Late Night Blessing at Walmart

It is Friday night and I am going down to do the undercover police Bible study. After the study, I was asked to join the meeting with the captains of the undercover police. They shared with me that there is going to be a meeting held tonight by 13 notorious pimps. The captain’ felt that they were trying to arrange things to make things more profitable with their girls. I then received a message from my King to go attend their meeting. I said, “Let me know where they are meet. My King wants me to talk with them.” They replied, “They are going to meet at 11 p.m. tonight on east Colfax in Denver.

They were there when I arrived. I could tell they recognize my truck the way they all looked in my direction and followed it until I parked. I then walked towards them. One pimp started pointing at me. As I got closer, four pimps pulled their pistols on me. One pimp, who appeared to be the leader of all of them, spoke up and said, “We do not want you here. Everytime you speak to our girls, they quit. They accept Jesus Christ and they always go home. We have lost 98 girls because of you. You better leave now or we’re going to shoot you.”

I replied, “I have nothing to do with your girls going home. The Holy Spirit entered their hearts and transformed them. He wanted them to go home and start their life serving Jesus Christ.” I then asked, “Two of you once served Jesus Christ! What happened to you?” No one would respond to my question. One pimp changed the subject then asked, “Do you run the Latinos?” Two of the pimps came back against gang leader Lorenzo’s command. It was a big mistake for those two pimps to come back here because Lorenzo is going to finish them off. They are still angry at Lorenzo because they lost two expensive vans to him and all the girls they contained.

I said, “No man will control Lorenzo. He does what he wants and protects me.” The pimp replied, “What would you do if I shoot you in the head right now?”

I said, “My King asked me to deliver this message of Jesus Christ’s love for you. My King never fails a mission. If you blew my brains out, every piece of my brain would tell you that Jesus Christ loves you. You still will get the message.” This always make people feel uncomfortable. The Holy Spirit puts a vision into their head about all these pieces telling them that Jesus loves him. I am sure that the Holy Spirit is convicting his heart now. I said, “Before you shoot me, let me pray for you.” When I mentioned prayer, they left for their cars and immediately left the scene.

I spent over an hour talking with the pimps about Jesus Christ. It is now 1 a.m. and I am beginning to get tired. I was beginning to head home to sleep. My King said, “No Sonny; I want you to pull into this Walmart parking lot and rest here.” I did as he instructed and I drove into the almost empty parking lot. I could count the cars I saw. He asked me to park in a specific spot and rest. I kind of watched around me but soon my eyes started closing and I fell asleep. I’m sure I was asleep at least 40 minutes when a van pulled up and parked next to me. I was still asleep but when they opened the doors and slammed them, the noise woke me up. My King said to follow them into the store. I got out of my vehicle and followed at a distance behind them as they walked to the store. I was wondering what they might be thinking having a stranger who was sitting in the parking lot and all of a sudden was following them into the store. They did hustle into the store and were feeling more secure as they were inside the building. I approached the husband and asked, “Are you here to buy groceries?” He said, “Yes we are.”

I then said, “Is it kind of late to be grocery shopping?” The husband replied, “You are asking too many questions.” My King had already shared things about them but I was testing him.

I said, “You came here at this time because you feel embarrassed to shop around other people. You cannot afford to buy what they do.” The husband began to open up and replied, “We are here to buy bread, cheese, bologna and mayonnaise and that’s all we can afford.” It is now time for me to do what our King loves.

I asked, “What would you say if somebody went shopping with you to help you buy groceries? Would you let him?” He said, “Yes Man; that would be an answer to prayer. We moved here from Kansas but it will take two weeks before we get paid. It took all the funds we had to pay for rent, utilities and all the necessities needed in a move.”

I said, “Let me help buy groceries.” I followed them through Walmart as they were picking up food. I watched as they only picked up the things they needed. After they finished, we went to the checkout line and the bill came out to $98.72. What’s so unusual about this is that Blue Mustang at our last Saturday breakfast meeting gave me $100 to bless someone. Isn’t it cool how are God works. There was enough to supply their needs. I then said, “Let me tell you who Blue Mustang is.” He repeated, “Blue Mustang!” I continued, “He is a man who gives me $100 every week to bless people like you who are hungry and need things.” The husband replied, “I want to pray for Blue Mustang because this really blessed me.” He began praying over Blue Mustang. The manager was nearby taking care of other people but he was listening to what was going on. After checking out the other couple, the manager selected a 300 dollar gift card for them. He came up to our checkout line and said, “This is for you. That food that you bought will not last you two weeks. You have two kids and I want to bless you even more.” The gift of one man was blessed 3 times more then what was actually given. It goes to show you even small amounts of money given to needy individuals can lead into a financial surplus. Let us never count our God out.

Their little girl, who is seven years old asked, “Can you walk with me to my car?” I said, “That would be fun.” She reached out and grabbed my hand. I walked her out to the van. As we were walking, she looked at me and said, “You are amazing.” I said, “No, my King is amazing.” She then said, “Thank you. I was craving cereal real bad.” I begin to cry as that tiny little voice shown so much appreciation. Remember that Jesus came to this earth to serve and not to be served. We need to be Christ-like and show everyone how to be humble and serve. Everything is about Jesus. Let us stay focused on him; not the world.