Antonio’s Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus Christ

On 3/25/24 I received a call from my informers that there is a new gang of fifteen in the area. My informers said, “You can stop by and pick up the three coolers, donuts and Captain Crunch cereal.”  I silently said, “Even the informers love Captain Crunch cereal.” I thanked them and prayed with them before I left. I went to visit the new gang at their home. When I arrived, I carefully checked my surroundings before I got out of my pickup. It seemed safe enough, so I walked up to the door with my bible and rang the doorbell.  They sternly asked, “What do you want?” I replied, “I have breakfast for you.” I could hear the leader talking to his men in the background. He said, “I think this is Sonny.” They all wanted to know, “Are you Sonny?” I confirmed that I was. The leader introduced himself, “My name is Antonio. We have heard about you. Is it true that you never give up on gangs? Even if they tell you to leave do you still hang around.”

I confirmed everything he asked. Antonio continued, “Is it true you feed gang members?” I replied, “Yes, I have Captain Crunch cereal.” they asked, “Did you bring milk?” I never had so many questions like this, so I decided it was time to have some fun. I said, “Yes, I even brought the cow with me.” All the boys laughed. I continued, “I almost forgot. I have donuts.  They thanked me. I asked, “I need some help.” The boys helped bring in the coolers, bowls and spoons. As they were setting up breakfast I said, ” Let me pray for the meal.” All the boys bowed their heads.

Antonio asked, “Sonny, why do you do this?” I replied, “It is because you boys are broken. God wants to bring healing to you guys and your families?”

Antonio then asked, “How can God heal a broken family?” I replied, “First you have to have a forgiving heart.”

Antonio asked, “How do you get that?” I said, “You have to ask God for forgiveness and ask Jesus Christ into your heart. That’s the only way you can forgive.”

Antonio asked, “How do you forgive a father that abused you and your mom and brothers and sisters? I said, “Even the son of God had to learn to forgive. He forgave those that whipped and crucified him.” Some of the boys started crying.

Antonio asked, “I need help Sonny. I need to learn to forgive my dad. I have been gone for three years. I want to be sure that my dad isn’t abusing my family.” I said, “When you left it made your dad really think about what he was doing! I know that is true because he is getting help. Let me tell you what Jesus went through.” One of the boys interrupted and said, “He was crucified, and he rose up on the third day.” I said, “Yes!” He then asked, “How come it took him so long?” I replied, “When Jesus was in hell, he was there to fight the enemy and take the keys away from Satan. Our king was victorious.”

Antonio asked, “What scriptures are you going to read to us?” I said, “John 3:16.” His right-hand man Isaac quoted it. he said, “that was my first verse I memorized in Sunday school.” All the boys were shocked and said, “You know that verse?” He said, “Thats the only bible verse I memorized.” I replied, “I am proud of you man.” While giving me knuckles he responded, “Thank you Sonny for your encouragement. It’s been a long time since I have heard those words.” I said, “When you forgive it has to come from the heart not just from your mouth.” I paused for a moment then asked, “If you guys had only three days to live what would you say to your parents and siblings. Would you like to have a note pad to write a note to your family?”

Antonio said, “That would be awesome!” I got the note pads out of my pickup and asked, “Who wants a note pad?” Isaac was the first one to take a notepad. He said, “I know what I am going to say!” All the boys started writing their notes. I helped the ones that needed help. They were almost done when Antonio said, “We have to get going Sonny. We will finish them later.” I said, “The choices you make today could change your destiny forever. Don’t fall in temptation with the cartels or the mafia.”

Antonio said, “We won’t Sonny. Thats a promise.” I prayed for them before as they were getting ready to leave. I said, God is faithful. God loves you boys and he has a purpose for your lives.” Isaac said, “I wish you were my dad.” He ran to the car. He didn’t want me to see him cry. They got into their cars and left. I was there for almost four hours. Antonio and his men delivered their notes to their families.

I met with Antonio, and he told me that after they delivered the notes to their families they began crying. All their families asked, “When can we meet Sonny?” We met on 3/27/24 at 8:00 am. I met all of their parents. They kept thanking me for ministering to their boys and for feeding them when they were hungry. Some of the boys said they spent the night with their families. All their families are saved. The reaction from the gang was exciting. They said, “Our dads cried and asked for forgiveness. Everyone cried when they read our notes.”

They Holy Spirit prompted me that it was time and I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come forward.” All 15 boys came forward with their families standing behind them, I continued, “Do you believe that Jesus died for our sins.” They confirmed what they believed. I continued, ”Do you believe he rose again on the third day.” They confirmed they did. Then one by one they asked God to forgive them of all their sins and asked Jesus into their hearts. They all cried as their families were hugging them. I gave them bibles. I signed each bible and they signed and dated them. I said, “Do you boys want to see something?” They asked, “What?” I put on a mustache, and they began laughing.

You may be wondering what the story behind the mustache is. Before I officially met this gang my informers dressed me up as an old man with a mustache on. I pulled a wagon towards this gang while I was limping. I asked, ”For $2 you can have a drink and chips. Today you get a free sandwich with your meal.” The gang members thought that would be a good idea, but they did not have the money to pull it off. I then said, “Oh it is alright guys the sandwiches and everything else free. ” Meanwhile my informers were laughing their heads off as I was getting away with this prank. The gang that day had no idea who fed them. So, when I put the mustache on it brought their memory back. They exclaimed, “We knew that was you.” They proceeded to tackle me to the ground. All their parents enjoyed watching their boys laughing and having fun taking me out. They all laughed and cried.

Antonio has been gone four years from home. His cousin Elvis has been gone 2 1/2 years. Elvis said, “I spent last night at home and woke up to the smell of a good breakfast.” I prayed with them as they were getting ready to go home permanently. They all hugged me and thanked me for never giving up on them. As always thank you for your prayers. God gets all the glory and the victory.

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