Robert, Hector and the James Gang Meet Jesus


I went to the park on Sunday to meet up with more gang members. When I arrived, there were three gangs hanging out.

The three gangs there were Robert with 11 boys, Hector with 14 boys, and James with 9 boys. All three saw me and they started walking towards me. Robert asked, “Sonny, how are you?” I replied, “Great! How are you boys doing?” He replied, “Great!” Not having much to say.

One of the other gang leaders asked, “Sonny, do you have anything to eat?” I said, “Yes, I do. I have pizza, a big box of the Lord’s chips, and coolers with drinks.”

I suggested, “Let me pray for the meal.” After praying, they started eating. I then began reading scriptures: John 3:16, Isaiah 41:10, and Jeremiah 29:11 to them.

Hector said, “Sonny, you didn’t read John 14:6,” and he tried to quote it. He said, “You can’t get to the Father unless you come through Jesus.”

I replied, “You’re right. That was good, Hector.”

I asked, “Have any of you delivered your notes?”

They replied, “No, not yet. Some of us haven’t finished our notes. But we will, Sonny, and we’ll deliver them. We’ll let you know what happens.”

They said they had to get going and thanked me for the food, snacks, and drinks. I offered, “Let me pray and anoint you boys before you leave.” After doing so, they thanked me and left. I knew that they were about to discover the amazing things that God has done in their home after giving the notes to their parents. After this God sent me to minister to people on the streets.

On the morning of March 17th, 2024, an extraordinary gathering was about to unfold at the park. Gabriel’s gang had convened early in the morning, their faces brimming with hope and anticipation. They shared with me their recent endeavor of delivering the notes to their families. had been met with warmth and acceptance. Gabriel, asked if I could join them in prayer, hoping for a positive outcome to their heartfelt declarations.

They revealed to me their deepest wish is to dedicate their hearts to Jesus Christ before returning home. Their parents said, “We are all set to meet with Sonny at the park after our workday concluded, sometime after 5:00 PM.” I assured them I would be there, waiting.

As I prayed with them and they departed, the atmosphere was charged with a palpable sense of unity and purpose by the Holy Spirit. Soon after the amazing things that happened with Gabriel’s gang, Robert’s and Hector’s gang both arrived—11 and 14 boys respectively—each accompanied by their families. The air was thick with emotion as the parents began to arrive. Robert shared a touching update, “Sonny, my father is sober today. He sought help shortly after my departure.” Echoing this sentiment, all the boys shared similar stories of their fathers’ cessation of drinking and newfound faith in Jesus Christ.

The park became a sanctuary of reconciliation and healing as parents read the notes from their sons. Tears were shed, forgiveness sought, and bonds mended. The fathers expressed a profound realization—it was they who needed to seek forgiveness.

After our heartfelt discussions, I invited those who wished to have their names inscribed in the Lamb’s Book of Life to step forward. But before we could proceed, James’ gang—9 boys strong—approached us with their families in tow. James spoke up, his voice steady with conviction: “Sonny, we want to give our hearts to Jesus Christ. We visited church with our parents, and we decided to seek you out at the park for this very purpose.”

James introduced Sonny to their parents, I announced that these boys were on the cusp of prayer. Once again, I called forth those eager for their names to be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. All three gangs stepped forward together.

“Do you believe Jesus rose again on the third day?” I asked.

A resounding “Yes” filled the air.

I asked, “Do you believe Jesus is your Lord and Savior?”

They responded affirmatively.

I instructed them to repeat after me, “Heavenly Father, forgive me of all my sins. Lord Jesus, I invite you into my heart.”

As we proceeded, all the parents and boys were moved to tears.

I presented them with Bibles, which were all signed and dated. Subsequently, James inquired if they could read their notes aloud to everyone. I agreed that they should. James and his friends read the heartfelt messages they had prepared for their parents and siblings, which led to a lot of emotional moments. After finishing, James requested me to read the scriptures he used to share with them.

Agreeing, I recited John 3:16. Upon completion, Felipe asked if he could share his favorite Bible verse that he had memorized. I consented, and Felipe recited Isaiah 41:10, mentioning that this verse was on the ministry card Sonny had given to us. His parents were deeply touched as he quoted the verse.

Then I read Jeremiah 29:11 and John 14:6. All the boys were crying, and I was moved to tears myself because these boys had been living on the streets for a long time—four years.

We are grateful for your prayers. All glory and victory belong to God! God just removed four gangs of the street today. WOW!!

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