.” I am not scared of them anymore because I have learned that God decides when I am going to live or die. After they stopped, five men got out of the Cadillacs. I have met this cartel before. What was unusual this time is that they did not have any weapons pointed on me. I begin thinking about when I told Blue Mustang that the only people now who point guns at me are from the cartels. Blue Mustang then said, “Let’s pray to God and ask that even cartels will put their guns away when they see the word of God.” I vividly remember that prayer that he made over me when they had their guns holstered.

The men who were nicely dressed began walking towards me. The leader came up to me and said, “You must be Sonny. We have heard that you always tell the gangs around here about Jesus Christ. You have even talk to our girls about Jesus Christ. My name is Salvador. I was also raised in church. I have forgotten what it means to serve God. I have been telling my team that I am tired of hurting people. In my profession we sell drugs to people which are devastating to their lives. I have been thinking how my profession just brings destruction to people’s life but what you do is bring life into people, just the opposite what I do. I am just sick of what I have been doing to people.”

I reminded the leader that it is the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ that provides that life into people. Only the Holy Spirit can transform a heart. He gets the glory and the victory for that.

The leader then asked, “We are here to ask that you pray for us. We got rid of everything. Now we want Jesus in our hearts. We want to start a new life and go back to our families.”

As soon as he said “families”, nine more Cadillacs pulled up. The rest of his crew showed up. I was thinking that they are angry for what their boss was about to do. But God said, “No”. They all got out of their cars and walked towards me. The leader looked over his shoulder and said, “These are all my boys. I gave them the option of serving Jesus Christ or to continue what they were doing. I have been looking for you today. When we saw your truck, we noticed that you were praying for these gangs. We wanted to make sure that we do not interfere with while you praying for them, so we just waited until they left.”

The men from the other cars came up and asked Salvador if he has given his life to Jesus Christ yet. Salvador replied, “No, I have not.”

His men then said, “Well, we are right on time then. We have been thinking about what you said. Going back to our families and starting a new life, that is what we want to do also. We are also done with this life. We are done hurting people. We don’t want to hurt people anymore.”

I began thinking about the first time I met these guys and started talking to them about Jesus Christ even though they wanted nothing to do with me. I planted seeds in their lives when I left them. Those seeds have matured and now these men want to give their lives to Jesus Christ. As all the men began given their lives to Jesus Christ, they begin to cry uncontrollably. Even more so than I’ve seen it any time while I’ve been witnessing to the gangs and cartels. God is totally healing their hearts and their minds. These guys have hurt a lot of people but surrendered it all for Jesus Christ.

They began calling their parents to tell them what they have done and that they are ready to come home. I chuckled and begin to think that I was just about done for the night and God had something cool happen just before my eyes. You can listen to the entire story below: