Seven Gangs Hear About Jesus

I had a plan to witness two gangs on Saturday and two other gangs on Sunday. Before I left for breakfast, Blue Mustang told me that the two gangs on Saturday would be looking for me. In fact, he made a specific prayer, “Lord, let the gangs that Sonny will encounter from now on that they would physically be looking for him instead of him looking for them. And that they would have that hunger in their hearts that they would be asking Sonny questions about God.”

Sure enough, when I arrived at the park, I found out that they been inquiring from the other gangs where I might be. They eventually got to Lorenzo my favorite gang leader and they asked him. Lorenzo said, “It depends whether or not you are going to hurt him. We like Sonny and if you do anything to harm him, we are going to harm you and and sell your cars.”

The gangs both confirmed to Lorenzo that they were only interested asking me question about God. Lorenzo still did not trust them, so he called me. I have heard about the great outpouring of God that he is about to do. One of the things is that people are going to be hungry to hear God’s word. For the last five weeks, I have seen this in the gangs. They are asking questions wanting to know more about the God we serve. When God had me start this ministry, they were not interested in seeing me at all. In fact, they would try to harm me and do things to me to discourage me so that I would go away. What God is doing today is amazing.

I began speaking to the gangs. While I was talking to the two gangs, a third gang unexpectedly showed up. They come up to me and asked, “We see you praying for these other guys. We would like you to pray for us to because we do want to go home. We do not want to go home with broken hearts, but we want to go home with changed hearts for Jesus Christ. Can you pray for us for this to happen? Before I started to pray, I realized this gang is asking questions about God before asking for food. I have noticed that the gangs have been really hungry lately. Their hunger for the things of God was greater than food. As I prayed for all the gangs, they all called their parents to make arrangements to go home. You should have seen how busy the park was over the weekend as parent came to get their sons.

Over this weekend I’ve had the chance to talk to seven gangs. Five of them gave their hearts to Jesus Christ but the other two just asked questions about God but I planted seeds into their lives. I am not sure how many people came as these men give their hearts to Jesus Christ but I had 600 Bibles and they were all gone when everybody left.

One thing I have noticed all the gangs is that they been wanting my support when they call home. The phone calls home are really amazing on how the dad’s lives have been transformed after losing their sons. You can listen to the entire story below: