Jose’s Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus Christ

I went to Denver to meet Jose and the 15 boys in his gang. When I arrived at the park, I remembered the last time I saw these boys here at this park I threw frisbees at them. They picked them up and got into their cars and left.

I stepped out of my truck with my bible. Jose asked, “How are you doing Sonny?” I said, “Blessed! How are you and your boys doing?”

He said, “We are doing good.” God then told me that I needed to pray for someone close to me. I said, “Jose can you excuse me? I need to go for a walk because God wants me to pray for friends.” I walked away to pray. I began praying out loud until I finished.

When I came back Jose said, “Sonny, I haven’t seen you in a while and you just left me here because you needed to pray for friends.” I replied, “Yes, when God tells me to pray for someone I do it.”

Jose asked, “Sonny I want to ask you a question.” I replied, “OK”. He continued, “We are hungry. Sonny. Do you have anything to eat?” I replied, “I have pizza and coolers filled with cold drinks, the Lords chips and candy bars. Let’s pray for the meal.”

When I was done praying, I said, “I need to take another walk and pray again for my friends. They need strength.” This time the boys followed me as I was praying. When I finished praying Jose asked, “Do you think you can teach us to pray like that?” I replied, “Yes, when you pray let it come straight from your heart and picture Jesus in front of you.” Jose asked, “Do I have to have Jesus in my heart first because I don’t think he can hear me.” I replied, “You can talk to him right now. You can pray and have your name written in the Lambs Book of Life?”

Jose then asked, “Sonny, can you give us the notes pads now.” As the gang was walking back to the picnic tables, they saw two homeless guys standing close to the picknick tables. Jose said, “So they want our pizza. Just tell them to get out of here?” James interjected, “They’re hungry just like us.” Jose said, “You are right.” Jose and James got 2 more plates and gave them two slices of pizza, chips and a drink. The homeless guys said, “Thank you guys so much. Also Thank you Sonny for bringing the pizzas?”

The homeless guys then walked away. James spoke up and said, “Wait, we need to pray over the food. Then we need to ask Jesus into our hearts so our names can be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” The rest of the gang agreed saying, “OK James! Sonny, can you pray with them because I don’t have Jesus in my heart yet. I am still a sinner.” I said, “Do you want your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?” They all replied, “Yes Sonny, because nothing else is working.” I asked, “James do want to pray with them?” James replied, “I think I know what to say. First you have to ask God to forgive of all your sins.” James paused then asked, “Sonny, can you pray?” I said, “Repeat after me. Dear Jesus, I believe you are the son of God, and you died for our sins. God forgive me of all my sins. Jesus, I want you to come into my heart in Jesus’s name. Amen!” James followed my lead and when he finished, they began crying. They thanked me and James for leading the way. I had bible for each guy and signed them. They in turn signed them and dated them. All the boys began staring at James. James was becoming uncomfortable and asked, “Why are you guys looking at me like that?” Jose was thinking about the homeless guys and what James did and said, “Sonny taught us that we think we have it bad, but they don’t have a place to sleep.”

It took them about an hour to finish their notes. Jose said, “Sonny, you gave us all the extra food, drinks and the lord’s chips to take with us. Is it ok if we give the two homeless guys some food and drinks for later?” I replied, “Of course you can?” I gave them a bag. Jose got some food and drinks to put in the bag to give them. The gang said, “Ok Sonny we are going to deliver our notes now, and we will see what happens.” I prayed and anointed them and their notes. They thanked me for the food and drinks again and left.

Later I received a text from Jose, and everything went well. Jose said, “All our dads have received help and they’re going to church. All of our dads want to meet you so we will set up the time later for all of us to come together.”

Thank you for your prayers. God gets all the glory and the victory! 04292024