Francisco’s Gang Accepts Jesus Christ

I got a call early this morning. It was Kristina, one of the twelve girls from Francisco’s gang. She said, “Sonny all of us girls stayed with our parents last night. We called Francisco and told him that we were not coming back. We told him that we didn’t want any of our things. You can donate them to the salvation army. I was shocked because Francisco said it was OK because were giving our hearts to Jesus Christ and going home to our families too. Sonny, can we meet you at the park with all our families at 11:00 am.” I said, “I’ll be there.” Kristina said, “We too want to give our hearts to Jesus Christ.” When the girls arrived at the park they ran to me. After their parents caught up, they kept thanking me for reaching out to their daughters and for helping them write the notes. They exclaimed, “Thats was such a good idea.” The girls looked different. They were dressed more modestly. As the Holy Spirit began to move there was a lot of crying and hugging going on. When I was done talking to all their parents the girls started coming to the front and lined up. They said, “We are ready to give our heart to Jesus Christ. We want transformed hearts before we go home.”

I asked, “Have all of you girls forgiven your fathers?” They confirmed they had. Kristina then spoke up and said, “If we don’t forgive our parents, Jesus won’t forgive us.” What she just said made all the dads start crying. I then asked, “Do all of you believe Jesus is the Son of God?” They confirmed he was. I then asked, “Do you believe Jesus died and rose again on the third day?” They confirmed he did. I then asked, “Do you believe that your names will be written in the Lambs Book of Life?” They confirmed that would happen.

All their family members were really crying now. When the girls asked God to forgive them of all their sins, the girls turned around and looked at their dads and said, “Dad, we truly have forgiven you. You have changed your lives and made our home a safe home to live in. We are so proud of you!” The girls became even more emotional. They turned back around and asked Jesus Christ to come into their hearts. All their families began hugging them and crying. I got all the bibles that I had and anointed and signed them. The girls in turn signed them and dated them. All their parents kept thanking me for sticking with their daughters. I reminded them that my King gets all the glory and the victory.

It was getting late, and it was time to go. All the girls hugged me as they were leaving. After everyone had left, I called Francisco and told him the girls and all their families had been here that the girls had given their hearts to Jesus Christ. Francisco replied, “The girls didn’t come home last night so I figured they were staying with their families. I can’t wait for that to happen to us, Sonny. We got up early and cleaned the house and the landlord gave us our first month and last month deposit back.”

I said, “What time do you want to meet? he replied, “We can be there before 1:00 pm.”, I confirmed the time. Time went by quickly and all the boys started arriving with their parents. It was fun to meet all their parents. Soon one by one they began crying. All the boys wanted to read their notes again to their dads. All the parents began crying after they finished.
Francisco said, “Ok Sonny we are ready to give our hearts Jesus Christ and have our hearts transformed.” All the boys lined up.

I said, “Do all of you believe Jesus Christ died and rose again on the third day? They all said yes.

I said, “Do you believe that your saved through Jesus Christ? They confirmed yes.

I said, “Repeat after me.” Samuel interrupted, “Sonny, can I say a verse I memorized when I was little. I have really been thinking about this verse I said, “Please do! I am so proud of you that you still remember that verse.” He continued, “Its Matthew 7:14. I was thinking about this verse because it’s only a few of us and we found life and we found Jesus Christ.” As he was quoting it his parents were crying. They then began to asked God to forgive them of all their sins and aske Jesus into their hearts. Their families hugged them and continued crying. I had bibles for each one of them. They walked over to pick up a bible. I signed each one of them. They in turn signed their bible and dated them. When they were done, I asked, “Francisco, do you have anything to say?” he replied, “Yes I do! This was one of the best days of my life. I have eternal life because of what Jesus Christ went through for all of us.” His parents were so proud of him, and they hugged him still in tears.

As they were getting ready to leave Francisco gave me an envelope. It was the deposit money they got back from the landlord. He said, “We have decided to give this to the girls so they can buy new summer clothes. Can you please give it to them.” I said, “Yes I will call them now.” All the boys hugged me as they were going home with their families. I called the girls, and they came back with their parents. The girls couldn’t believe that Francisco had given them this gift. All their dads said, “That was very kind of the boys.”

Our ministry thanks you for your prayers. God gets all the glory and the victory!

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