David’s Gang Gives Moms a Special Day

I went to Denver to meet with my informers. I prayed with them and shared the scriptures Jeremiah 29:11 and Matthew 6:33 with them. They then prayed for me before I was going to meet with a gang. They then supplied me with donuts, captain crunch cereal, milk, bowls and spoons. I thanked them for everything as I was about to leave. Davids was the leader of the gang that I was going to meet at their home. When I arrived some of the boys were outside working out in the front yard. I said to myself, “These boys look and act different than most gangs. They seem to have a positive attitude.”

David came outside and said, “We have something to tell you. Let me get all the boys out here.” He signaled for everyone to come where he was standing. He continued, “We took your advice. I took all the boys to their parents’ homes. Then I went to my parents’ home. When I pulled up into the driveway, my mom and dad came running out of the house. They were crying. The first thing my dad said, ’Son forgive me for everything I said and did to you. I was an alcoholic and after you left, I stopped drinking. But if you don’t want to forgive me that’s ok.’ I told my dad that my street pastor said that if I don’t forgive you, God won’t forgive me. My dad then asked me to forgive him for the things he said and for being so mean by hitting you on the way out of the house. I then walked up to my dad and asked him to forgive me, and I hugged him. My dad and I cried. My mom and my sisters were crying loudly. My mom believed she would never see this day. My mom hugged me and continued crying. After that we went to the living room, and I read all my notes. I began crying as I was reading them aloud. My dad asked me to come home. I told him that I haven’t asked Jesus Christ in my heart. I want to give my heart to Jesus so he can transform my heart. I want a new heart before I come home. My family cried and cried. My dad wanted me to tell the family about you. So, I told him about how you minister to gangs all over the United States. He’s the bravest man I have ever known just like you dad. My dad wants to meet you when we give our heart to Jesus Christ. I told him that he can meet us Saturday. Mom did not have to encourage me much to stay for supper.”

All the boys also had dinner with their families, and they also cried when they read their note to their families. Gang member Jeremiah believed he could not read well and gave his notes to his dad. As he began reading his notes he began crying and asked for forgiveness. His dad got up and hugged Jeremiah. His two sisters read their notes and just cried. My mom silently read her note and cried. She said, “Jeremiah, I know you can read because you have read to me before. Let’s go sit outside and I would love for you to read me your note”

With excitement in his eyes Jeremiah said, “We went outside, and I read her my note. I was able to read it perfectly. My sister and mom just cried and told me they were so proud of me.”

I was with them from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. We have decided to meet tomorrow at 11:00 am with all their families. I prayed with them before I left.

It was Saturday and I went to Denver to meet with my informers to discuss the new gangs in town. After I left them, I received a call from gang member David. I asked, “Have you been spending time with your parents. He replied, “I am spending time with my parents right now. My dad and I have been talking a lot. Can you meet us with all our families today at 11,00 am? “I said, “Yes, I am on my way to the park now. I will see you boys soon.” He replied, “Ok Sonny see will be looking for you.”

I did not have to wait long. The boys and their families came so I could meet all their parents. I gathered all the dads together for a walk around the park. God wanted me to ask them where they stand with him in his kingdom. I found out many are saved. Others are still in counseling. All the dads wanted to ask for forgiveness from their boys. They stated, “We don’t want to make wrong choices. We want to do things right. We want to live a righteous life and take care of our families. “I asked, “All of you that want to live a righteous life raise your right hand. All of them raised their right hand and replied, “We want to hear God like you do! “I said, “Pick up your cross daily and listen to him. “They then asked, “Sonny can you be our counselor too?” I replied, “Yes!” As I gave each one my ministry card I said, “Call me any time when you have questions or need prayer.” They thanked me and started walking back to their families. All the boys lined up. Sammy said, “I can’t wait to get a new heart. “Some of the boys were crying already.

It was time for them to give their hearts to Jesus. I asked, “Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?” They replied, “Yes!”

I then asked, “Do you believe Jesus died and rose again on the third day?” They again replied, “Yes!”

The last question I asked, “Do you believe he’s our Lord and Savior?” They all resounded, “Yes!”

When they asked God to forgive them of all their sins and ask Jesus into their hearts, they began crying along with all their families. A lot of forgiveness was happening now. There also was a lot of hugging and crying with them. Jonathan came up to me and said, “Thank you Sonny for helping me to forgive my dad.” David followed up and said, “I never thought I could forgive my father.” In turn his dad said, “I never thought my son could forgive me.” They hugged each other and cried. I gave them bibles I signed. The boys in turn signed them and dated them. I told them I put a Mother’s Day card in each bible. Make sure you fill it out tonight and put it some place where she can see it in the morning. They thanked and hugged me. All the families were fellowshipping. I read scriptures and prayed with them. They wanted to know more about God’s ministry. All the moms were so excited to have their boys’ home for mother’s days. Thank you for your prayers. God gets all the glory and the victory!!!