God’s New Ministries

It is amazing how when we continue to serve God how he will grow your ministries. What started out to be a gang only ministry has turned into still a gang ministry. But now it includes college students, law enforcement, firefighter bible studies that honor our King. Because of what covid did to these people our King also has us doing humor videos to get people laughing again. God has also noticed the suffering in the area where the gangs are witnessed to. Their environment was like a war zone with all the gunfire and trash. The people would run home before dark because of the danger. It all began to change when some of the families began showing love to God by their worship on Saturdays. He directed us to going into that area to help his children out. The presence of God is strong today because of all the faith that has been built up by helping God’s people. The whole community has heard of a man who gives to families, but they have no idea who it is. It is like being Robin Hood to these people. Today, three years later, people are on the streets after dark. The streets and bus services are being restored because of what our King did. There are new families that still need God’s help today. We look forward to building their faith and show them how much that they are loved by God and us.

The last ministry is gas. God has heard all the prayers by his people who are suffering in this economy. We purchase $25 Cosco gift cards to help his children out. God only allows us to give them to people who are visibly praying. I tell you there are always people visibly praying for a miracle. God directs how many cards to give. We had one family that was moving to Kansas, and it was about to exhaust their resources. God told us to give the mom the last four cards. When it was explained to her about Blue Mustang’s gas ministry and how it is helping stranded people, she decided she only needed three cards. She said each card I have in my hand represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. She was not selfish in taking all four cards but knew we probably would need it for someone else. Right after she left a freshman college student who was homesick was praying. Her folks did not have any money either, so she was stranded. That gift card was enough to get her to her destination. I had a $50 bill on me, and I gave it to her so she would have something to eat. This ministry of God is also big. We usually run out of gift cards on Thursday. Blue Mustang gives me more cards when we meet on Saturday for those who will be stranded next week praying for a miracle.

There is a lot of suffering going on and God does care. If it was up to us, we would never recognize the problem. That is why he sent us to do this. It is interesting when you think about the money that you use to help people that you could buy a lot of cool stuff for yourself with it. I have also learned the satisfaction God gives by helping others. Besides he called me to do this, and I hear that we store treasure in heaven when we do what God asks us to do. I can’t even imagine what this treasure is but since God only wants good for us it must be amazing. I still like what Joshua said:

Joshua 24:18
So we, too, will serve the Lord, for he alone is our God.

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