Shopping Cart in the Park

The first family that Blue Mustang blessed in ghetto was Samuel and his daughter Lydia. One day they had a grocery cart from King Soopers filled with groceries and they rolled it to their home to deliver their groceries to their home.

They begin taking the cart back and Lydia turned to her dad and said, “You know that there are so many people who are praying for food at the grocery store over the carts. We should leave a cart here in the park so that families will have an opportunity to pray over a cart here in the park.”

Lydia began to anoint their grocery cart for a plan God put in her heart. She prayed over it that no man can remove this cart except those praying over it for food. So, if anyone comes to this park hungry, they can pray over this cart and expect a miracle.

The Holy Spirit would begin to draw Samuel and Lydia to go take a walk to the park when a family was to begin praying. Each week they see a family praying over this cart. Samuel would go down to the family and greet them. He too would pray over the families. He would then tell them to bring the grocery car cart back to the King Soopers store on Saturday and expect a miracle. In the meantime, he would give of his own needs to bless the families.

The families would wait until Saturday and pick that cart up which is always there. When they arrive at the store with it, they are then prayed over by other families who have been blessed by Blue Mustang worshiping God at the grocery store. After receiving the blessing, the families would use that cart to buy their food. After unloading their food in a car or directly in their home, they would take the cart back to the park and place it exactly as they found it.

This has been going on for several months now. That grocery cart is still waiting there. Blue Mustang was curious to know if anyone has tried to take that cart. I said to him that I would go and ask the homeless that I know very well and ask them what they know about the grocery cart.

The first person I came into contact with was Noah. I asked him if he saw anyone go near that cart. Noah said, “When I first saw that cart, I tried to take it. Those carts make it easy to haul my stuff around. But when I tried to grab hold of the cart, it shocked me so hard that I fell down on my back. I immediately told my friend Jeremiah what happened. He did not believe me. Just to prove me wrong, he grabbed hold of the cart. It immediately set him on his butt too. I have seen families that go to that cart and pray over that cart and do not get shocked like we do.”

I said, “That cart has been anointed to be used to bless families who are hungry. God is protecting that cart.”

The homeless guys didn’t really believe me, so I grabbed hold of that cart and began to move it back and forth with no results. The homeless then asked, “Why did you not get shocked?”

I replied, “God knows my heart. He knows that I have no desire to move this cart from this spot. Lydia prayed over this cart that no man could move this cart except families who are hungry.”

After I moved the cart, Jeremiah thought that the force field was gone. But as he immediately grabbed hold of the cart, he was shocked greatly where he fell backwards on his rear end. Both now firmly believe that God has plans for this cart. In fact, the two men have been protecting the cart by warning people about the danger of touching that cart. Many do not believe them, and they usually go up and touch the cart and immediately get shocked. As of this writing, the cart is still there. It is blessing hungry families each week and glorifying God. Not only God but glorifying the community. Only God knows how long this grocery cart will continue to bless families.

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