Jeremiah Gang Giving Their Hearts to Christ

3/30/24 Day after Good Friday
I went to Denver to visit a gang at their home. I had three dozen breakfast burritos for them and coolers with drinks. When I arrived at their home and knocked on the door, Jeremiah opened the door and said, “Sonny, why are you here so early?” I replied, “It’s 9:30 am. What’s is the matter with you guys still sleeping in the middle of the day.” They just laughed when they realized how late it was. Jeremiah asked, “Tell us you brought us breakfast.” I replied, “Yes I did.” he then asked, “How are you, Sonny? We have not seen you for a while. Have you been OK?” I said, “My King is keeping me busy because he loves you. How are you guys?” Jeremiah said, “We have been laying low not doing too much but we sure are hungry.”

I said, “I have breakfast burritos, Dr Pepper and Coke.” They replied, “We love eating hot breakfast burritos.” I said, “The burritos are spicy. I need help to bring everything from my pickup.” Three boys helped me bring in the coolers and the burritos. As I began to pray for the meal, all the boys bowed their heads and took their caps off. When I finished praying Jeremiah said, “I am so thankful for the food you brought us today!” I said, “Jesus loves you guys. You are a blessing to me, and I love you guys. I want you to remember this, but all this is temporary. Jesus Christ is eternal “

Jeremiah replied, “We know Sonny. I have known Christian men in my life, but I don’t know one that would do what you do. You truly are a man of God.” I said, “That is because of my King. He is the one that gave me this ministry and if I don’t obey him, I will be in trouble.” James laughed and said, “I know Sonny. You already told me this.”

As they began eating, I started reading scriptures to them. I read John 3:16, Jeremiah 29:11. and John 14:6 to them. I asked, “Can anyone tell me what day this is? Does anyone know what happened yesterday?” they replied, “Yesterday was the crucifixion of Jesus.” I said, “You are right. Do you know what Jesus was doing after that?” Jeremiah replied, “He was taking the keys of death from the devil?” I said, “That’s also right.” The boys looked at Jeremiah and asked, “Are you a Christian?” He answered, “I use to be but my dad didn’t show me how to be a Christian. I didn’t have anybody to set an example for me.”

Jeremiah paused then said, “Sonny, remember you talked to us about the note pads.” I replied, “Yes Jeremiah I do!” Jeremiah said, “We don’t want to refuse your suggestion anymore. Do you still have the note pads?” I replied, “Yes, I have some in the truck. Are you ready to write your notes to your parents and siblings? Jeremiah said, “Yes we are, and we won’t throw them away.” I went and got the notepads and pens. They started writing their notes. I helped those that needed help. When they were done I said, “Let me anoint all of your notes.” When I was done praying and anointing them, they said, “Ok Sonny we are off to deliver our notes to our families.” They gave me knuckles as they headed to their cars.

After they drove away, I thanked our King and you for your prayers. God gets all the glory and the victory.

When tommorrow afternoon came I knew that Jeremiah’s gang was hungry. I stopped and picked up four pizzas to take back to Jeremiah and his gang. Jeremiah called me and told me that they were going to the park. When I arrived at the park Jeremiah and his gang were there with all their families. As I got out of my pickup, all the gang members came to me and said, “All our fathers have asked for forgiveness. The boys and I have asked for forgiveness from our fathers and family members.” They were all crying as they confessed. I asked the gang members if they were ready to give their hearts to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The entire gang said, “We are ready to ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness and to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.”  All their families have been waiting for this moment. Entire families began crying.

I asked, “Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?” They confirmed he is.

I then asked, “Do you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross and in three days he rose again?” All the gang members confirmed he did. They then asked God to forgive them of their sins and to come into their heart. All of them were crying as they made this commitment. Their parents were hugging them and crying with them.  After everyone stopped crying I had them come over to get their bibles. I anointed the gang and anointed the bibles. They signed and dated their bible and I signed each bible. They all hugged me and thanked me for never giving up on them.

God gets all the glory and the Victory.

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