Jonathan’s Gang Gives Their Lives Over to Jesus Christ

On the afternoon of March 5th, a gang pulled up at the park while I was waiting. The leader of the gang is called Johnny. There are eleven boys in his gang. I did not know them, so I decided to introduce myself to them. I have learned to recognize the leaders and I sked, “What is your name?”

He replied, “Everyone calls me Johnny Depp because I look like him.”

I said, “You really do look like him.” I looked at the rest of them and said, “Well, the rest of you guys look like the little rascals to me, so I am calling you the little rascals.”

His men replied, “That is not even funny?”

I looked at the leader and asked, “What is your real Christian name?”

This caught everybody off guard, and they were dumbfounded. The leader had a puzzled looked and said, “How did you know that I have a Christian name?”

I replied, “I know what your Christian name is.”

He retorted back, “So what is my Christian name?”

I replied, “Paul!”

He said, “How did you know that?”

I replied, “That is what my King said. But your first name is Matthew, and your middle name is Paul. You told your parents before you left that you hated your first name and that you would never go by that name again. So, you go by your middle name Jonathan.”

Jonathan exclaimed, “How do you know all that?”

I replied, “My King sent me here to talk to you.”

Jonathan then asked, “Who are you?”

I replied, “I am just a messenger to remind you that your name was written in the Lambs Book of Life. Why did you walk away from God?”

Jonathan then said, “I use to go to church where I received Jesus in my heart, but my dad was an alcoholic and abused me.”

Jonathan replied, “You are right that I was a Christian. I was 16 years old when I left home.”

I said, “You have made bad choices in your life.”

Jonathan replied, “My messenger, will you tell me what to do? I want to keep my name written in the Lambs Book of Life?”

I asked, “Are you ready to rededicate your heart to the lord?”

Jonathan said, “Yes!”

I then said, “You have to forgive your dad first before we continue.”

I looked at Jonathan ’s men and asked, “Is anybody hungry? I have 3 pizzas and a cooler with cold drinks.”

The boys were eager to get something to eat and helped me bring the food to the picknick tables. I said, “Let me pray for the meal.” As soon as I was done praying, they began eating. I began anointing the notepads that I was about to give them.

I looked over his men and asked, “Who wants to write notes to your parents and siblings?” All the boys raised their hands. I then asked, “If you guys had only 3 days to live what would you say to your parents and siblings?”

Jonathan stared at his pad for a moment and asked, “Sonny, can you help me write my note to my dad?”

I said, “Yes, I can help write it. Just tell me what you want to say.”

Jonathan began by saying,” Father, please forgive me for the things I have said to you when I ran out of the house. I hope that you can forgive me. I miss those days of going fishing with you. Your son Jonathan.”

All the boys finished writing their notes. They said, “Sonny, we’re going to deliver our notes now.” I prayed with them before they left. The leader called me tonight. He was sobbing, “My dad has been sober for 4 years. He stopped drinking when I left home. He also got saved while I was away.”

I said, “How are you doing? Are you ok?”

He said, “My dad stopped drinking after he got help. He has given his life to Jesus Christ. He is a real Christian now. Before I left my dad would act like a Christian in name only, but he wasn’t real. When I gave him my note my dad cried. He asked me, ‘Are you coming home son?’ My dad held me in his arms and we both cried for a long time. I told him I did not want to come home until I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. I want God to give me a new heart.”

I reached over and hugged Jonathan. Before his men left, I asked them, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life to come forward.” They all came to give their lives to Jesus Christ. I then said, “Tell your parents I want to meet them.” They confirmed they would be there tomorrow.

I could tell the leader had something going on that was bothering him. Soon, he began to share it with me. He said, “Sonny, I have a request. I know you were sent here to talk to us about Jesus, but can you come with me to pray for my grandpa at the hospital?”

I replied, “Yes I can. I will even take you to the hospital.”

He said, “Thank you Sonny! My grandpa just had surgery and he’s really sick.”

Before we left, I made arrangements with his men to start eating the food that I had in my pickup. I said, “Ok, before Jonathan and I leave, I have pizza and the coolers with cold drinks. I need help getting them out of my pickup and set them on the picknick tables.”

One of the boys asked, “Sonny, do you happen to have Captain Crunch cereal?”

I replied, “Yes I do. The bowls, spoons, and the milk are in one of the coolers.”

I said, “You guys can start eating and we’ll be back later.”

They replied, “Ok, we’ll wait here for you to return.”

I said, “Ok Jonathan, let’s go to the hospital.” When we arrived at the hospital and started walking in, the security guard asked, “How can I help you?”

Jonathan replied, “We’re here to see my grandpa and my friend is going to pray for him.”

The security guard answered, “Ok, I’ll walk you there, but you can’t stay long.”

Jonathan and I walked into his grandpas the room. Jonathan’s parents and his grandma were already in the room. His parents jumped up and hugged him.

His grandpa Isaiah said, “hi Jonathan. How are you doing.”

Jonathan answered, “Hi grandpa” while he reached down to hug him. He then introduced me. He said, “Grandpa, this is Sonny. He is a minister of the streets and I have asked him to come and pray for you.”

I immediately began praying for him and anointed him with oil. When I finished praying, his grandpa thanked me. Jonathan’s dad was called Abraham. His grandpa looked directly at his son and said, “Abraham, this is the time to ask for forgiveness from your son.”

Abraham replied, “Your right dad!” He went over to Jonathan and said, “I want to ask for your forgiveness for everything I said and did to you that was wrong. I stopped drinking after you left. I have been sober for more than three years now” His mom and grandma piped in and said, “That is true, he doesn’t drink anymore.”

Boy you could feel the release in the atmosphere with what was about to happen. Jonathan answered, “Please forgive me dad for the things I said to you before I left.” They both began crying and hugged each other. His grandpa took a deep breath and it scared everyone.

I said, “Don’t be afraid he’s just resting. He finally has peace from what happened today as he fell asleep.”

his grandmother answered, “How did you meet my grandson?”

I said, “I met him at the park. God had me bring frisbees that I put two Bible verses on them. John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11. Jonathan and his boys were there at the park, and I started throwing frisbees at them.”

As I finished my thought, a doctor came in with two nurses. They said, “It’s time to leave now. He really needs his rest.” So, we all walked back out into the waiting room. Jonathan ’s dad said, “Son, would you like to take a walk?”

Jonathan said, “Yes dad, let’s take a walk.”

I was left standing with his mom and grandma. I said, “Before you ask me anything, my King gets all the glory and the victory. I just get to see what he does.”

They continued to ask me questions until Jonathan and his dad came back. Jonathan said, “We’re going back to the park because the boys are waiting for us.”

His mom replied, “Can you and the boys come over to the house later? Grandpa is coming home tomorrow, and he wants to have a barbecue. It’s at 4:30 pm.”

Jonathan said, “Yes mom, we will be there.” They hugged Jonathan said, “We’ll see you tomorrow.” As they continued saying their goodbyes, we began walking back to the truck. Jonathan still had tears running down his face as we drove off. He sat there silently. I asked, “Are you OK?”

Jonathan replied, “This was one of the best memories of my life. No one can take this away from me.”

I answered, “I am so proud of you for the way you handled things. You forgave your dad and asked for forgiveness.”

He replied, “Thank you sonny for being there for me.”

We finally arrived back at the park and the boys asked, “So, how is your grandpa?” Jonathan answered, “He’s doing great and is resting now.”

I said, “You guys keep the coolers and the box of the chips to take to the barbecue.” The boys exclaimed, “What! We’re going to a barbecue?”

Jonathan replied, “Yes, at my parents’ house tomorrow. My grandpa wants to have a barbecue because he’s going home tomorrow.”

The Holy Spirit continued to move the rest of the day until Jonathan and all of his men all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. This ends a chapter in Jonathan’s life. Jonathan understands what it is to have Jesus in your heart. In the next chapter of his life Jonathan is looking for a way to bring Christ into the lives of unsaved uncles and family members.

Eisenhower’s Gang Meets Jesus

It is March 4th, and I went to back to Denver to meet with the undercover police to pick up the food for the gang God want me to meet up with.  They have already packed the coolers with drinks. The rest was muffins, Captain Crunch cereal with milk, cookies, and candy bars. Some of the gang members would be ready for lunch, so I also had 4 pizzas with a big bottle of ranch to dip the crust into.

I already knew which park they would be at, so I headed in that direction.  I arrived there at 9:45 a.m. Eisenhower’s gang was already there. There are 15 boys in his gang. I said to myself, “I haven’t seen these boys in a long time. Last night one of his boys called me.”

He said, “Sonny, this is Emilio. I am one of the boys in Eisenhower’s gang.” He paused than began crying. He sobbed, “I wanted to go home and accept Jesus. My parents want to lead me to the Lord; but I said to them that I want Sonny, my friend, to lead me to the Lord.  He has never given up on me. I am ready for God to transform my heart…”

Emilio was on speaker phone with his parents… I could hear them crying in the background. Emilio’s dad said, “My son said you minister to the gangs, and he wanted you to lead him to the Lord.  Thank you for reaching out to them.”

I said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.” I the looked directly at Emilio and asked, “Are you ready to have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

Emilio replied, “Yes”.  He then asked God to forgive him of all his sins and asked Jesus into his heart. Emilio started crying again and thanked me for being there for him. He said, “I asked Eisenhower, and the guys can meet with you tomorrow at the park.  I want to be there if any of you give your hearts to Jesus.”

Emilio made arrangements to meet the following day. when I arrived at the park. They started walking towards me when they recognized my pickup. I climbed out of my pickup with my bible. Eisenhower said, “Sonny, it’s nice to see you!”

I said, “I haven’t seen you boys in a while. Are you hungry?”

The entire gang said, “Man, we are starving!”

I replied, “I have food for you guys. Do I have any volunteers?”

Several boys jumped at the opportunity to come with me. Their eyes opened wide when they saw all the muffins and cookies and captain crunch cereal I had. I said, “We will leave the dessert in the truck. Don’t forget to get the pizza, the big bottle of ranch, plates and napkins.”

We walked back and set everything on the picknick tables. I said, “Let pray first before we eat.” The boys took their caps off while I gave thanks to our King. After I finished praying, I realized we had not brought the drinks. I said, “I have coolers with cold drinks in them.” I did not have to say anymore. The boys jumped up and retrieved the coolers.

They began eating and I began reading scriptures to them. I started with John 3:16 then went to Jeremiah 29:11 and followed up with Matthew 6:33. Soon they were done eating. I asked them, “Are you ready for dessert?”

All the boys were so excited when I mentioned dessert. They were like little kid’s and ran back to the truck to get the dessert. When everyone finished, they started helping me clean up. We had some food left so I asked, “Can you open the truck of your car? I want you to take everything that is left home. They eagerly put everything into their trunks. When they were finished with that task, I went to get some note pads. I anointed them before I passed them out. I had pens for each boy. They asked, “Sonny, what are these for?”

I replied, “If you only had 3 days to live what would you say to your dads? Remember in 3 days you are gone from this world. How do you want people to remember you? Do you want to be remembered as a kind forgiving person or a person that was mean and wouldn’t forgive anyone. If you don’t forgive others God won’t forgive you.”

All the boys wrote notes to their mom, brothers and sisters, but when it came to writing a note to their dads. All of them needed help writing a note to their dads.

They asked, “What do we write to our dads?”

I replied, “You can say Dear dad, I hope you are doing well. I need to ask for your forgiveness for what I did and what I said to you before I left. I hope you can forgive me. I want you to know that I forgive you dad.”

All the boys finished their notes. I anointed each one of them with their notes and prayed with each one before they left to deliver their notes.

It is Wednesday 3/6/24. I was scheduled to meet with Eisenhower’s boys at the park at 10:00 am. but some of their fathers couldn’t make it until 1:00 pm. Some of their parents were arriving earlier and I met with them first. One of the things they kept asking about was how did you come up with the idea of having the boys write notes.

I said, “God told me to get note pads and pens for what he had planned. I went to the dollar store and bought a box of notepads and a box of pens before coming to the park. I was not sure what God had planned in the beginning but as they were eating and I was sharing scriptures with them, God said to me to ask them if they only had 3 days to live what would they say to their dads, moms, brothers and sisters because tomorrow is never promised not even for me. Most of the time the boys would say they would ask for forgiveness for the things they said and sometimes they would cry when they were writing their notes.”

Soon everyone was here. All the parents said they loved their notes from their boys. I called all their dads and talked with them. I found out there all Christians and they love the Lord. Three of them are still counseling with their pastors. All of them said, ” This is a dream come true.”

The leaders father said, “I thank God your still alive and that you brought my son back to me. I know how dangerous gangs can be.”

I said, “Some of the gangs are but it’s not up to them when I die. It’s up to my King when that day comes.”

He replied, ” I wish I had your faith.”

I took the dads back to their families and I started reading the scriptures. I read to the boys John 3:16, Jeremiah 29:1, and finished with Matthew 6:33. After that I had the boys come over by my truck and I asked them, “Those of you that are ready to have your names written in the Lambs Book of Life stand over here.”

All eleven boys moved forward After they asked God to forgive them of all their sins and asked Jesus to come into their hearts, they cried and laughed because they were so happy they were going home with a transformed heart.

All their families are now saved. I gave each one a bible and signed them with today’s date. Before they went home the boys said, “We got up early the next day to clean the house. The landlord liked what he saw and came over to return our deposit to us. Sonny, we are moving out this morning and we are all ready to go home. Our brothers and sisters are going to help us to get our GED’s online.”

I could see the excitement in their voices and faces to go home. Their parents kept talking about the notes and how it meant the world to them and how the notes brought healing to them. They shared that was an incredible idea that God gave you for these boys.

I said, “My king gets all the Glory and the Victory. He orchestrated the whole thing.”

Eisenhower’s dad asked, “Sonny, how many gangs do you minister to?”
His son interrupted, “Dad Sonny is out here every day ministering to gangs. He also goes and ministers all over in different states and different countries.”
he said, “Wow! That is truly amazing!

As they started leaving, all the boys thanked me one more time.
I prayed with them one more time before they left.

Parachuter Brings Gang to Jesus Christ

There are times when we think that God couldn’t do anything better than the way he’s doing it now. I was about to find out that God was about to prove me wrong this Saturday. It was looking like a typical Saturday with the family’s worshipping around the King Soopers store.

The weather was quickly turning warm, and no one was in a hurry to stop worshipping our King. Lydia recognized me and the worship stopped. I introduced myself to the new families that were about to be blessed. I then gave Lydia the money to give to the families which restores their faith. After Lydia anointed the money, this is where everything began to change.

A parachute jumper landed in the middle of the parking lot. As he came down, he noticed the large crowd. He was amazed by the love shown to him by the people who were present and asked what was going on. We gave him a short course of everything that was happening. They explained who Blue Mustang is and his ministry in the ghetto. This guy was so impressed with what Blue Mustang did that day that he matched everything that Blue Mustang did. He then called his wife and told her what was going on. When she arrived, she started handing out $20 bills to everyone including me.

While this was going on a gang also noticed the jumper landing in the parking lot and came over to watch. I knew they were hungry and offered them burritos and Dr Pepper which excited them. They recognized me by my truck and began asking questions. The families also began coming over and began praying for these young men. They had no fear over this gang as they prayed. The soon began calling their parents and began giving their lives to Jesus Christ.

You are probably wondering how the jumper messed this up so bad, but you are wrong. He has been doing this for 12 years and his brother was flying the plane. He could not figure out what happened either. Jumpers can control their direction of their chutes as they descend. Well God had a plan, and he directed his chute right into the parking lot.

God’s plan netted one gang and double blessed two families who needed it. The families also stepped out in faith to pray for the gang that showed up. I know that God has more things planed like this that he is going to do. I am glad he allows me to witness his creativity. This is more proof that God truly loves us. He will send people to places just to change people’s lives.

King Sooper Store Blessed by God

I was thinking back about the time that we first started doing the ministry in the ghetto. God took us to the King Sooper store that was there. I mean to tell you that this store was just dead. There was nobody there shopping at all. The only cars in the parking lot were those who worked at the store. I was beginning to wonder what God wanted me to do here. As I was listening, I heard someone worshipping God next to the store. Samuel and his family were by the store worshipping God all by themselves. They were the first ones to receive God’s blessing given to me by Blue Mustang.

God proceeded to have me anoint the store before I left. He had me put anointing oil in 4 different spots around the store. God then had me walk around the store seven times while I prayed over the building. The store manager came out and asked, “I have been watching you. What are you doing?”

I replied, “God sent me here to bless a family. He then wanted me to anoint this place because he’s not done with it yet.” The store manager thought that was so cool what I was doing. He eventually gave his life to Jesus Christ.

After I have finished anointing the store, cars begin showing up to go shopping. One person commented, “I did not know that there was a store here!”

As the ghetto ministry continues the grow. The store is now beginning to show a profit as of November 2023. The number of people are growing who shop here. Between God and the families anointing the money and grocery carts, the power of the Holy Spirit is affecting the whole community. Corporate was thinking about discontinuing service at this store because of the lack of profitability. God knew that if this store shut down that it would be a hardship for the people living in the ghetto to get groceries. The number of people who are being blessed by God is increasing each week. Those people are experiencing God’s miracles. They are in turn helping other families in the community. The message about what God is doing is getting around the entire community and changing lives.

It was interesting that first time I came here there was a big danger of being shot at. I have heard drive by shootings going on while I was there. Now I experience the power of God’s blessing this store. I come down here today and seldom hear a gunshot. The message of what God is doing to this community is expanding. The people who have been blessed are continually looking out for the interests of other people other than themselves.

These people know how to worship God. When they worship, they let themselves go not worrying about the time. They just continue giving praise to the King of kings. It is so cool to be part of something as fantastic as this.

Rescuing Prostitutes While Witnessing to a Gang

I was witnessing to a gang in the park and all of a sudden, a grey van starts driving on the grass towards us as I was speaking. The gang drew their pistols, and they were ready for a confrontation. I told the guys to wait because I think I know who could be in this van. The van stopped beside me, and all these beautiful ladies crawled out of the van. The gang leader with a smile said, “Sonny, are you bringing us girls.”

I reminded him that my King has asked me to share his message to the broken hearted. Their hearts are broken just like yours. My King wants to restore their hearts too. They are here because I asked them to if they ever needed help.

One of the ladies spoke up and said, “We want nothing to do with you guys. We’re here to see Sonny.” She then looked at me and said, “We just got through running away from our pimps! We need your help to get out of here!”

I then asked, “Do you have your cell phones with you right now? If you do, they are tracking us as we speak.”

They held their phones up to me to show that they had them. The gang wanted to help defend them from the pimps, but I said I had people that are trained to deal with this stuff. I don’t want you guys to get hurt. I called the undercover police in the area and told them about the situation.

They said, “Sonny, we’ll be there in a few minutes there to get their phones. We’re going to bring the van with the manikins in it to see if we can trap these guys.”

Soon the captain arrived and confiscated all of their phones. They proceeded with the manikins to set them up in the park where we were at. We waited at a safe distance for the pimps to come. Soon two black Cadillacs showed up and a bunch of guys with guns got out of each vehicle. They started shouting obscenities at the women who they have not realized by this time that were manikins. They proceeded to shoot bullets into the manikins to punish the women for what they did to them. As soon as they started shooting law enforcement surrounded them physically and arrested them all.

The girls all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Their parent anxiously reunited with their daughters. After things unfolded, they identified their perpetrators behind a one-way mirror, so they physically do not have to do anything in court. It is interesting how God does things. There is never a dull moment serving our King.

Demonic Presence on Halloween Night

It was Halloween night and my King had me out praying for people on the street. The night was fairly warm, so the streets were busy. Normally, I do not check my cell phone out while I am praying but Blue Mustang sent me a text and asked me if there was anything big happening on the streets. Blue Mustang told me that God woke him up from a sleep, and he was wondering what God was trying to tell him. So, he began praying for me after sending the text. Before I had a chance to respond, there were three men dressed up in Luciferian costumes. They looked really hideous with the makeup they had on.

These men in these devil costumes were doing these really weird dances around people just trying to cause problems by scaring people. Whatever they were doing made my spirit just felt terrible. They’d soon started heading my way and I knew they were going to be a problem. When they got closer to me God told me to raise my Bible towards them. The minute they saw my Bible fully raised; they immediately began to run away like they just saw a ghost.

I continued to pray for people on the street after they fled. About 2 hours later, these men came back. But this time, they came with their faces fully clean and horns off. They were crying in fear when they asked the question, “How did you turn your Bible into a flaming sword? That really frightened us when we saw you do that.”

I replied, “I had nothing to do with it. Look at my Bible. It is no different than any other Bible. My God did not like what you were doing and wanted you to stop.”

They were even more afraid realizing how powerful my King is and said, “We want to know the God that you know. What do we have to do to know him?”

I made sure they understood who Jesus Christ is and that they knew he rose from the dead for the forgiveness of our sins. I then asked, “Do you want to have your names written in the Lambs Book of Life?” They nodded their heads. I continued, “All you need to do now is ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of your sins and give your heart to him.”

They then gave the hearts to Jesus Christ. I wanted them to know that they cannot serve two masters. I begin to explain to them what they were doing was not pleasing to our King. We were put on this Earth to serve Yahweh and Jeshua and not the devil. I then finished with, “Go home and burn those costumes. They do not serve my King at all. Just remember that we serve a jealous God and do not mock his son by how you act. You do not want to face his judgement but serve him to receive his blessing.”

They knew I was serious, but they also know how much Jesus Christ loves them. I believe that I will hear from them again in the near future.

The world belongs to the devil, but prayer kills what the enemy is planning. When people pray, bind the enemy in the name Jesus, and God is standing with me on the street; I am invincible.

God’s Big Push to Get Gangs into his Kingdom

When God had me start witnessing to gangs, I was many times beaten and told to go away. They wanted nothing to do with me or Jesus Christ. I have people pray for me for protection, so I never was severely beaten. But as time progressed, Blue Mustang made specific prayers against what was happening to me. The first thing he prayed for was that they would quit using me as a basketball when would throw me in the back of my pickup. After he prayed that the violence against me stopped. But many times, while I was reading God’s word to them, one of their men would have their pistol pointed at me at the back of my head and the gangs themselves would have their pistols drawn. Blue Mustang then prayed that whenever I pulled my Bible out of my truck, that would be a sign for the gangs to put their pistols away.

The gangs immediately began putting their pistols aways when I reached for my Bible and carried it in my hand. It was so cool when they would simultaneously put their pistols back into their holsters. I was beginning to enjoy this not being hit or having pistols drawn on me while I am witnessing to these men.

God usually has me witnessing to the gangs in the Denver area. Because he physically brings them to me. But from time to time, he lets me leave to the area to go other major cities. I only do it when he tells me so. I finally had an opportunity to go. I told Blue Mustang that God is wanting me to go to Chicago, New Jersey, and New York to witness to the gangs there for two days.

The MS13 gang in Chicago had the reputation of being one of the meanest gangs in the United States. Blue Mustang made a special prayer and prayed that when I got there that the gangs would be in a state of confusion when I arrived.

The undercover police in Chicago gave me a vehicle to go into the neighborhood where these guys were residing. Before I left the building, the undercover police were taking a pool on how many bullet holes there would be in the car when I brought it back. Before I entered the neighborhood, God had me open my Bible to Isaiah 41:10 and place it on the windshield under the wiper. It was a war zone here just as you would see it in a movie.

I finally arrived where they were at and low and behold, they had their pistols put away. These guys were totally confused and they begin asking me for help. They’ve been in a fog starting the day that Blue Mustang prayed that prayer. I’ve never ever witnessed to gangs in these big cities like this because of the power of prayer. I had trouble keeping from laughing because I knew what happened. I said, “Let me pray for you for peace.”

As I began praying for each man, the fog that took over their minds began to disappear, and they became peaceful in spirit. This was all that it took for them to want to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. Almost all gangs are formed because of broken relationship between the father and the sun. These guys began calling home and found out that their dads have quit being alcoholics and druggies. Many of them were Christians. This further excited them so that they wanted to go home because it was dangerous where they were at constantly watching for gunfire. Soon the family members of the boys came and began picking them up. Many tears were shed as families became united again. The Holy Spirit was so powerful that everyone there gave or rededicated their heart to Jesus Christ.

By the way I always brought the cars back with zero bullet holes. Those in law enforcement that understand the protection our King gives his servants always bet zero and win the money pool.

Exactly the same thing happened to the gangs in New Jersey and New York. God placed a fog over their minds. And they were anxious to get away from that. I have never been able to do that all the time. I’ve been witnessing to these gangs in these other cities before. There has been nothing like this ever. I have heard that God is making a great hunger over the nations for him. And that possibly could be the reason why these gangs are so interested in talking about God. But for me because I witnessed a change every time Blue Mustang prayed. That change was immediately. I firmly believe that the power of prayer was also the solution. Blue Mustang kept praying that same prayer to the gangs when I came back. They would become also confused wondering about their future. As of this writing they have been wondering about their life and where they are going.

God has burned in their hearts to figure out that something is missing in their lives. Many times, they were searching for me even though I did not know them. The gangs that I do not know found out who I was from other gangs who shared things about me and my love to bring the message of Jesus Christ to the gangs. Those gangs even stood up for me and said, “You leave him alone because he will not hurt you and he usually has food.”

The fact that I can feed them is because of the wonderful help that I have behind the scenes.

God had me had me do something new. He has asked me to have the gang members write down messages on notepads so that they could give their thoughts to their parents and their siblings. This has made them think about family and wanting to go home. When they deliver their notes to their families, they begin to find out that their dads have changed and many of them became Christians. Like I always say, I’m only the Messenger and God gets the Glory and the Victory. Unless the Holy Spirit prepares their hearts for me, my message will not reach their hearts.

The gangs are becoming more hungry for God each week. In the first week of October, a total of 12 gangs have given their hearts to Jesus Christ. What was strange about all this is that many of these gangs were enemies of each other. But they still came together and began asking each other questions. They wanted me to meet them to discuss things further about the promises of God. This is the largest group of men that God has sent me, and they all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ.

Poncho 17 – Pablo 15 – Carlos 14 – Manuel 18 – Santos 19 – Nuna 10 – Simon 11 – Sammy 9 – Toni 16 – Salvador 12 – Tomas 14 – Christo 15

High Class Prostitutes Give Lives to Jesus Christ

While I am out on the streets, God will have me witness to the prostitutes.  Jesus Christs love is for everyone. There was one organization that whenever I spoke to the girls, they would grab hold of me and slam me up against the wall. They would tell me that I do not want to hear anything you might have to say. We want you to leave now or we will put a big hurt on you. My King would not allow me to give up on them. From time to time, I was able to sneak one of my ministry cards into the hand of one of the girls hoping maybe they would call me later.

It was Wednesday night, and I was about ready to head down to Denver for the highway patrol women’s Bible study.  As I was nearing my destination, one of the girls in the organization called me. She said, “Sonny seventeen of us want to leave the organization. Tonight, they are going to have a meeting at 7 p.m. in the upper floor of the building and that would be a good opportunity for us to escape. The east door is always locked from the outside and is not watched very much. Tonight, all the security will be in the camera room.”

I replied, “I will make arrangements to get you at that time.  I will be driving a white van. When the power goes out you come out immediately. They may have generators that may restore power within five minutes.”

I went down to my undercover friends and picked up the van because they were too many to fit in my pickup. These guys always support me whenever I do these types of missions. They have an expert there who can shut down any block in town at my request. I just have to let him know what for.  As I headed towards the girls’ building, they followed behind me with their vehicles. They had sharp shooters who could help if somebody started shooting. When 7 p.m. arrived, the expert killed the power for that entire block. When everything went dark, the girls immediately proceeded out the door and they jumped into the open door that I had for them as I drove by the door. At first, it did not seem real to them. But then they began to realize that they were about to become free. They begin kissing me all over my face for picking them up and getting them out of this organization. Because of the scamdemic, the girls were required to stay confined all the time. They could never leave the facility except when making money for their pimps.

The police wanted to furnish their own driver for the van to bring the girls back. But the girls did not trust anyone else to drive but me.  No matter who I deal with in this ministry, there is what they call a lack of trust from anybody. You have to earn their trust. I also know that the Holy Spirit helps me gain the trust of these men and women. We began driving off even before the door was closed. it is advantageous to get as far away as possible from the pick up point. After we drove a safe distance from the scene, the undercover police took the phones that the girls had and kept them. All organizations who deal in prostitution have locators in the girl’s phone so that they can be found and recaptured. The police used this to their advantage and arrested all the men when they came to pick up the phones. The rest of the men that remained in the building were also arrested for prostitution. After the men were booked, the girls went into behind one way mirror and were asked to pick out the guys who were taking advantage of them. As the night continued all seventeen girls gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. It was a very emotional time for the parents as they came for their daughters. All of the parents have now accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. A lot of tears were shed tonight as everyone came together. Before I left one of the policewomen showed me my face in a mirror. She began wiping all the lipstick off.

God always gives me the go before I do this. He always makes sure that I don’t have anybody noticing what is going on. I have done this many times and we have never been in danger of somebody catching us in the act. Only the power of God can guarantee that a situation like this will always occur with this outcome.

Mexican Mafia Standoff

It is Tuesday night and normally I go to the college to meet with the college students. But not tonight, I received a call from Victor who was the leader of one of the drug cartels that I’ve been witnessing too down in Denver, Colorado. He said, “I am being surrounded by Mexican mafia. Paco the leader is threatening me to get out of town willingly or by casket. He reminded me of the time that when you said, ‘Now is the time to give your life to Jesus Christ, because tomorrow is never promised not even for me.’ I began to realize that I was in a dangerous situation, and I may not live through the night. Your words penetrated my heart. My men and I are ready to accept Jesus Christ. We are all tired of living this kind of life.”

God told me to go and meet Victor where the action was. The undercover police gave me sniper reinforcement in case anything went wrong. They got to see everything that God was about to do. When I arrived at Victor’s building, it was surrounded by men from the Mexican mafia. God told me to go into the building, he made me invisible to Paco’s men. I physically walked between all of Paco’s men unrecognized. When I got inside of the building, I noticed that Paco and Victor were talking to each other. Paco was threatening Victor with death if he did not leave the city. He told them that this is our city, and we don’t want you here.

I walked up to them while they were speaking. I turned my head towards Victor and said, “Victor, I am here as you asked and I am ready to pray for you and your men.”

I surprise Paco because he was wondering how I got passed all of his men. He asked, “How did you get in here? You do not have any backup.”

I replied, “God’s Kingdom sent me here and his Kingdom is here with me right now.”

This made Paco nervous because he was thinking that I came directly from heaven. Paco said, “You know you’re not going to be able to leave this room.”

You should have seen the weapons these guys had on them. Being a gun enthusiast myself, I did not recognize what they were carrying. I replied, “If you are going to do something to me, I would like to pray for you and your men first. Victor asked me to come here because he is ready to give his life to Jesus Christ. Do you know where you are going?”

Paco was not sure what I was talking about. But I continued, “Jesus Christ is the answer. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised not even for me.”

This really shook Paco up. Because he remembered that his grandma said exactly the same thing to him 3 years ago. She also said that there would be a man who would come and witness to you and would say the exact same thing as I told you. That warning will be the last one you will get. You will regret not doing something about it.

I then asked Paco, “Are you are a good swimmer because presently your destination is the Lake of Fire?”

By now Paco’s men have all put their weapons away. Because of what Blue Mustang prayed over me months ago neither side had directly pointed their weapons at me. Paco was still holding his pistol and begin asking his men what they were doing. But then he began to realize that they were making the right choice and he immediately put his pistol away. Both sides began to start asking questions about God, the Holy Spirit and anything to do with God.

I spoke to Paco and said, “You have a great hatred for you dad. You need to forgive your dad before you do anything else.”

Paco and his men began calling their dads discovering that they have all changed to men they should be. They then beginning to ask for forgiveness from their parents for the things they had done to them. Many of Pacos men kept their phones on so that their dads could hear them giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. 11 of the dad’s gave their hearts to Jesus Christ as their sons did while they listened.

I was there with both organizations till 3 AM talking to them about the Lord. Pacos’s men were anxious to get back to Mexico to start their new lives in Christ at home. Victor wanted to bring his family to meet with me tomorrow afternoon.

It was so cool how the Holy Spirt came across both organization and softened their hearts so quickly. I am beginning to see that God’s glory is being revealed in this ministry he gave me. His glory is so mighty that hearts are changing at record speed. It is nothing that I did but is from the great love Jesus has for these men. They were all broken and were ready for just what happened. There is never a dull moment watching the Father, his Son and the Holy Spirit work in this ministry of theirs.

Shopping Cart in the Park

The first family that Blue Mustang blessed in ghetto was Samuel and his daughter Lydia. One day they had a grocery cart from King Soopers filled with groceries and they rolled it to their home to deliver their groceries to their home.

They begin taking the cart back and Lydia turned to her dad and said, “You know that there are so many people who are praying for food at the grocery store over the carts. We should leave a cart here in the park so that families will have an opportunity to pray over a cart here in the park.”

Lydia began to anoint their grocery cart for a plan God put in her heart. She prayed over it that no man can remove this cart except those praying over it for food. So, if anyone comes to this park hungry, they can pray over this cart and expect a miracle.

The Holy Spirit would begin to draw Samuel and Lydia to go take a walk to the park when a family was to begin praying. Each week they see a family praying over this cart. Samuel would go down to the family and greet them. He too would pray over the families. He would then tell them to bring the grocery car cart back to the King Soopers store on Saturday and expect a miracle. In the meantime, he would give of his own needs to bless the families.

The families would wait until Saturday and pick that cart up which is always there. When they arrive at the store with it, they are then prayed over by other families who have been blessed by Blue Mustang worshiping God at the grocery store. After receiving the blessing, the families would use that cart to buy their food. After unloading their food in a car or directly in their home, they would take the cart back to the park and place it exactly as they found it.

This has been going on for several months now. That grocery cart is still waiting there. Blue Mustang was curious to know if anyone has tried to take that cart. I said to him that I would go and ask the homeless that I know very well and ask them what they know about the grocery cart.

The first person I came into contact with was Noah. I asked him if he saw anyone go near that cart. Noah said, “When I first saw that cart, I tried to take it. Those carts make it easy to haul my stuff around. But when I tried to grab hold of the cart, it shocked me so hard that I fell down on my back. I immediately told my friend Jeremiah what happened. He did not believe me. Just to prove me wrong, he grabbed hold of the cart. It immediately set him on his butt too. I have seen families that go to that cart and pray over that cart and do not get shocked like we do.”

I said, “That cart has been anointed to be used to bless families who are hungry. God is protecting that cart.”

The homeless guys didn’t really believe me, so I grabbed hold of that cart and began to move it back and forth with no results. The homeless then asked, “Why did you not get shocked?”

I replied, “God knows my heart. He knows that I have no desire to move this cart from this spot. Lydia prayed over this cart that no man could move this cart except families who are hungry.”

After I moved the cart, Jeremiah thought that the force field was gone. But as he immediately grabbed hold of the cart, he was shocked greatly where he fell backwards on his rear end. Both now firmly believe that God has plans for this cart. In fact, the two men have been protecting the cart by warning people about the danger of touching that cart. Many do not believe them, and they usually go up and touch the cart and immediately get shocked. As of this writing, the cart is still there. It is blessing hungry families each week and glorifying God. Not only God but glorifying the community. Only God knows how long this grocery cart will continue to bless families.