Victors Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus Christ

On the morning of March 19, 2024, I had a facetime session with my informants who have been in training. They had coolers filled with drinks, donuts, cereal, and milk. They had me watch a video of a new gang to observe their behavior. Lately gangs have been more interested in discussing things going on in their lives solved then in hurting me. Our prayer that God would confuse the gangs to the point where they would hunger for God has been initiated by our King. God is bringing gangs to me all asking questions.

After I picked up the coolers and food from the undercover, I went to visit the new gang at their home. I rang the doorbell, and they asked, “What do you want?” I replied, “I have some food for you boys.” Still unsure, they then began asking questions.

One thing I have learned that the gangs God brings me are always hungry. They were wasting my time, so I said, “If you don’t open the door at the count of three, I’m taking the food to the homeless.” I counted one, two, three, and as I started walking away, they opened the door and asked, “Okay, what did you bring us?” I replied, “I brought you donuts, Captain Crunch cereal, and milk.”

They asked my name, and I replied, “My name is Sonny.” The leader of the 15-member gang is Victor. He asked, “What do you wanted to talk about?” I said, “I want to tell you about Jesus because you’re broken, and I’m here to bring you God’s kingdom.” The leader asked if I was a Christian. I said, “I am a born-again Christian.” He asked, “How can you be born again? Do you have to be inside your mom again?” I said, “Do you know that someone asked Jesus that same question? In the Book of John 3:3, it says when you ask God to forgive all your sins and ask Jesus into your heart, that’s when you’re born again, and your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” One of the boys asked, “Sonny, is hell real?” I said, “Yes, and those who reject Jesus will be swimming in a lake of fire, and it’s not just for the weekend; it’s for eternity. All you see here is temporary, but God’s kingdom is eternal.” I asked if they were hungry, and they said yes. I said I needed help, and four boys helped me bring in the food, and bowls and spoons. I then said, “Let me pray for the meal.” The leader inserted in and said, “I love the donuts with chocolate.” After I finished praying everyone began eating. The boys were hungry; they ate the two dozen donuts and the two boxes of Captain Crunch.”

The leader expressed his gratitude for my kindness. “Most people are afraid of us,” he said, “Why aren’t you?” I offered them my ministry card and shared a verse from Isaiah 41:10, which they all recited. “See, it says ‘Fear not,'”

I then asked Victor, “When was the last time I trusted someone?  Victor admitted, “It had been a long while. Would you trust me?” I’ve never asked a gang leader this before, but I asked, “Would you take a drive with me?” I questioned what they’d like in their fridge and their preference for ‘The Lord’s Chips.’ The boys laughed, finding it amusing. I mentioned I had a box of chips in my truck to bring in later. “So, will you trust me, Victor?” I asked, hoping for a chance to talk. The leader asked if he could be honest with me. I assured him money wasn’t necessary; God is providing. One boy questioned if I was rich. “No,” I replied, “but I am rich in God.” Jose complimented me as one of the nicest men he’s ever met and thanked me for the food. “Okay, Sonny, I’m ready to go,” the leader said, instructing the others to clean the kitchen. I needed three boys to help bring in coolers with cold drinks from my truck. They were surprised by the generosity. Victor and I then drove to Walmart, and on the way, I spoke with Victor while listening to Bryann’s Christian music. Victor mentioned Bryann was in town, and they had heard his music.

We drove by his concert; he was a former gang member who had found salvation. “Were you the one outside talking to a group of boys?” he asked. “Yes,” I confirmed, “gangs listen to him, so I witness to them and pray with them.” He recognized my shirt and realized where he had seen me. I witnessed to them and prayed with them. He said, “I saw your shirt! Now I know where I saw the shirt you’re wearing today. That was you there.” I said, “Yes, that was me.” I then asked Victor, “If you only had three days to live, what would you say to your dad, mom, and brothers and sisters?” I told him I have notepads so his gang can write a note to their families. Victor began to ponder what I said.

We arrived at Walmart and retrieved a cart. Victor looked scared, constantly looking behind him. I reassured him, “You don’t have to be nervous because I carry the Kingdom of God with me.” He looked at me and said, “I have never heard anyone talk like you.” I said, “I’ll push the cart, and you get what you want.” So he started picking out things for sandwiches and I suggested getting dessert. He said we could go to the dollar store for that because it’s too much here. He kept thanking me saying, “Sonny, I really didn’t know what we were going to do because we didn’t have any money for food.” I said, “God knew you were hungry, that’s why He brought me to you boys.” I directed them to the desserts, “Get what you boys like.” He chose little things of pudding, Double Stuff Oreo cookies, and asked if he could get some Cap’n Crunch cereal and milk. I agreed. Victor was crying but didn’t want me to see him wiping his tears. I said, “Let’s get things to make tacos.” He exclaimed, “Really, Sonny? We have been so hungry for tacos.” I said, “You get peppers and everything for the tacos, and I’ll go get some bowls and a container of spoons, forks, and knives.” When I came back, Victor said, “Thank you, Sonny, we have way too much food.” I said, “God provides,” and we went to get in line. Victor noticed a little old couple following us and getting in line behind us. The little old man asked, “Are you boys in a boys club or something, spending all your money on food?” I said yes. He told his wife, “Mama, let’s help these boys. We’ll pay for your groceries.” Just tell the cashier.”

The cashier exclaimed, “I heard that! That is so kind of you; God bless you!” I replied, “Yes, God bless you and thank you.” I mentioned that Victor started crying. The couple hugged him, and he thanked them. They said, “We want to pray for you boys.” We walked outside, and they prayed for us. I thanked them and prayed for them. I then gave them my ministry card. On our way home, Victor kept wiping his face, saying, “That was the kindest thing they did for us.” When we got back, the boys helped bring in the groceries. Victor was telling them everything that happened, saying, “We’re making tacos.” All the boys were so excited. He asked me, “Sonny, why do you do this ministry?” I replied, “Because I was broken like you boys, and my King healed my heart. I asked Him for a ministry nobody wanted, and He said, ‘Then follow me. This is the ministry God gave me.'” Victor said, “Thank you for coming and telling us about Jesus.” I said, “You got to see the power of God, Victor.” He replied, “I got to witness my first miracle.” He started crying, and I had the godliest man witness it with me. He told the boys, “My heart hasn’t felt like this in a long time.” I asked Victor, “How would you like to write notes to your parents?” The boys were surprised. I asked them, “If you only had three days to live, what would you say to your dad, mom, brothers, and sisters?” They were taken aback and started asking for notepads I had for them. They said, “We’ll write our notes tonight and deliver them tomorrow.” They asked me to come to the park tomorrow at 1:00 PM.

I went to the park and anointed the area before Victor’s gang and all their families arrived. Victor’s gang arrived at 1:00 PM with all their families. All the boys reported that everything went well when they delivered their notes. All the dads have stopped drinking and are now saved. Victor announced, “We’re all here with our families, and we’re ready to surrender and give our hearts to Jesus.” Before I could say anything, all the boys came forward with their families standing behind them. I asked, “Do all of you believe Jesus is the Son of God?” They said yes. “Do you believe Jesus died and rose again on the third day?” They affirmed. “Do you believe Jesus Christ loves you?” Again, they said yes. I led them to pray, “Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me of all my sins and I ask Jesus to come into my heart.” They all began crying and hugging each other. I gave them Bibles, which we all signed and dated.

Victor’s dad gathered all the fathers and declared, “This is a day of celebration. Let’s have a barbecue and celebrate because our sons are coming home.” They assured me, “Sonny, we’ll be back for the barbecue.”

I started all the grills and cleaned them so they would be hot. The parents had trays to put on the grill, so they wouldn’t have to worry about the grill not being clean. The dads were right, it did not take them long at all. There was a lot of good food. I read scriptures to everyone as they ate. I answered many questions and prayed with them. all.  their family members were saved. We stayed there until dark, and Victor’s dad, Salvador asked, “Can you come to our home and anoint it?” I agreed and immediately went there to anoint their home. God receives all the glory and the victory.

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