Mexican Mafia Standoff

It is Tuesday night and normally I go to the college to meet with the college students. But not tonight, I received a call from Victor who was the leader of one of the drug cartels that I’ve been witnessing too down in Denver, Colorado. He said, “I am being surrounded by Mexican mafia. Paco the leader is threatening me to get out of town willingly or by casket. He reminded me of the time that when you said, ‘Now is the time to give your life to Jesus Christ, because tomorrow is never promised not even for me.’ I began to realize that I was in a dangerous situation, and I may not live through the night. Your words penetrated my heart. My men and I are ready to accept Jesus Christ. We are all tired of living this kind of life.”

God told me to go and meet Victor where the action was. The undercover police gave me sniper reinforcement in case anything went wrong. They got to see everything that God was about to do. When I arrived at Victor’s building, it was surrounded by men from the Mexican mafia. God told me to go into the building, he made me invisible to Paco’s men. I physically walked between all of Paco’s men unrecognized. When I got inside of the building, I noticed that Paco and Victor were talking to each other. Paco was threatening Victor with death if he did not leave the city. He told them that this is our city, and we don’t want you here.

I walked up to them while they were speaking. I turned my head towards Victor and said, “Victor, I am here as you asked and I am ready to pray for you and your men.”

I surprise Paco because he was wondering how I got passed all of his men. He asked, “How did you get in here? You do not have any backup.”

I replied, “God’s Kingdom sent me here and his Kingdom is here with me right now.”

This made Paco nervous because he was thinking that I came directly from heaven. Paco said, “You know you’re not going to be able to leave this room.”

You should have seen the weapons these guys had on them. Being a gun enthusiast myself, I did not recognize what they were carrying. I replied, “If you are going to do something to me, I would like to pray for you and your men first. Victor asked me to come here because he is ready to give his life to Jesus Christ. Do you know where you are going?”

Paco was not sure what I was talking about. But I continued, “Jesus Christ is the answer. Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is never promised not even for me.”

This really shook Paco up. Because he remembered that his grandma said exactly the same thing to him 3 years ago. She also said that there would be a man who would come and witness to you and would say the exact same thing as I told you. That warning will be the last one you will get. You will regret not doing something about it.

I then asked Paco, “Are you are a good swimmer because presently your destination is the Lake of Fire?”

By now Paco’s men have all put their weapons away. Because of what Blue Mustang prayed over me months ago neither side had directly pointed their weapons at me. Paco was still holding his pistol and begin asking his men what they were doing. But then he began to realize that they were making the right choice and he immediately put his pistol away. Both sides began to start asking questions about God, the Holy Spirit and anything to do with God.

I spoke to Paco and said, “You have a great hatred for you dad. You need to forgive your dad before you do anything else.”

Paco and his men began calling their dads discovering that they have all changed to men they should be. They then beginning to ask for forgiveness from their parents for the things they had done to them. Many of Pacos men kept their phones on so that their dads could hear them giving their hearts to Jesus Christ. 11 of the dad’s gave their hearts to Jesus Christ as their sons did while they listened.

I was there with both organizations till 3 AM talking to them about the Lord. Pacos’s men were anxious to get back to Mexico to start their new lives in Christ at home. Victor wanted to bring his family to meet with me tomorrow afternoon.

It was so cool how the Holy Spirt came across both organization and softened their hearts so quickly. I am beginning to see that God’s glory is being revealed in this ministry he gave me. His glory is so mighty that hearts are changing at record speed. It is nothing that I did but is from the great love Jesus has for these men. They were all broken and were ready for just what happened. There is never a dull moment watching the Father, his Son and the Holy Spirit work in this ministry of theirs.

Meeting with a Drug Cartel

There is a drug cartel in Denver that has posted a bounty on my life. God said that it was time for me to tell them about Jesus Christ. He had me bring some pizzas to their headquarters. When I got there, I was amazed on how big and beautiful the building was where they hung out. When I arrived at the door, I was questioned what I was up to.

I said, “I have pizzas to deliver to your boss.”

They checked with the boss to see what they should do with me. With a surprised look, the said, “The boss told us to bring you to him.”

I went clear up to the seventh floor. His men led me and the pizzas directly into his office. They inspected the pizzas and he then asked who I was. I said, “I am Sonny. I am the man you are looking for.”

The boss replied, “You know that you should never have come here. You are going to die for what you have done to us.”

I responded, “Let me pray for you guys before you do anything to me. After I am finished praying for you, you can do whatever you want to me.” The boss was dumbfounded by my answer but he let me pray for everybody. I even did prayer requests. At the end, it did not matter whether I brought them pizza or not, he had me thrown out the 7th floor window.

As I was flying out the window, I said to myself, “Sonny, this is it.”

God quickly replied, “What makes you think so? Look to your left!”

I noticed what appeared to be a landscape truck pulling a trailer. They were driving down the alley towards me. As I was was falling faster towards the ground their trailer moved into my point of impact. It was funny, one of the men inside the truck was looking around to see where they were at and noticed me falling. He yelled, “There is something falling from the building above us.”

I roughly landed in the back of their trailer. It was interesting how they had placed the sticks and branches underneath and placed a soft layer of grass on top where I landed. I immediately got up and got out of their trailer. The guys were puzzled and could not figure out what was going on.

I exclaimed, “Thanks for catching me! I was talking to a drug cartel about Jesus Christ and they threw me out the 7th story window.”

The driver said, “We weren’t even supposed to come down this alley. Somehow, we just made a wrong turn and ended up here.”

I replied, “God caused you to make this error to rescue me.”

The men thought about what I said and asked, “We need to know the God that you know. What should we do?”

I replied, “Just ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and to give your hearts to him. After that, just start living for him.” I prayed for these guys as they turned their hearts over to Jesus Christ. I then said, “I need to go back and talk to the drug cartel again.”

The men said, “You are crazy! They just threw you out the window and you’re going to go see them again.”

I replied, “God decides the timing of my death. No man can do that. As long as God has need of me he on this earth, he will always protect me from anything that will harm me.”

Those landscapers watched me with amazement as I walked back around the building to go through the doors again. They kept watching me until I walked around the corner. They then got in their truck and left. Boy, you should’ve seen the looks on the security guys when I came walking up to the door unharmed. I said, “I need to see your boss again. God wants me to tell him again that Jesus Christ loves him.”

They proceeded to take me up back to his office. That boss thought he saw a ghost because he knew that it was impossible for anyone to survive that fall. I began to explain to him what it was like to have a God who protects you and how he sent that landscaping crew to come and rescue me. He began to realize that I serve an awesome God and he and his organization decided that they didn’t want to do this life anymore. He really did not like the fact that they were hurting people and he was ready to give his heart to Jesus Christ. The rest of his men also gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. God has removed another drug cartel from the city of Denver. God gets the glory and the victory on what just happened. I just get to see it. Oh by the way, they removed the price they had on my life.

Cartel Gives Hearts to Jesus

It was Sunday and I went down to Denver to meet with the gangs I spoke with yesterday. By the time I got finished with them it was almost dark. I was sitting on a picnic table and began thanking the Lord for what just happened. By the time all their families picked everybody up there was over 140 people there. Both gangs went home with their families.

As I was still sitting on the picnic table, I looked over to my left and noticed three black Cadillacs pulling up beside me. These are the kind of cars that the cartels drive. I said, “Lord, give me wisdom to speak to these guys.” I am not scared of them anymore because I have learned that God decides when I am going to live or die. After they stopped, five men got out of the Cadillacs. I have met this cartel before. What was unusual this time is that they did not have any weapons pointed on me. I begin thinking about when I told Blue Mustang that the only people now who point guns at me are from the cartels. Blue Mustang then said, “Let’s pray to God and ask that even cartels will put their guns away when they see the word of God.” I vividly remember that prayer that he made over me when they had their guns holstered.

The men who were nicely dressed began walking towards me. The leader came up to me and said, “You must be Sonny. We have heard that you always tell the gangs around here about Jesus Christ. You have even talk to our girls about Jesus Christ. My name is Salvador. I was also raised in church. I have forgotten what it means to serve God. I have been telling my team that I am tired of hurting people. In my profession we sell drugs to people which are devastating to their lives. I have been thinking how my profession just brings destruction to people’s life but what you do is bring life into people, just the opposite what I do. I am just sick of what I have been doing to people.”

I reminded the leader that it is the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ that provides that life into people. Only the Holy Spirit can transform a heart. He gets the glory and the victory for that.

The leader then asked, “We are here to ask that you pray for us. We got rid of everything. Now we want Jesus in our hearts. We want to start a new life and go back to our families.”

As soon as he said “families”, nine more Cadillacs pulled up. The rest of his crew showed up. I was thinking that they are angry for what their boss was about to do. But God said, “No”. They all got out of their cars and walked towards me. The leader looked over his shoulder and said, “These are all my boys. I gave them the option of serving Jesus Christ or to continue what they were doing. I have been looking for you today. When we saw your truck, we noticed that you were praying for these gangs. We wanted to make sure that we do not interfere with while you praying for them, so we just waited until they left.”

The men from the other cars came up and asked Salvador if he has given his life to Jesus Christ yet. Salvador replied, “No, I have not.”

His men then said, “Well, we are right on time then. We have been thinking about what you said. Going back to our families and starting a new life, that is what we want to do also. We are also done with this life. We are done hurting people. We don’t want to hurt people anymore.”

I began thinking about the first time I met these guys and started talking to them about Jesus Christ even though they wanted nothing to do with me. I planted seeds in their lives when I left them. Those seeds have matured and now these men want to give their lives to Jesus Christ. As all the men began given their lives to Jesus Christ, they begin to cry uncontrollably. Even more so than I’ve seen it any time while I’ve been witnessing to the gangs and cartels. God is totally healing their hearts and their minds. These guys have hurt a lot of people but surrendered it all for Jesus Christ.

They began calling their parents to tell them what they have done and that they are ready to come home. I chuckled and begin to think that I was just about done for the night and God had something cool happen just before my eyes. You can listen to the entire story below:

Cuban Drug Cartel Leader Gives Life to Jesus Christ

One of the new drug cartels in Denver heard about me on the streets. Because I minister to gangs on the street, the gangs have a tendency to give their hearts to Jesus Christ. This action in turn hurts their business moving drugs. Jesus Christ sets you free from this kind of behavior.

I happened to be in a parking lot and the drug cartel saw my pickup. They pulled into the parking lot and surrounded me with nine black Cadillacs. The interesting part about this is actually the fourth time that black Cadillacs from various organizations have surrounded me. It seems like black Cadillacs and bad guys go hand-in-hand.

I got out of my pickup with my sword, the Bible, to see what they wanted. They said, “We just want to let you know we are going to beat you up. You are hurting our business and we don’t like it. We are only beating you up this time because it’s a warning. The next time we are going to physically shoot you. You just leave all the gang members alone.”

I replied, “I do not listen to you guys. I only listen to what my King tells me to do. He gave me a ministry to witness to gangs but he also gave me a ministry to witness to guys like you. My King says I am to make disciples of all nations. I am here to tell you that Jesus loves you and he has a different purpose for your lives than what you are doing now. If you want to beat me up, go ahead, but let me pray for you first.”

The leader seemed to become fearful. He said, “You know what, you just pray for us and we will get out of here.” When he said that all of his men started looking at him really strangely. They knew they came here to beat me up and they could not figure out what was going on. Every one of his men was holding one of those small black clubs just to hit me.

I began praying for each man. The Holy Spirit gave me insight into each person as I prayed. As I finished praying, the leader then said, “See you around later Sonny.” They all began heading toward the cars. I gave each man a ministry card as they passed by me.

The leader then called me later and wanted to meet with me on Friday night. We made arrangements to meet at 9:30 PM. As I was face to face with the leader, he said, “That night that we surrounded you I wanted to put a hurt on you so bad. I was trying to reach for my pistol but every time my hand would go near, it went into excruciating pain. Whenever I pulled my hand back it would return back to normal. I tried this several times. Every time I reached for my pistol my hand would severely cramp up. This scared me and I realize then that God was protecting you. I am now ready to give this life up. I want to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I have left the organization. I even told the organization what my plans were. I told them that I am finished with what I was doing and I want a new purpose of my life. I just do not want to do this anymore.” He looked intently into my eyes and said, “I want to surrender my life right now Sonny! Tell me what to do and I will do it!”

I said, “Just ask Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. You don’t have to make an itemized list but just ask him to forgive you for the things that you have done.” I paused for a moment then said, “Then ask him to come into your heart and be your Lord and Savior. Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose in three days? Do You believe that he came to this world to save us?”

He replied, “I have heard it all but I’ve always been running away from God.”

He, his wife, and entire family was there listening to him as he gave his life to Jesus Christ. His wife began crying as her husband spoke the words giving his heart to Jesus Christ. His little girl and two little boys grabbed a hold of their dad and gave him a big hug. At this moment he said, “I want my name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life!” As he spoke these words, little girl began crying. Those kids are going to remember this day when their dad gave his life to Jesus Christ.

The dad then shared with me that when he left the organization that they gave him a payoff like a retirement. To honor God he wants to invest all that money into God’s Kingdom. I then asked, “What happened to the rest of the boys?”

He responded, “They all went home to their families.”

There is a Cuban leader who resides in Denver and hires people to be part of his cartel. I asked him if he was the one that hired him and he confirmed that it was. Everyone’s been trying to find out who he is or where he’s at to arrest him. But he is very good at what he does and he stays hidden. The leader then said, “Sonny before I came here tonight he gave me a message to shoot you. I told him that after you prayed for us, I can’t do that because I cannot kill someone who just prayed for me. I was extremely nervous but he answered okay and gave me the envelope with the money and the title to the Cadillac.”

God gets the Glory and the Victory for this. Without God’s protection over the leader, he would have been shot. God has plans for this leader and he needs him alive. I cannot wait to see how God is going to use him.

Black Mafia and Black Nights Accept Jesus Christ

I was at a one of the parks in Denver praying and seeking our King for what to do next. Shortly I received a call from my informers. They told me that one of the Drug Cartels, who I found out were the Black Nights a cartel I have already shared Christ with them earlier,  and the Black Mafia were meeting around 10 a.m. the next day. They asked me if I wanted the address of the meeting. My King immediately said, “Sonny, take them my Kingdom. Pick up a Cross for each man.  There will be a total of 77. There will be 33 members from the drug cartel and 44 members from the Black Mafia that will be present.”

I responded, “My King said for me to pray and take his Kingdom to them. So please give me the address.”  I looked at the address and it was here in Denver.  My King than gave more intel on these organizations and the fact that they have been looking for me. I was anxious to meet these guys but I would have to wait till tomorrow so I went home after finishing my day with other gangs.

I got up early the next day to meet them.  My King said,  “Sonny,  I  want you to take some string with you before leave.”  You are right it seemed to be a strange request to me also. But I have learned my King has a purpose for everything. I really did not have any string around the house but I had some leather laces that were quite long that I used for string.  I then headed to my pickup and drove to the address they gave me. On the way there, my King instructed me on what to do with the string.  He said, “Sonny, take the string and push it through the tiny loop on top of one of the crosses you bought for them. Then I want you to tie the ends together. You will make a circle that you will be laying on the ground when you get there.” Then my King said, “When you arrive,  I want you to drive between both organizations then stop. They will be on opposite sides of the street of each other.”  When I arrived it was just as my King said. Both sides had their pistols drawn. These organization do not trust each other because of all the money that is involved selling drugs.  I proceeded to drive between them and park my pickup. Before I got out of my pickup,  I put the 77 crosses on my neck and grabbed my Bible and the string.

Seven men from the Black Mafia started to walk towards me and one of them asked me,  “What do you want?”

I responded,  “I’m here to pray with all of you.”

One of the men who was looking me over asked,  “What’s the Bible for?”

I replied,  “I brought God’s Kingdom with me.”

He retorted, “You made a big mistake coming here.” Some of the Black Mafia started pushing me around. The Black Nights have been silent up to this point because they have dealt with the power of the Holy Spirit in the past meeting I had with them. They all of the sudden stood up for me. They said, “Guys, leave him alone. All he wants to do is talk about Jesus Christ. He is totally safe.” Then the Black Mafia backed off a little bit after their request.

I said, “My King brought me here to bring healing to all of you.” As they were looking at me, I created a big circle with the leather strings that had the cross attach to it. I then stepped inside the circle as instructed by my King. I then took the crosses off my neck and split them between both arms.  The Black Nights became scared. They asked me, “Are you going to put a curse on us Sonny?” They remember the power of the Holy Spirit gave me on our last visit.

I said,  “No, this circle is for my protection. My King has not told me what would happen if anyone would come inside this circle. All I know is it would not be good.” The Black Nights backed up even further away from me after I said that. The Black Mafia proceeded to backup likewise.

Jerome, the leader of the Black Mafia taunted, “Do you really think that circle can protect you?”

I said  “Yes, I serve a powerful King.  He protects me all the time and it will protect you.”

Then Jerome noticed the Bible and asked, “Are going to preach to us?”

I said, “My King brought me here to pray for all of you.”

Jerome asked, “What are the crosses for?”

I said, “They are a gift for you.”

Then Jerome asked,  “What’s your name?”

I replied, “My name is Sonny. I am the one you have been looking for. I have come to ask you if you want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life.” Fadell, the leader of the Black Nights asked,  “Sonny, do you know that you have a price on your head. do you know that your getting shot here tonight.”

I asked,  “Before you shoot me, let me pray for all of you first.  Then I’ll read the word of God to all of you because God wants to bring healing to all your hearts.” Because I was standing inside the circle,  I prayed one prayer for all of those under their leaders.  Then I prayed for the leaders themselves.  I then said,  “My King will not allow me to leave the circle. I would like someone to help me pass these crosses out to everyone.”  Someone from both organizations came forward to get some crosses to pass out. They were careful not to step inside of the circle where I was at.

After everyone received a cross,  I began reading John 3:16 followed by Jeremiah 29:11.  I then said,  “My King has a better purpose for all of you then what your doing now.”  I looked down in my Bible and began reading Mathew 6:33 followed by Psalms 91. I read the whole chapter outloud to them.  Jerome asked,  “What does seek first the Kingdom of God mean?”

I said, “That means you have to seek my King’s heart first above all else and that’s when you will start hearing my King’s heart.”

Fadell then asked,  “You said in John 3:16 that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.”

I said, “Yes and his name is Jesus Christ.” Then I said, “The only way to the Father is through Jesus Christ. So all of you must repent. You must ask for forgiveness. Accept him as your Lord and Savior.”  For 2 hours they continued asking a lot more questions about my King and Jesus Christ. It was hot outside as I continued to stand in the circle and answer their questions.  They never got within 21 steps of the circle except when the two came forward to pick up the crosses.  Then out of nowhere, an old man dressed in 1930s garb walked up to me and gave me my favorite sweet drink, a Route 44 cherry limeade from Sonic.  He said,  “Sonny,  I know that you are thirsty.  I have something to quench your thirst.” This is the fifth time I have seen this guy, whose name is Noah. The first time I met him was in New York City. After he had handed me the drink,  he looked at me and encouraged me to continue bringing God’s Kingdom to them while he was starting to walk away. Both sides were watching what was going on but neither side never uttered a word.  Noah seemed to come from nowhere and seemed to just disappear as he went around the tree.  In fact, they continued asking questions right where they left off and never asked me what that was all about or where did he go. I remained standing inside the circle and continued to answer their questions for another 1.5 hours. After 3.5 hours with their pistols aimed at me, all of them put their weapons down. It was now time for them to make a decision.

I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life come and let me pray with you.” Eleven of the Black Mafia stepped forward and wanted to accept Jesus Christ and nine of the Black Nights came over to me.  One of them said,  “I’m tired of running from God.” Neither one of the leaders gave their hearts to Jesus Christ on my first encounter.  I know that a seed has been planted.

The gang leaders then did the unexpected.  Jerome signed over the titles to the almost new black Cadillacs they drove to each man that gave his life to Christ.  Fadell asked his boys if they are sure they wanted to do this as they nodded their head. Fadell walked to his car to get something.  I started praying that it would not be a weapon.  Nope he pulled out a suit case and brought out wads of cash to give to each man. It looked like $100 bills in a 2 inch stack. He asked the question again then and said no hard feelings as he gave a wad to each man. Most of the time it is impossible to leave a gang but the leaders had so much respect for his men and I am sure the Holy Spirts heart softening helped very much.

My next encounter was on July 18th as I was heading down to talk to some other gang. My King said, “Hey Sonny, I want you to pull over here in this Walmart parking lot. There you will find two rocks that I want you to get.”  I went into the parking lot and there were two smooth rocks laying next to each other in one of the parking spaces.  They were both approximately the same size. Then my King said, “Sonny pick up the two rocks.  I want you to write Isaiah 41:10 on one rock to give to Jerome and I want you to write Jeremiah 29:11 on the other rock to give Fadell.” I then asked the undercover police where I could find the Black Mafia and the Black Nights. They asked,  “What do you want to see them for?”

I replied, “My king wants me to take some rocks to the leaders. The undercover police weren’t sure what they just heard and asked, “Are you taking these guys cocaine?”

I then said,  “No, I’m just taking two rocks to them.” I could see them snicker from my response.  When they made arrangements to get cops to cover me, they always ask what I am up to. The cop humorously said, “Ah,  Sonny wants to take two rocks to the Black Mafia and Black Nights organizations.” I could tell that the cops on the other end of the line asked the question again to make sure what they heard was correct. The cop on my end gave them the answer again. You could hear them snickering in the background. I was wondering if they thought maybe I lost it.

When I found them at the location I was given, they were alone and talking to each other. As I began approaching them they both drew their pistols on me. I continued walking up to them with the rocks in each hand and gave one rock to each of them and began walking away. My King earlier told me to leave immediately after I gave them the rocks.  They asked me, “Hey Sonny,  why are you leaving in such a hurry?”

I said “My King said for me to leave immediately after giving you the rocks.”

Jerome replied,  “Sonny,  we have been thinking about everything you have told us. We will look up the verses later.” Jerome then threw his rock in the back seat of his black Cadillac and Fadell put his rock in his pocket. My King has not revealed his plan for the next step to me but how he does I am sure it will be interesting.  In a few days I was about to find out.

My 3rd encounter was started when Fadell called me. He asked if we could meet. Seven hours after Fadell called,  Jerome called and asked the same question. The Holy Spirit has completed changing their hearts.  They are ready to give their lives over to Jesus Christ.  I made arrangements to meet with both of them at the same time. When that day came for us to meet everyone from both sides was there. Everyone had their pistols but this time they were in their holsters not pointing in my direction. Even those that gave their lives to Jesus Christ the first day wanted to be there to see what was going to happen.

The leader Fadell asked, “How can God forgive me of all my sins?”

I replied, “God will forgive you of all your sins but first you have to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart.”

Then Fadell said, “I’m taking the price off your head.  I want a new life with Jesus Christ.”  Jerome, who had his own questions,  asked me, “Is it really that easy?”

I said, “Yes, God created all of you for his purpose not for your own.”  The leader Jerome came up and he turned around and said,  “I’m giving my life to Jesus Christ. I’m done with this life I want a new purpose for my life. All of you that came forward and are giving your hearts to Jesus Christ you are free to go back to your families.” During the last half hour, those that gave their lives to Jesus Christ called their parents. Jerome signed the titles to the rest of the Cadillac to his men and Fedall split the rest of the cash with his men for there new start in life. There was a lot of crying going on and the men were asking for forgiveness for the things they had done to each other. The Holy Spirit is moving mightily among these men.

God is Faithful God gets all the Glory and the Victory. God is still not finished with these organization.

Cartel “Darkness of the Street” Turns to Jesus Christ

I was witnessing on the streets and one of my informers called me and said, “Sonny, stay away from Denver. There’s a organization that has put a hit on you.” I was already in the Denver when they called. I witnessed on streets all day until 5 pm. God said, “Sonny, I want you go tonight and pray for an organization in Denver that is looking for you. There are 32 men in this organization.” This organization is known as “The Darkness of Streets” a drug cartel that never shows mercy. As I was driving there, God said, “Sonny, all 32 hearts of the men are ready for my Kingdom.” I arrived at their building at 7 pm. As I walked to the front door of the building, seven men stepped out to greet me. Two of the guys had their pistols trained on me. They kept poking me on my chest with their pistols. One guy asked, “What do you want?”

I said, “I need to speak to your boss.”

One of the men noticed the Bible that I was carrying. He said, “What’s the Bible for?”

I replied, “I brought God’s Kingdom with me.”

He did not like my answer. He said, “You made a big mistake coming here.”

I said, “My King brought me here to bring healing to all of you.” Their boss was so mean that they knew he was ready to put hurt me to set an example of me to the world. So the boys were excited to witness my beating. They called their boss to announce my presence. He told them bring me up to his office. They took me to the top floor of the building. Their boss asked me, “Are going to preach to us?”

I exclaimed, “My King brought me here to pray for all of you.”

The boss asked, “What’s your name?”

I replied, “My name is Sonny. I came to ask you if you want your names written in the Lambs Book of Life.”

The boss said, “Sonny, do you know that I have put a hit on your life? Do you know that your getting shot here tonight?”

I replied, “Before you shoot me, let me pray for all of you first. Then I’ll read the word of God to all of you because God wants to bring healing to all your hearts.” I began praying with all of them. I prayed for the boss last. While praying for him, God showed me the boss’s heart between him and his Father. God has mended both of their hearts. I also found out the bosses name is Lorenzo. He’s half Italian and half Spanish. Then I read John 3:16 to them. After I finished reading, I asked, “Those of you that want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, come and let me pray with you.” Eight men stepped forward immediately and wanted to accept Jesus Christ tonight. One of them looked at me and said, “I’m tired of running from God.”

Then Lorenzo asked, “How can God forgive me of all my sins?”

I replied, “God will forgive you of all your sins; but first you have to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart.”

Lorenzo said, “I’m taking the price off your head.” Lorenzo then said, “I want a new purpose for my life.” They all began putting their weapons down. Lorenzo then asked, “Is it that easy to become a Christian?”

I said, “Yes, God created all of you for his purpose not your own.”

Lorenzo came up and he turned around and said to his men, “I’m giving my life to Jesus Christ. I’m done with this life. I want a new purpose for my life.” All of them came forward and asked Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. God is Faithful. God gets all the Glory and the Victory.

Witnessing to a Drug Dealer

I am witnessing to a drug dealer. When I walked up to the drug dealer he asked, “What do you want?”

I said, “My King brought me here to tell you that he knows you and wants to change your life.”

He said, “Who’s your king?”

I said, “Jesus Christ”

I asked him, “Do you want your name written in the book of life. All you have to do is to ask for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and Jesus Christ will forgive you and your name will be written in the book of life.”

He asked, “Is it that easy?”

I said, “Yes, you have to walk away from this Life and step into your Destiny with Jesus Christ.”

He dropped the black bag in a dumpster. Then he gave his heart to Christ. Afterwords called his parents and told them what he just did. I followed him to his parents home. They came out running and hugged him while crying a lot. They hugged me.

I told them my King gets all the Glory and the Victory because I was told to go to him and tell him that Jesus Christ loves him and a purpose for him. I just got home thank you so much for your prayers.

Amigo rescued 3 young men out of a Gang when I got to a safe place. I prayed with them and asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of life. All 3 excepted Christ and 2 of their parents gave their hearts to Christ. God is so faithful. My King gets all the Glory and the Victory!