Families Being Blessed and Gangs Being Saved

My most precious times are going down to the ghetto to bless the families. God is made this into such a large ministry that the people we have blessed are worshiping God every Saturday morning when I get there. They physically do not let time ever get their way. The only thing they care about is give glory to our King. Another thing I like is how they anoint everything. I am amazed that families come never know how much each family has received in the past.

When we started this ministry in the ghetto, God was physically sending people to us to the ghetto King Sooper store to bless. But in the last six months or so Lydia and her parents, who were the first ones in the ghetto we blessed. I asked them how they find the families that our King blesses each week. They said, “We started praying for the families that we are to find each week, but God said this is not enough. I want you to go out into the community and talk to people. We also pray for the community before we go out and meet people. We go door-to-door and asked how everybody is doing. We are pretty tightknit community and we basically all know each other.  When I enter a house God will reveal to me that this family is in need. I will ask them how things are going, and they will admit that things are not going as good as they would like it. So Sonny, this is how we find families just by asking. Sometimes when we are talking to one family they will say so and so over there in that house they’re not doing good at all. Things are really tight for them right now. When I find the families I ask them to meet us at the store on Saturday at 10 o’clock. We have a surprise for you. I never mention anything about money but I say come and experience what God can do. You have to walk by faith and not by sight.”

Another thing that is you unusual about Lydia and her family is that they anoint all the doorknobs on the houses they come into contact with. They want these homes to experience the power of God’s blessings.

Before God had us get involved in the ghetto ministry, I use to go see the gangs as early as 10 o’clock. But God had other plans when he had us start this ghetto ministry. God is amazing. It is though he stops time. The time I spend with these families all morning and early afternoon does not interfere with the gangs. They are not ready for me until I get there. The gangs always follow my schedule. That is because of the power of our God. He can do that.

When I finished up with these families today, I headed to the park and where two gangs would be looking for me looking for me. God had me pick up some kites that he was going to use to bring these guys closer together. I did not know who they were, but they knew who I was. They just wanted prayer and they were hungry. They said, “We don’t want to fight anymore. We want to change our lives.”

Whatever God is doing in the gangs right now is amazing. The way God changes their hearts causes many of them to give their lives to Jesus Christ. Their numbers are greatly diminishing. Both of these gangs wanted to go back home but they were not certain if they wanted to go back home because of what their dads did to them to cause them to leave in the first place. They all said, “I am not going to go back to the house that is in the same conditions as I did when I left it.”

I looked at the leaders and replied, “Give me your dad’s phone number and I will call them. I’ll all find out if he’s a drunk for you.”

I called one leaders dad and he answered and asked me who is this. I said, “My name is Sonny and I know your son.” His dad was concerned and asked, “Is my son OK?” I answered, “He is doing great. I am just concerned about how your life is right now. How can I pray for you.”

His dad replied, “I used to be an alcoholic which made him run away from home five years ago. I have not touched one drop of liquor cents that. I’ve given my heart to Jesus Christ and I’m doing activities with the church.”

The other leaders dad said, “I have been crying out to God for my son because I have missed him greatly. I have not touched drugs in over four years now. I now reach for the word of God in place of the drugs.”

The phones were on speaker so both gang leaders and their men could hear what was going on in their family life. This was very encouraging for both gangs. They began to say that their dad’s are Christians now. He is different like the dad I used to know. Both dads told about how they are now actively involved in the church in the youth ministry and other things they do to serve God. When I mentioned that your sons are here by standing next to me, the dads began to cry.

The gang leaders began to ask a lot of questions about our ministry.  I told him that blue Mustang provides food for your breakfast. The gang leaders asked, “Is he a gang leader?”

I replied, “Yes, he’s a gang leader of a Christian gang.”

One leader said, “That’s cool.”

I said, “He got his nickname from the Latinos from the leader Lorenzo.” I was shocked that he knew who I was talking about.

He said, “I like that guy. He’s not mean but man does he ever command the authority. We have a lot of respect for that guy.  You tell blue Mustang thank you for the food because we are always hungry.”

It is amazing how many times when dad’s sons leave the home that there is all life change that goes on in the dad’s because of their sons action. But as I called each family and confirmed to their sons that there was a change that was going on in their home environment, they became excited to go home. Soon a bunch of families and friends started showing up as their sons gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Many of the family members who hadn’t accepted Jesus Christ did today when they saw what happened when Christ entered the life of their sons. You can listen to the entire story below:

Late February Gang

God had me meet with two gangs on Saturday. One of the gangs I knew and the other one I didn’t. I learned that they are looking for me. I went to a gang’s house that I knew on Saturday. When I arrived the gang leader said, “I am tired of being in the house. I am going to the park.”

I replied, “That’s okay. I will follow you.”

When we arrived the gang leader asked, “Do you have any food?  We are hungry. ”

I said that I did. The gang leader then asked, “I’ve been trying to memorize the Lord’s prayer, but I just don’t seem to get it.”

I said, “Why not just let your heart speak out a prayer.”

The leader said, “I will pray for breakfast for sure.” He looked at his men and said, “If you guys laugh at me, I am going to start shooting.” He laid both of his pistols out on the table. He then turned his focus on me and begin praying for breakfast. I cracked my eyes a bit to see what the gang leader was doing. He was looking at his men while he was praying making sure that nobody laughed. I prayed that his men would not laugh while he prayed. I found out that this gang leader ran away from home when he was 12 years old. He started his own gang when he was 16. He has been been away from home for 9 1/2 years. This is the first time that he has prayed since he left home. He began to cry as he finished up his prayer. He picked his pistols up off the table and put them away. He then looked at his men and said, “After we finish breakfast, I am going home. I am not going to do this life anymore.”

That simple prayer shifted his heart. He had given his heart to Jesus Christ when he was real young. But there was that one Saturday night when his dad was drunk and beat him up really bad. That was when he ran away from home. He began to share with his men on that special day how he gave his heart to Jesus Christ. He said, “I remember they were singing ‘Amazing Grace’ as I walk forward. When Sonny read John 3:16 to me last week, that just has been gnawing at my heart. Now I’m ready to go home. You guys can do whatever you want but for me it is going home.”

I begin looking around and noticed that many of his men also began crying. I then said, “Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised to anyone, not even for me. Who wants their names written in the Lamb’s book of life?”

They all began raising their hands one by one. Even though they had not finished breakfast, they began putting their food aside. They all stood in line, and I began praying for each one. I wanted this to be a special moment for each man here, so I prayed for each man individually as the Holy Spirit led me to pray. As I was getting to the end of the line, the men began to call their parents. They shared with their parents that they had given our hearts to Jesus Christ. When I came to the leader, he said, “Sonny, I want you to walk with me. I want you to be with me when I call my dad. I have talked with my mom on her birthday and Christmas, but I have never talked to my dad since I walked away that day. I began to cry as I listened to his story. When his dad answered the phone, he asked if everything was okay. The leader replied, “No, dad I want to ask your forgiveness for what I did when I left you that day. I am sorry for everything that I said. It is okay if you don’t want to forgive me. But God will forgive me.”

His dad immediately said, “It is I who should be asking you for forgiveness for that day you left. I begin to think what I could’ve done different. It has been a rough journey, but I have given up drinking entirely. I have not touched liquor in eight years. I have given my heart to Jesus Christ and have begun serving him.”

You can listen to the entire story here: