Demonic Presence on Halloween Night

It was Halloween night and my King had me out praying for people on the street. The night was fairly warm, so the streets were busy. Normally, I do not check my cell phone out while I am praying but Blue Mustang sent me a text and asked me if there was anything big happening on the streets. Blue Mustang told me that God woke him up from a sleep, and he was wondering what God was trying to tell him. So, he began praying for me after sending the text. Before I had a chance to respond, there were three men dressed up in Luciferian costumes. They looked really hideous with the makeup they had on.

These men in these devil costumes were doing these really weird dances around people just trying to cause problems by scaring people. Whatever they were doing made my spirit just felt terrible. They’d soon started heading my way and I knew they were going to be a problem. When they got closer to me God told me to raise my Bible towards them. The minute they saw my Bible fully raised; they immediately began to run away like they just saw a ghost.

I continued to pray for people on the street after they fled. About 2 hours later, these men came back. But this time, they came with their faces fully clean and horns off. They were crying in fear when they asked the question, “How did you turn your Bible into a flaming sword? That really frightened us when we saw you do that.”

I replied, “I had nothing to do with it. Look at my Bible. It is no different than any other Bible. My God did not like what you were doing and wanted you to stop.”

They were even more afraid realizing how powerful my King is and said, “We want to know the God that you know. What do we have to do to know him?”

I made sure they understood who Jesus Christ is and that they knew he rose from the dead for the forgiveness of our sins. I then asked, “Do you want to have your names written in the Lambs Book of Life?” They nodded their heads. I continued, “All you need to do now is ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and give your heart to him.”

They then gave the hearts to Jesus Christ. I wanted them to know that they cannot serve two masters. I begin to explain to them what they were doing was not pleasing to our King. We were put on this Earth to serve Yahweh and Jeshua and not the devil. I then finished with, “Go home and burn those costumes. They do not serve my King at all. Just remember that we serve a jealous God and do not mock his son by how you act. You do not want to face his judgement but serve him to receive his blessing.”

They knew I was serious, but they also know how much Jesus Christ loves them. I believe that I will hear from them again in the near future.

The world belongs to the devil, but prayer kills what the enemy is planning. When people pray, bind the enemy in the name Jesus, and God is standing with me on the street; I am invincible.

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