God’s Big Push to Get Gangs into his Kingdom

When God had me start witnessing to gangs, I was many times beaten and told to go away. They wanted nothing to do with me or Jesus Christ. I have people pray for me for protection, so I never was severely beaten. But as time progressed, Blue Mustang made specific prayers against what was happening to me. The first thing he prayed for was that they would quit using me as a basketball when would throw me in the back of my pickup. After he prayed that the violence against me stopped. But many times, while I was reading God’s word to them, one of their men would have their pistol pointed at me at the back of my head and the gangs themselves would have their pistols drawn. Blue Mustang then prayed that whenever I pulled my Bible out of my truck, that would be a sign for the gangs to put their pistols away.

The gangs immediately began putting their pistols aways when I reached for my Bible and carried it in my hand. It was so cool when they would simultaneously put their pistols back into their holsters. I was beginning to enjoy this not being hit or having pistols drawn on me while I am witnessing to these men.

God usually has me witnessing to the gangs in the Denver area. Because he physically brings them to me. But from time to time, he lets me leave to the area to go other major cities. I only do it when he tells me so. I finally had an opportunity to go. I told Blue Mustang that God is wanting me to go to Chicago, New Jersey, and New York to witness to the gangs there for two days.

The MS13 gang in Chicago had the reputation of being one of the meanest gangs in the United States. Blue Mustang made a special prayer and prayed that when I got there that the gangs would be in a state of confusion when I arrived.

The undercover police in Chicago gave me a vehicle to go into the neighborhood where these guys were residing. Before I left the building, the undercover police were taking a pool on how many bullet holes there would be in the car when I brought it back. Before I entered the neighborhood, God had me open my Bible to Isaiah 41:10 and place it on the windshield under the wiper. It was a war zone here just as you would see it in a movie.

I finally arrived where they were at and low and behold, they had their pistols put away. These guys were totally confused and they begin asking me for help. They’ve been in a fog starting the day that Blue Mustang prayed that prayer. I’ve never ever witnessed to gangs in these big cities like this because of the power of prayer. I had trouble keeping from laughing because I knew what happened. I said, “Let me pray for you for peace.”

As I began praying for each man, the fog that took over their minds began to disappear, and they became peaceful in spirit. This was all that it took for them to want to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Almost all gangs are formed because of broken relationship between the father and the sun. These guys began calling home and found out that their dads have quit being alcoholics and druggies. Many of them were Christians. This further excited them so that they wanted to go home because it was dangerous where they were at constantly watching for gunfire. Soon the family members of the boys came and began picking them up. Many tears were shed as families became united again. The Holy Spirit was so powerful that everyone there gave or rededicated their heart to Jesus Christ.

By the way I always brought the cars back with zero bullet holes. Those in law enforcement that understand the protection our King gives his servants always bet zero and win the money pool.

Exactly the same thing happened to the gangs in New Jersey and New York. God placed a fog over their minds. And they were anxious to get away from that. I have never been able to do that all the time. I’ve been witnessing to these gangs in these other cities before. There has been nothing like this ever. I have heard that God is making a great hunger over the nations for him. And that possibly could be the reason why these gangs are so interested in talking about God. But for me because I witnessed a change every time Blue Mustang prayed. That change was immediately. I firmly believe that the power of prayer was also the solution. Blue Mustang kept praying that same prayer to the gangs when I came back. They would become also confused wondering about their future. As of this writing they have been wondering about their life and where they are going.

God has burned in their hearts to figure out that something is missing in their lives. Many times, they were searching for me even though I did not know them. The gangs that I do not know found out who I was from other gangs who shared things about me and my love to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the gangs. Those gangs even stood up for me and said, “You leave him alone because he will not hurt you and he usually has food.”

The fact that I can feed them is because of the wonderful help that I have behind the scenes.

God had me had me do something new. He has asked me to have the gang members write down messages on notepads so that they could give their thoughts to their parents and their siblings. This has made them think about family and wanting to go home. When they deliver their notes to their families, they begin to find out that their dads have changed and many of them became Christians. Like I always say, I’m only the Messenger and God gets the Glory and the Victory. Unless the Holy Spirit prepares their hearts for me, my message will not reach their hearts.

The gangs are becoming more hungry for God each week. In the first week of October, a total of 12 gangs have given their hearts to Jesus Christ. What was strange about all this is that many of these gangs were enemies of each other. But they still came together and began asking each other questions. They wanted me to meet them to discuss things further about the promises of God. This is the largest group of men that God has sent me, and they all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.

Poncho 17 – Pablo 15 – Carlos 14 – Manuel 18 – Santos 19 – Nuna 10 – Simon 11 – Sammy 9 – Toni 16 – Salvador 12 – Tomas 14 – Christo 15