Salvador’s Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus Christ

On the morning of March 23, 2024, I met with informers who reported seeing a new gang of 30 boys at one of the parks I frequent. They had prepared four dozen breakfast burritos and three coolers with cold drinks for the gang. After expressing my gratitude, I left for the park and found the gang there. I admired their classic ’55 to ’57 Chevys. There were nine cars in total. I asked God how to approach these boys and what music to play. God said, “Play Kingdom music.” I did so by piping it to my outside speakers. When I arrived, the music drew the eyes of the boys in my direction. I stepped out with my Bible, and they began walking towards me. The leader said, “You must be Sonny. I am Salvador. This is my second-in-command, Sylvester.”  Salvador then held up one of my ministry cards and asked, “Is this your ministry card?” I replied, “Yes, I don’t remember giving you a ministry card.”

He asked, “Do you remember Paco?” I nodded, recalling how Paco and his group had found salvation and returned home. Salvador continued, “Paco gave me this card and told me, ‘If you ever need prayer, call Sonny.'” As we spoke, I thought, “Lord, these young men have built barriers to protect themselves from everyone.” I said, “Paco and his friends have made a wise decision.” Salvador continued, “Paco also told me that you always have food for the gangs, and you tell them about Jesus.” I replied, “Yes I do.” Salvador asked, “Why do you do that?”  I said, “Because you boys are broken. The reason you are out here is because of your dads. Most of your dads were alcoholics and the others on drugs.” Salvador said, “That’s true sonny.” I then asked, “Are you boys hungry?” Salvador said, “We are starving.” I said, “I brought breakfast burritos. ” They replied, “Now you are talking. I said, “I need help with the coolers.” The boys helped me get everything. I said, “Let me pray for the food before we eat.” All the boys bowed their heads. I prayed, “Dear Jesus, thank you for today, thank you for the food and for the hands that prepared it.” Salvador asked, “Who made the burritos?” I replied, “My brothers and sisters.” With amazement he said, “They made these just for us?” I confirmed they did. He said, “Tell them thank you from us.” I confirmed that I would. Some of the boys opened the coolers and said, “You brought Cokes and Dr. Pepper. Those are our favorite.” I exclaimed, “You can’t have a burrito without a Coke or Dr Pepper.” They replied, “Your right Sonny.”

They all began eating and exclaimed, “These burritos are hot, but they are good.” As they continued eating, I began reading scriptures to them. This included John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11. Salvador asked, “Why are you reading that?” I replied, “Because you need to know that Jesus came here for you. God send his son to die for our sins but on the third day he rose again.” Salvador replied, “Can’t you talk about something else?” I said, “Tomorrow is never promised.” Salvador injected, “So you read scriptures.” I said, “Yes, I will always read the word of God until my last breath. Jesus died for us, and he forgave those that whipped him and crucified him.”

Salvador said, “So we have to forgive those that hurt us.” I said, “Yes, even my King forgave those that hurt him.”

Salvador said, “Your amazing Sonny.”  I replied, “It is our God who is amazing!” Salvador said, “My cousin Paco told us a lot about you and it’s all true. You’re so kind and generous. I have never had anybody talk to me about Jesus at all. Can you do me a favor and read Jeremiah 29:11 again.” After I finished reading it again, he said, “Those words are powerful.” He paused a moment then said, “I am going to get another burrito.” I said, “Go ahead there’s plenty of them.”  I began walking around praying for them. I wanted these boys to know that God loves them. I then asked Salvador if he had any prayer requests. He said, “Pray for our families. We know they miss us.” Most of the boys said the same thing. When I was done praying for them, I said, “I want you to remember this. If you don’t remember anything else. Don’t forget how much Jesus loves you and he has a purpose for you.”

Sylvester came over with Salvador.  Salvador said, “Paco told me that his name was written in the Lambs Book of Life.  What does that mean, Sonny?” I said, “We die to the world when we surrender to Jesus Christ. When you ask God for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus into your heart, your name will be written in the Lambs Book of Life.”

Salvador said, “Just recently we had called Paco and asked him what happened. You guys just seem different? Paco began witnessing to us and said, ‘You’re not going to see us out in the streets anymore because we got saved.’ We were looking for you mainly because we were hungry, but we also had questions. Are you going to spend the whole day with us?” I replied, “Yes, because there is nothing more important right now than your salvation. That is more important to me than anything else. That’s why my King has me here.” Sylvester looked at Salvador and said, “Are you going to ask him now?” Salvador appeared confused and said, “Asked him what?” Sylvester replied, “When are you going to ask him about the note pads. Remember Paco said the words, ‘Tomorrow is never promised. If we only had 3 days to live, what would you say to your parents and siblings.’” Salvador said, “Oh yeah, and to write down our hurts.”

I said, “Yes, I have note pads and pens for all of you and I want you to ask for forgiveness for what you said and did before you left home. Also write what happened to you and why you left.” I helped those that needed help. They thanked me for helping them. Salvador said, “So this is what you do with the gangs? I replied, “Yes, God chose me for this ministry because I understand you. This makes you feel more comfortable to talk to me.” As they were writing their notes I said, “I’ll be back boys.” Salvador asked, “Where are you going?” I replied, “I am getting something to eat.” When I left, I called my friends. I ordered 14 large pizzas for them to pick up and deliver to me at a different location. I thanked them all for what they do for the ministry and came back with the pizzas. All the boys were excited to get pizza and thanked me for it. I prayed over the meal. As they were eating, I helped those that needed to finish their notes. When they were done writing I said, “Guys can you line up. I want to pray and anoint you with your notes.” All the boys lined up. I prayed for Salvador last because he’s the leader.

When I was done praying for him, Salvador said, “Sonny, you are the kindness man I have ever met. I want to be just like you.” I said, “Let’s be like Jesus.” Salvador said, “You’re the only one that has been allowed to talk to us. We don’t let anyone get this close to us.”

I said, “It was nice spending the day with you boys. You should deliver your notes as soon as possible.” Salvador said, “We will call our parents to make sure they are home. Then well call you and let you know what happens.” Before they left, I said, “I know all of you are going to be scattered delivering your notes; but right now, I want you to stand still and don’t move.”  Salvador said, “You heard Sonny. Don’t move because something bad can happen to us.” I continued, “I need to pray and claim the blood of Jesus Christ over all of you and God’s protection against those who want to steel your soul.” When I was done praying all the boys hugged me and thanked me. God gets all the glory and the victory!!

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