God’s New Ministries

It is amazing how when we continue to serve God how he will grow your ministries. What started out to be a gang only ministry has turned into still a gang ministry. But now it includes college students, law enforcement, firefighter bible studies that honor our King. Because of what covid did to these people our King also has us doing humor videos to get people laughing again. God has also noticed the suffering in the area where the gangs are witnessed to. Their environment was like a war zone with all the gunfire and trash. The people would run home before dark because of the danger. It all began to change when some of the families began showing love to God by their worship on Saturdays. He directed us to going into that area to help his children out. The presence of God is strong today because of all the faith that has been built up by helping God’s people. The whole community has heard of a man who gives to families, but they have no idea who it is. It is like being Robin Hood to these people. Today, three years later, people are on the streets after dark. The streets and bus services are being restored because of what our King did. There are new families that still need God’s help today. We look forward to building their faith and show them how much that they are loved by God and us.

The last ministry is gas. God has heard all the prayers by his people who are suffering in this economy. We purchase $25 Cosco gift cards to help his children out. God only allows us to give them to people who are visibly praying. I tell you there are always people visibly praying for a miracle. God directs how many cards to give. We had one family that was moving to Kansas, and it was about to exhaust their resources. God told us to give the mom the last four cards. When it was explained to her about Blue Mustang’s gas ministry and how it is helping stranded people, she decided she only needed three cards. She said each card I have in my hand represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. She was not selfish in taking all four cards but knew we probably would need it for someone else. Right after she left a freshman college student who was homesick was praying. Her folks did not have any money either, so she was stranded. That gift card was enough to get her to her destination. I had a $50 bill on me, and I gave it to her so she would have something to eat. This ministry of God is also big. We usually run out of gift cards on Thursday. Blue Mustang gives me more cards when we meet on Saturday for those who will be stranded next week praying for a miracle.

There is a lot of suffering going on and God does care. If it was up to us, we would never recognize the problem. That is why he sent us to do this. It is interesting when you think about the money that you use to help people that you could buy a lot of cool stuff for yourself with it. I have also learned the satisfaction God gives by helping others. Besides he called me to do this, and I hear that we store treasure in heaven when we do what God asks us to do. I can’t even imagine what this treasure is but since God only wants good for us it must be amazing. I still like what Joshua said:

Joshua 24:18
So we, too, will serve the Lord, for he alone is our God.

Salvador’s Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus Christ

I went to Denver to meet with my informers. They wanted to give me information about a new gang in the area. This is a gang is bigger than usual with 42 boys. They have a habit of showing up at the park at the same time every day. I have four dozen burritos, four dozen donuts, four boxes of captain crunch cereal, three gallons of milk, three coolers of Coke and one case of water. When I arrived at the park, I pulled up next to their cars. All the boys were looking at me as I got out of my truck with bible in hand. The leader said, “Are you lost?” I replied, “No, I have been found by Jesus Christ. I am Sonny.”

His right-hand man spoke up said, “What he is trying to say is you is that you don’t belong here! The leader asked, “Are you Sonny the preacher?” His right-hand man pointed at me and said, “Look at his shirt. It says street gospel.” The leader glared at me Sonny and said, “Ok man you’re pushing all my nerves. What makes you think you’re so brave? Are you not scared of us?” I replied, “I am not scared of you. The only one we should fear is God because he’s the only one that knows when we’re going to die. It’s not up to you when I die. It’s up to my King when I go to heaven.” the leader asked, “How do you know you’re going to heaven?” His right-hand man was shocked that the leader was even talking to me and said, “Are you serious right now. You’re talking to a street pastor.” The leader replied, “He knows God!” His right-hand man then said, “Just ask him what he wants!”
The leader then asked, “Ok what do you want from us? Just get on with it man.”

I replied, “Are you guys hungry or are you just crazy?” The gang laughed. The leader said, “We are a little of both.” I then asked, “What’s your name?” the leader replied, “I don’t have a name.” I was getting angry and said, “Ok you know what, you have an attitude! I will just go talk to another gang and feed them.” I started walking to my truck. His right-hand man said, “Are you crazy? Right now, we’re hungry and because of your mouth we are not getting anything!” The leader replied, “You are right Santos!” The leader called me back and said, “Sonny I’m sorry about having an attitude!” I replied, “I have an attitude adjuster. His name is Jesus Christ.” The leader then said, “My name is Salvador. We are hungry man. What do you have?” I replied, “I have donuts.” he asked, “What kind of donuts?” I replied, “The ones with the hole in the middle.” The boys all laughed. I continued, “I also have captain crunch cereal and burritos.” The leader was waiting for that magic word and said, “I’ll take a burrito man because I’m hungry.” I said, “I need ten volunteers to help me.” The leader said, “Boys help Sonny get the food.” Ten boys helped me get everything out of the truck and they lined up with the bowls and the spoons. They began pouring the cereal and the milk into the bowls. I said, “Let me pray and thank God for the meal.” As I started praying two boys started crying. When I was done praying all the boys got a burrito and a donut. Those same ten boys were serving the rest of the boys.

When everyone finished their breakfast, I noticed that two of the boys looked alike. I asked, “You boys look like brothers.” They replied, “Yes, my name is Isaiah, and this is my brother Isaac. Isaiah then said, “When our family would have a get together, we would pray before eating. It brought back memories of our family.” Isaiah paused a moment then asked, “Sonny how do we become Christians like you man?” I replied, “You ask God to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus into your heart. Jesus will transform your heart.” Salvador asked, “What’s going on over here?” I turned around and looked at him. The Santos came over to the leader and said, “That’s none of your business, man. The boys are talking to the street pastor. Just leave them alone.” The leader replied, “You are right Santos. I am sorry Sonny.” Santos then said, “Just go finish your breakfast in peace!”

The Holy Spirit was working in the hearts of the young men. Soon two boys said, “Sonny we are calling our dads, and we are going to ask for his forgiveness for what we said to him and for what we’ve done.” Salvador came over and asked, “Is there anything you want to tell all of us?” Again, Santos said, “Salvador this man is a street pastor. Watch how you talk to him.” As I was looking into Salvador’s eyes, I said, “You boys are brothers aren’t you!” he said, “Yes Santos is my brother.” Santos then said, “Ok Sonny, Salvador is going to respect you. Isn’t that right.” Salvador said, “Ok Sonny what do you want from us.”

I replied, “If you guys had only three days to live what would you say to your dad and what would you say to your mom and your brothers and sisters. Really, what would you say to them?” Isaiah and Isaac were crying thinking about family. I continued, “You have a choice today to bring peace to your families, this is your only chance. Would you write them a note? If you need to apologize to your dad, apologize to him. Many of your dads were alcohols and their words were cutting you deep and they may have been hurting you too. That’s why many of you ran away from home. Remember Jesus had to go through a lot too, but he still forgave those who whipped him and crucified him on that cross. He even prayed for them. He did all that for us.” Isaac quoted John 3:16 word for word. Both Isaac and Isaiah were just crying the whole time. I then asked, “If you want to write notes to your families, I have notepads and pens to write on.” Isaiah and Isaac were the first to take the notepads. Soon all the boys lined up to get theirs as I was passing them out. I anointed them with their notepads. All 42 boys started writing their notes to each family member. All the boys were crying as they were writing their thoughts down. I helped those that needed help. Salvador and Santos went around to make sure all the boys had finished their notes. Salvador said, “Ok Sonny, all the boys are done writing.” I then said, “Ok boys, it’s time to go deliver your notes?” They said, “Ok Sonny we will go deliver our notes now.” I quickly said, “Before you go, I want to pray for all of you.” When I was done praying all the boys thanked me for the food and drinks. I said, “You boys can take the coolers with you.” Salvador and Santos took charge and said, “All of you stand in a group. All the boys that live on the east get in your cars and go.” The those in the west left next followed by the north and south going last. Salvador and santos made sure all the boys arrived safely to their families. They then went to their parents’ home.

After everyone was gone, God said, “Go home.” Salvador called me later and said, “Everything went well. Our dad is not an alcoholic anymore. He gave his heart to Jesus Christ.

I went to Denver the next day and was waiting at the park behind the tall shrubs. I could see cars that were coming to the park, but they could not see me behind the shrubs. Salvador called me and asked, “Are you still in bed?” I replied, “No I am at the park.” He started looking around. When he could not find me, he asked, “Where are you?” I said, “Look behind you.” I pulled up behind them and got out of my truck with my bible. Salvador and Santos brought their dad over to see me. Santos said, “Dad, this is Sonny. Sonny this is our dad.” Their dad hugged me and just cried. Salvador was crying too. They both said, “Sonny last night all our parents wanted us to spend the night. So, all of us thought we would go and clean our house and move out. All the boys and their parents helped cleaned the house and talked to the landlord to let him know they were moving out last night.” When they were all done at the house, all the boys spent that night at their parents’ homes. All the boys were there with their families. The next day they brought their parents to meet me. A lot of them were crying. They hugged me and thanked me and just cried at this special moment. Isaac and Isaiah brought their parents over and they said, “Dad and mom, this is Sonny. They too hugged me and cried. All the boy’s parents kept coming over to meet me. They kept thanking me for reaching out to their boys. I had all 42 boys come to the front. All their parents were standing behind their boys. Their brothers and sisters stood behind their parents.

I asked, “Are all of you ready to give your hearts to Jesus Christ?” All the boys said yes.

I then asked, “Pay attention to what I am going to say. Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God?” They said yes again. They then raised their right hands.

I then asked, “Do all of you believe he died and rose again on the third day?” They confirmed yes.

I then asked, “Do all of you want your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?” They all said yes.

I then said, “When you ask Jesus into your heart, he will transform your heart, and you will be able to forgive like he forgives.” When they personally asked God to forgive them of all their sins and asked Jesus to come into their heart, that’s when they really began crying. They had been set free from their bondage in the streets. I said, “Boys, I want you to give your parents the biggest hug you have ever given them!” They turned around and hugged both parents and just cried even more. All of their brothers and sisters joined in. When they were done sharing in this special time of their lives, I said, “Follow me!” All the boys followed me to my truck. I signed the bibles I had for them, and they signed their names and dated them too. They said, “Sonny is this is what God does when he writes our name in the Lamb’s Book of Life?” I replied, “Yes, the way to stay strong in your walk with God is by reading your bible every day.”

Their parents were still emotional even as they were leaving. All the boys and their families came over and hugged me one last time and thanked me.
Thank you for your prayers. God gets all the glory and the victory. I just get to see it!!’