Power of Using the Name of Jesus Christ

This last week God has been doing some amazing things. I was getting hungry for some Chinese food. I found a place in Denver that looked interesting, so I decided to give it a try. As I was beginning to enter the front door, I noticed a Buddha statue off to my right. I started shaking my head back and forth because only Yahweh is real. This is a fake god. A customer there who was sitting outside near the statue observed what I was doing and begin to defend and tell me about buddha. I interjected, “Buddha is a fake god. Our true king is Jesus Christ and his father Yahweh is the true God.”

The customer was about ready to defend himself again but something amazing happened. The 4 ft. statue of Buddha has a large flat bottom and is sitting on a flat slab of stone. I am sure that it weighed at least 400 pounds. This statue began to behave just like a man who was going to worship. That statue gracefully laid face down on the ground and began worshipping Jesus Christ when I mentioned his name. No one can tell me that there isn’t power in the name of Jesus Christ. I witnessed it firsthand. Now shocked, the customer asked, “Did you do that?”

I replied, “I had nothing to do with it. But there is tremendous power in the name of Jesus Christ. In the true God’s word it says that if we do not worship the true God that the stones will worship him. You just witnessed this right now.”

The customer didn’t say anything else and quickly left after witnessing what just happened. I went in and ordered myself some food and did not say anything. I figured that I would give Buddha some time to continue worshiping Jesus Christ. As I left the restaurant, Buddha was still worshipping our King. What else was interesting about this is that when I came back in a few days to get some more food, the statue was gone. I’m firmly believe that every time they tried to set the statue backup, he immediately fell over and begin worshiping Jesus Christ again.

The next miraculous event was to happen in the ghetto. Lately, it has just been the money that Blue mustang gave me that was used to bless the families. This was all about to change. The families are always worshipping God every Saturday morning when I arrive. I always stop and listen to them worship. I feel the Holy Spirit moving while they worship. God loves how they worship and prevents any interruptions from happening including me. He lets me know when to go in.

Lydia saw me and came to get me. I gave her the money to give to the families. When she lays the money on their hands, she says, “The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit” as she lays each bill in their hand. She finishes up by saying, “This bill is for the inflation.” This always makes the families smile. The families then anointed the money. Here is where it became interesting.

When they finished anointing the money, I saw a prostitute walking towards us. I began walking towards here but Lydia ran past me and introduced herself to her and invited her for donuts. She was definitely hungry. When I finally met up to her, I asked her if she needed prayer for herself or some one else.

She said, “I am hungry right now.”

I mentioned the donuts also, but she felt she needed something healthier. She dropped a hint about the King Soopers sub sandwich. I replied, “I will get you what you want and something to drink.”

While I was getting her food, Lydia was talking with her and making friends with her. As she ate Lydia shared Jesus Christ with her. The prostitute began crying with all the love that she was getting. Lydia came up to her and wrapped her arms around her body and gave her a hug. Not only does Lydia radiate with the Holy Spirit but the prostitute said, “I have never experienced a hug like this ever.”

Lydia then asked, “Do you want your name written in the Lamb book of life. Today is the day of salvation.” The prostitute decided that she wanted to give her heart to Jesus Christ.

I then asked her if she wanted to go home. The prostitute said, “I don’t think my parents will want me back.”

I replied, “Why don’t we call and ask them.” When she called her parents, they began crying that their daughter was coming back home.

They excitedly said, “We are coming to get you.” They must have dropped everything because they were here in fifteen minutes. When her parents looked around with all the families that were here, they asked, “What’s going on here.”

I told them about the ministry of Blue Mustang and how God has given money to all of the families here. They said, “That is so cool!” But now this began the ripple effect of giving money to these families. The prostitute’s parents said, “We want to pay for the groceries of these two families. They can use the money that Blue Mustang gave them for something else.” After they bought groceries for the families, they asked them if there’s anything else that they need assistance with. Both families had most everything covered. One family had a car insurance bill due and a small credit card debt. The other family had a rent payment due and also had a small debt. Those parents of the prostitute made arrangements to take care of the one family’s car insurance and credit card payment. They then made arrangements to meet with the Landlord and finish paying this month’s rent and next month’s rent.

Wow, God worked many miracles today. The faith of these two families has been restored. A prostitute is now a child of God and Jesus has forgiven her sins so she can freely serve him away from her past life. God made it all happen. He gets the Glory and Victory. But I get to witness it all.