Jeremiah’s Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus Christ

I went to Denver to meet with one of my informers. He said, “I have four dozen donuts and two gallons of milk for the gang you are going to see.” I asked, “Do you have any information for me?” He replied, “We saw a gang of 12 boys at another park yesterday. They spent the night there. This park is about ten blocks from here. We really don’t know where they are from. We think they may be from Pueblo Colorado.” I exclaimed, “Ok I know what park that is, and God wants me to go see them.” I went to the park and pulled up on them. They started talking to each other trying to figure out what had just happened. I finished parking and got out of my truck with my bible. The leader asked, “Who are you?” I replied, “I am the delivery boy today.” Still trying to figure out what is going on they continued asking, “What are you delivering?” I replied, “Breakfast, but I think I got the wrong place.” They quickly said, “No, you have the right place.” I pulled out a piece of paper from my pocket. I pointed to the address and said, “I still think I am at the wrong place. what does this say to you?” The leader took the paper from me and said, “This doesn’t have an address on it. It just says Jesus loves you. Who sent you here?”

I said, “Jesus Christ himself. He replied, “So Jesus sent you here?” I said, “Yes, he said you are hungry.” This gang was hungry, and you could see the anticipation in their eyes about getting something to eat. One of the boys asked, “What did you bring us to eat?” I replied, “Donuts, cereal and milk.” Jeremiah the gang leader said, “A donut sounds good right now.” I put the boxes of donuts and the cereal on the picnic table and got the cups and the bowls for the milk and cereal. Two of the boys started pouring the milk in cups and started passing them out. I said, “Let me pray for the breakfast.” All the boys took their caps off while we prayed. When I was done praying the boys started eating. I started reading John 3:16. I asked, “Do you know what Sunday was about?” They said, “Easter!” I said, “Yes, God sent his son to die for us and the sins of the world. He loves you and has a plan for you. The enemy wants to destroy you, but my King wants to restore you. I read Jeremiah 29:11 and Matthew 6:33 to them.

I then said, “Where you live right now is temporary, but Jesus Christ is eternal.” One of the boys spoke up and said, “I went to church with my parents, but my dad was a drug addict. He went to church with us on Sunday but the rest of the week he was on drugs and was abusive. So, I ran away.” I replied, “Jesus knows your name and he knows what you went through.” He then asked, “Why would Jesus come to save us? We are not worthy let alone dying for the sins of the world.” I replied, “You forgot that his father created us. That is why he sent his son to die for us so we could go to heaven and spend eternity with our King.”

The leader confided in me that he and his brother had been gone for four years. Because our dad was an alcoholic most of the time, we didn’t have enough food to eat but he always had money to buy his alcohol. That’s the main reason why we both left. I started passing out my ministry cards to everyone. The leader looked at me and said, “My name is Jeremiah, and this is my brother Samson. It is hard to forget and forgive what our father did to us.” I replied, “Jesus died for our sins but he still forgave those that whipped him and crucified him. He died for us before we were even born. Jesus still finished the race. He knew why he was here. My purpose here on earth is to serve him.” Samson then said, “I can tell your serving him with all of your heart.” I replied, “God has a plan for your lives.” I then read Jeremiah 29:11 and John 14:6 to them.

As I was explaining the scriptures to them, it was almost noon. I then looked at them and I could tell these boys were hungry for food. I continued, “Jeremiah, I know you haven’t trusted anyone for a long time, but will you trust me? Will you go with me to get some pizzas for your gang?” He replied, “I don’t know if I want to go!” His brother spoke up and said, “Come on brother, go with him. Go with this guy. I trust him. If you don’t go, I’ll go with him.” Jeremiah replied, “OK I will go.” I looked at his men and said, “We’ll be right back!” We got into my truck and left for “Little Caesars” where I ordered four large pizzas. When we arrived back at the park I asked, “I need help getting the coolers out of the back of the truck.” Some of the boys jumped up to help. Before we ate, I said, “Let me pray for lunch and thank God for the pizza. When I was done praying the boys were so excited about what happened. They thanked me several times. As they began eating, I asked, “If you boys had only three days to live, what would you say to your parents and your siblings. Would you say you’re sorry for the things you said and did. Asking for forgiveness brings healing. Do you guys want to write a note to your dads and family members? God wants to bring healing to you guys. You are blessed to still have your parents.” Jeremiah said, “I don’t know about the boys, but I want to write a note to my parents and brothers and sisters.” The boys wanted notepads too. I passed out the notepads and pens and to all of them. They started writing their notes. Samson said, “This is a good idea, Sonny. All the boys finally finished their notes. They wanted me to read their notes before they gave them to family. Some of the boys began crying. I said, “Let me anoint you with your notes before you go to deliver them.” All the boys thanked me for everything. They then left to deliver them. Later that night, the boys called me and said, “Everything went well. Eight of the boys stayed for dinner with their families. Jeremiah said, “Sonny, my dad got help after we ran away and now, he helps at the church. He also drives the Sunday school bus.”

All their dads have gone through counseling, and they’re all saved. Jeremiah called me again and told me that all their parents are coming to the house tonight because they want to meet me. They were also ready to ask Jesus Christ into their hearts. So, I went to their house to meet everyone. The entire gang wanted to give their hearts to Jesus Christ and wanted their names written in the Lambs Book of Life. They asked God to forgive them of their sins they asked Jesus Christ into their hearts. Everyone was crying and their families were so proud of their boys. Our King gets all the glory and the victory.

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