James Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus

  • It is 3/29/24. My King had me go to Colorado Springs today. My informers told him about a gang that was intimidating families at the parks in the area. They would just show up at random times and scare everyone by acting all tough and mean. My informers had donuts, muffins, Captain Crunch cereal and milk. They also had three coolers stocked with cold drinks for the gang. When I arrived at the park where the gang was hanging out, I got out of my truck with my bible. The gang leader yelled, “You’re blocking our view!” I asked, “What is your name?” The leader replied, “Mustang! What do you want? Did somebody send you here?” I said, “Yes.” One of the 14 boys in his gang exclaimed, “I told you that somebody sent him here!”

The leader’s curiosity was being aroused and asked, “Is he around here?” I said, “Yes he is.” Mustang asked, “Well, where is he? We can’t see anyone.” I said, “If you were on my side you would see him.” The leader asked again, “Who is he?” I said, “His name is “Jesus Christ. He sent me here and you know what, he doesn’t like bullies. Tell me when you were little boys did you like bullies?” They replied, “No man!” I said, “You guys are the good guys. You don’t have to be scaring children and their families from the parks.” The leader asked, “Your shirt says street gospel so are you a pastor?” I said, “I minister to gangs in several states.” Mustang interrupted and said, “And your still alive.” I said, “It’s not up to them when I die. Its up to my King when that day is.” He said, “You are pretty brave Sonny to do what you are doing.” I replied, “It’s because of my King that I am able to do what I do.”

I asked, “Is Mustang your real name?” The leader replied, “No! It is James.” I then asked, “Are you boys hungry?” James replied, “We are starving!” I said, “I need volunteers to get the food.” I opened the door to my truck and the boys helped me get everything setup on the picknick tables. They started by setting the bowls out and pouring the cereal in the bowls. As they finished setting up everything else, I said, “Why don’t we pray for the breakfast.” All the boys bowed their heads and the ones that were wearing caps took them off. When I was done praying, they started serving themselves. James said, “Sonny, I have heard a lot of people pray but I have never heard anyone pray like you do.” I said, “I pray from my heart to my King.”

James then asked, “What else do you want with us?” I replied, “Do you know what today is?” One of the boys said, “Well, it is easter Sunday.” I said, “Yes, but what happened today?” No one was ready to answer my question. I continued, “Jesus was crucified and he died for our sins do you believe that?” His men all said, “Yes.” James said, “So you just go around telling gangs about Jesus?” I replied, “Yes, because you boys are broken. You have been hurt by your dads. That’s why you’re out here. Even Jesus was hurt by people. He knows what it feels like. James asked, “How can he be hurt? He was the Son of God.” I replied, “Jesus was born as a baby. He was all God and all man to experience what humans experience to feel what we feel.” James asked, “You’re a pastor. How much money do you make a year?” I replied, “Counting like the food stamps and everything else.” All the boys started laughing and asked, “Are you really on food stamps?” I said, “No, I live by faith and my King is faithful in providing for my needs. My riches are not here in this world, but they are in Gods Kingdom.” James said, “You are pretty amazing!” I said, “It is my King that is amazing!”

One of the boys asked, “How come it took three days for him to rise again?” I replied, “When Jesus was fighting Satan, he took the light of God there and took the keys of death away from Satan.” One of the boys chimed in and said, “Just like you brought the light to us.” I said, “I brought the light of Gods Kingdom here.” James then asked, “Why did Jesus go through all of that for us?” I then inquired, “Who can quote John 3:16 to me?” One of the boys started quoting, “He did it for us because he loves us.” James was impressed. I then asked, “How many of you guys talk to your family?” Some raised their hands. James said, “I need to ask you a question? Sonny, do you think it’s a good idea to reach out to our dads?” I said, “Yes. Let me ask you this question: “If you guys would only have three days to live what would you say to your dads, moms and siblings? I think you boys need to remember that tomorrow is never promised, not even for me. How would you like to write a note to your dads and family members? If you need to ask them for forgiveness, ask for forgiveness now.” James then asked, “How about if they don’t forgive us.” I replied, “If they don’t forgive you that’s on them. You did what God told you to do. God will not forgive them, and the lake of fire is for eternity not just for the weekend. So, who would like a note pad?”

The leader was the first to take one. He said, “I am a little rusty at this. I haven’t written anything in a long time. I might need some help.” I said, “If you need help I can help you.” The boys started writing their notes. Soon all the boys finished. All the boys wanted me to read the notes they prepared for their dads. I read the leader’s note first. It said, “Dad I really miss all of you. Can you forgive me for hitting you before I ran out of the house. I forgive you dad because you’re a human just like I am.”

I continued reading over all their notes to all their family members. As I finished, I said, “God wants to bring healing to your families.” I prayed and anointed them with their notes. It was getting late into the afternoon. I said, “Before you leave are you boys hungry. They did not hesitate to say they were. I said, “Let me go get pizzas for you boys. I’ll be right back.” They all waited for me until I returned. We prayed over the pizzas and all the boys thanked me for all the food. I picked up three more coolers with cold drinks in them. When they finished eating, I told them to take all the food that was left over and take the coolers with them. They were very thankful. James asked, “Sonny, can you anoint us one more time.” When I was done anointing them and started getting into their cars. James came running back and said, “I didn’t say goodbye to you. I want to thank you for coming to us. You know when you first got here, I wanted to tell you to get out of here, but the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth.” I said, “I know. Thats because my King did not want you to say that to me.”

He gave his final thanks and drove away. God told me to wait at the park. After three hours had passed, James called me and said, “Where are you?” I replied, “I’m still at the park.” James said, “We are almost there. We read the notes to our families and all our dads have gotten help and have stopped drinking. They have given their hearts to Jesus Christ. Our dads and our families have all asked for forgiveness. We have asked for forgiveness too. Our families have asked us to come back home.” The gang and their families began arriving at the park. All the boys stood in front of me and said, “We want to ask Jesus Christ into our hearts now. We want our names written in the Lambs Book of Life.” James and his gang asked for the forgiveness of their sins and asked Jesus Christ into their hearts. My King gets all the glory and the victory.

My informers called me after everyone left and said, “Hey Sonny, that was impressive. We were watching the whole thing transpire. We were all blown away. This gang was mean, and you show up and they began listening to you right away. We saw them bow their heads to pray and sit down to eat. We saw them writing the notes before they left. We continued to watch as they all came back with their families and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. We couldn’t believe what just happened. We could see guns on three of the boys when they were eating.” I replied, “Yes, I saw their guns too. God said they don’t have bullets in them. Thank you for your prayers. God gets all the glory and the victory!!

All the informers that were watching were blown away at what they had just witnessed.

I heard from James late at night. They spent time at home for the first time in years. James said, “It was amazing. It paid off handsomely. Sonny, all the boys stayed with their families for dinner last night.” I then picked up the boys from their families the next day to celebrate Jesus. We all got home late. All the boys are so excited.” James switched topics and said, “Someone wants to talk to you Sonny.” It was Ezra, nicknamed “Frog”. I said, “He talks just like the kid in the little rascals they called Frog “

James replied, “Yes!”  Frog then said, “Sonny, my mom cooked me my favorite meal in the whole world. We had beef and bean burritos that were topped and smothered. We had a good time.” I was so happy for them. James then said, “Ok Sonny we just wanted to tell you everything went really well. There was a lot of crying and hugging going on this morning. All of us are excited to be home.” I began to think of ways that Jesus might use this gang to expand his Kingdom.


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