Meeting with a Drug Cartel

There is a drug cartel in Denver that has posted a bounty on my life. God said that it was time for me to tell them about Jesus Christ. He had me bring some pizzas to their headquarters. When I got there, I was amazed on how big and beautiful the building was where they hung out. When I arrived at the door, I was questioned what I was up to.

I said, “I have pizzas to deliver to your boss.”

They checked with the boss to see what they should do with me. With a surprised look, the said, “The boss told us to bring you to him.”

I went clear up to the seventh floor. His men led me and the pizzas directly into his office. They inspected the pizzas and he then asked who I was. I said, “I am Sonny. I am the man you are looking for.”

The boss replied, “You know that you should never have come here. You are going to die for what you have done to us.”

I responded, “Let me pray for you guys before you do anything to me. After I am finished praying for you, you can do whatever you want to me.” The boss was dumbfounded by my answer but he let me pray for everybody. I even did prayer requests. At the end, it did not matter whether I brought them pizza or not, he had me thrown out the 7th floor window.

As I was flying out the window, I said to myself, “Sonny, this is it.”

God quickly replied, “What makes you think so? Look to your left!”

I noticed what appeared to be a landscape truck pulling a trailer. They were driving down the alley towards me. As I was was falling faster towards the ground their trailer moved into my point of impact. It was funny, one of the men inside the truck was looking around to see where they were at and noticed me falling. He yelled, “There is something falling from the building above us.”

I roughly landed in the back of their trailer. It was interesting how they had placed the sticks and branches underneath and placed a soft layer of grass on top where I landed. I immediately got up and got out of their trailer. The guys were puzzled and could not figure out what was going on.

I exclaimed, “Thanks for catching me! I was talking to a drug cartel about Jesus Christ and they threw me out the 7th story window.”

The driver said, “We weren’t even supposed to come down this alley. Somehow, we just made a wrong turn and ended up here.”

I replied, “God caused you to make this error to rescue me.”

The men thought about what I said and asked, “We need to know the God that you know. What should we do?”

I replied, “Just ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and to give your hearts to him. After that, just start living for him.” I prayed for these guys as they turned their hearts over to Jesus Christ. I then said, “I need to go back and talk to the drug cartel again.”

The men said, “You are crazy! They just threw you out the window and you’re going to go see them again.”

I replied, “God decides the timing of my death. No man can do that. As long as God has need of me he on this earth, he will always protect me from anything that will harm me.”

Those landscapers watched me with amazement as I walked back around the building to go through the doors again. They kept watching me until I walked around the corner. They then got in their truck and left. Boy, you should’ve seen the looks on the security guys when I came walking up to the door unharmed. I said, “I need to see your boss again. God wants me to tell him again that Jesus Christ loves him.”

They proceeded to take me up back to his office. That boss thought he saw a ghost because he knew that it was impossible for anyone to survive that fall. I began to explain to him what it was like to have a God who protects you and how he sent that landscaping crew to come and rescue me. He began to realize that I serve an awesome God and he and his organization decided that they didn’t want to do this life anymore. He really did not like the fact that they were hurting people and he was ready to give his heart to Jesus Christ. The rest of his men also gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. God has removed another drug cartel from the city of Denver. God gets the glory and the victory on what just happened. I just get to see it. Oh by the way, they removed the price they had on my life.