James Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus

  • It is 3/29/24. My King had me go to Colorado Springs today. My informers told him about a gang that was intimidating families at the parks in the area. They would just show up at random times and scare everyone by acting all tough and mean. My informers had donuts, muffins, Captain Crunch cereal and milk. They also had three coolers stocked with cold drinks for the gang. When I arrived at the park where the gang was hanging out, I got out of my truck with my bible. The gang leader yelled, “You’re blocking our view!” I asked, “What is your name?” The leader replied, “Mustang! What do you want? Did somebody send you here?” I said, “Yes.” One of the 14 boys in his gang exclaimed, “I told you that somebody sent him here!”

The leader’s curiosity was being aroused and asked, “Is he around here?” I said, “Yes he is.” Mustang asked, “Well, where is he? We can’t see anyone.” I said, “If you were on my side you would see him.” The leader asked again, “Who is he?” I said, “His name is “Jesus Christ. He sent me here and you know what, he doesn’t like bullies. Tell me when you were little boys did you like bullies?” They replied, “No man!” I said, “You guys are the good guys. You don’t have to be scaring children and their families from the parks.” The leader asked, “Your shirt says street gospel so are you a pastor?” I said, “I minister to gangs in several states.” Mustang interrupted and said, “And your still alive.” I said, “It’s not up to them when I die. Its up to my King when that day is.” He said, “You are pretty brave Sonny to do what you are doing.” I replied, “It’s because of my King that I am able to do what I do.”

I asked, “Is Mustang your real name?” The leader replied, “No! It is James.” I then asked, “Are you boys hungry?” James replied, “We are starving!” I said, “I need volunteers to get the food.” I opened the door to my truck and the boys helped me get everything setup on the picknick tables. They started by setting the bowls out and pouring the cereal in the bowls. As they finished setting up everything else, I said, “Why don’t we pray for the breakfast.” All the boys bowed their heads and the ones that were wearing caps took them off. When I was done praying, they started serving themselves. James said, “Sonny, I have heard a lot of people pray but I have never heard anyone pray like you do.” I said, “I pray from my heart to my King.”

James then asked, “What else do you want with us?” I replied, “Do you know what today is?” One of the boys said, “Well, it is easter Sunday.” I said, “Yes, but what happened today?” No one was ready to answer my question. I continued, “Jesus was crucified and he died for our sins do you believe that?” His men all said, “Yes.” James said, “So you just go around telling gangs about Jesus?” I replied, “Yes, because you boys are broken. You have been hurt by your dads. That’s why you’re out here. Even Jesus was hurt by people. He knows what it feels like. James asked, “How can he be hurt? He was the Son of God.” I replied, “Jesus was born as a baby. He was all God and all man to experience what humans experience to feel what we feel.” James asked, “You’re a pastor. How much money do you make a year?” I replied, “Counting like the food stamps and everything else.” All the boys started laughing and asked, “Are you really on food stamps?” I said, “No, I live by faith and my King is faithful in providing for my needs. My riches are not here in this world, but they are in Gods Kingdom.” James said, “You are pretty amazing!” I said, “It is my King that is amazing!”

One of the boys asked, “How come it took three days for him to rise again?” I replied, “When Jesus was fighting Satan, he took the light of God there and took the keys of death away from Satan.” One of the boys chimed in and said, “Just like you brought the light to us.” I said, “I brought the light of Gods Kingdom here.” James then asked, “Why did Jesus go through all of that for us?” I then inquired, “Who can quote John 3:16 to me?” One of the boys started quoting, “He did it for us because he loves us.” James was impressed. I then asked, “How many of you guys talk to your family?” Some raised their hands. James said, “I need to ask you a question? Sonny, do you think it’s a good idea to reach out to our dads?” I said, “Yes. Let me ask you this question: “If you guys would only have three days to live what would you say to your dads, moms and siblings? I think you boys need to remember that tomorrow is never promised, not even for me. How would you like to write a note to your dads and family members? If you need to ask them for forgiveness, ask for forgiveness now.” James then asked, “How about if they don’t forgive us.” I replied, “If they don’t forgive you that’s on them. You did what God told you to do. God will not forgive them, and the lake of fire is for eternity not just for the weekend. So, who would like a note pad?”

The leader was the first to take one. He said, “I am a little rusty at this. I haven’t written anything in a long time. I might need some help.” I said, “If you need help I can help you.” The boys started writing their notes. Soon all the boys finished. All the boys wanted me to read the notes they prepared for their dads. I read the leader’s note first. It said, “Dad I really miss all of you. Can you forgive me for hitting you before I ran out of the house. I forgive you dad because you’re a human just like I am.”

I continued reading over all their notes to all their family members. As I finished, I said, “God wants to bring healing to your families.” I prayed and anointed them with their notes. It was getting late into the afternoon. I said, “Before you leave are you boys hungry. They did not hesitate to say they were. I said, “Let me go get pizzas for you boys. I’ll be right back.” They all waited for me until I returned. We prayed over the pizzas and all the boys thanked me for all the food. I picked up three more coolers with cold drinks in them. When they finished eating, I told them to take all the food that was left over and take the coolers with them. They were very thankful. James asked, “Sonny, can you anoint us one more time.” When I was done anointing them and started getting into their cars. James came running back and said, “I didn’t say goodbye to you. I want to thank you for coming to us. You know when you first got here, I wanted to tell you to get out of here, but the words wouldn’t come out of my mouth.” I said, “I know. Thats because my King did not want you to say that to me.”

He gave his final thanks and drove away. God told me to wait at the park. After three hours had passed, James called me and said, “Where are you?” I replied, “I’m still at the park.” James said, “We are almost there. We read the notes to our families and all our dads have gotten help and have stopped drinking. They have given their hearts to Jesus Christ. Our dads and our families have all asked for forgiveness. We have asked for forgiveness too. Our families have asked us to come back home.” The gang and their families began arriving at the park. All the boys stood in front of me and said, “We want to ask Jesus Christ into our hearts now. We want our names written in the Lambs Book of Life.” James and his gang asked for the forgiveness of their sins and asked Jesus Christ into their hearts. My King gets all the glory and the victory.

My informers called me after everyone left and said, “Hey Sonny, that was impressive. We were watching the whole thing transpire. We were all blown away. This gang was mean, and you show up and they began listening to you right away. We saw them bow their heads to pray and sit down to eat. We saw them writing the notes before they left. We continued to watch as they all came back with their families and gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. We couldn’t believe what just happened. We could see guns on three of the boys when they were eating.” I replied, “Yes, I saw their guns too. God said they don’t have bullets in them. Thank you for your prayers. God gets all the glory and the victory!!

All the informers that were watching were blown away at what they had just witnessed.

I heard from James late at night. They spent time at home for the first time in years. James said, “It was amazing. It paid off handsomely. Sonny, all the boys stayed with their families for dinner last night.” I then picked up the boys from their families the next day to celebrate Jesus. We all got home late. All the boys are so excited.” James switched topics and said, “Someone wants to talk to you Sonny.” It was Ezra, nicknamed “Frog”. I said, “He talks just like the kid in the little rascals they called Frog “

James replied, “Yes!”  Frog then said, “Sonny, my mom cooked me my favorite meal in the whole world. We had beef and bean burritos that were topped and smothered. We had a good time.” I was so happy for them. James then said, “Ok Sonny we just wanted to tell you everything went really well. There was a lot of crying and hugging going on this morning. All of us are excited to be home.” I began to think of ways that Jesus might use this gang to expand his Kingdom.


Salvador’s Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus Christ

On the morning of March 23, 2024, I met with informers who reported seeing a new gang of 30 boys at one of the parks I frequent. They had prepared four dozen breakfast burritos and three coolers with cold drinks for the gang. After expressing my gratitude, I left for the park and found the gang there. I admired their classic ’55 to ’57 Chevys. There were nine cars in total. I asked God how to approach these boys and what music to play. God said, “Play Kingdom music.” I did so by piping it to my outside speakers. When I arrived, the music drew the eyes of the boys in my direction. I stepped out with my Bible, and they began walking towards me. The leader said, “You must be Sonny. I am Salvador. This is my second-in-command, Sylvester.”  Salvador then held up one of my ministry cards and asked, “Is this your ministry card?” I replied, “Yes, I don’t remember giving you a ministry card.”

He asked, “Do you remember Paco?” I nodded, recalling how Paco and his group had found salvation and returned home. Salvador continued, “Paco gave me this card and told me, ‘If you ever need prayer, call Sonny.'” As we spoke, I thought, “Lord, these young men have built barriers to protect themselves from everyone.” I said, “Paco and his friends have made a wise decision.” Salvador continued, “Paco also told me that you always have food for the gangs, and you tell them about Jesus.” I replied, “Yes I do.” Salvador asked, “Why do you do that?”  I said, “Because you boys are broken. The reason you are out here is because of your dads. Most of your dads were alcoholics and the others on drugs.” Salvador said, “That’s true sonny.” I then asked, “Are you boys hungry?” Salvador said, “We are starving.” I said, “I brought breakfast burritos. ” They replied, “Now you are talking. I said, “I need help with the coolers.” The boys helped me get everything. I said, “Let me pray for the food before we eat.” All the boys bowed their heads. I prayed, “Dear Jesus, thank you for today, thank you for the food and for the hands that prepared it.” Salvador asked, “Who made the burritos?” I replied, “My brothers and sisters.” With amazement he said, “They made these just for us?” I confirmed they did. He said, “Tell them thank you from us.” I confirmed that I would. Some of the boys opened the coolers and said, “You brought Cokes and Dr. Pepper. Those are our favorite.” I exclaimed, “You can’t have a burrito without a Coke or Dr Pepper.” They replied, “Your right Sonny.”

They all began eating and exclaimed, “These burritos are hot, but they are good.” As they continued eating, I began reading scriptures to them. This included John 3:16 and Jeremiah 29:11. Salvador asked, “Why are you reading that?” I replied, “Because you need to know that Jesus came here for you. God send his son to die for our sins but on the third day he rose again.” Salvador replied, “Can’t you talk about something else?” I said, “Tomorrow is never promised.” Salvador injected, “So you read scriptures.” I said, “Yes, I will always read the word of God until my last breath. Jesus died for us, and he forgave those that whipped him and crucified him.”

Salvador said, “So we have to forgive those that hurt us.” I said, “Yes, even my King forgave those that hurt him.”

Salvador said, “Your amazing Sonny.”  I replied, “It is our God who is amazing!” Salvador said, “My cousin Paco told us a lot about you and it’s all true. You’re so kind and generous. I have never had anybody talk to me about Jesus at all. Can you do me a favor and read Jeremiah 29:11 again.” After I finished reading it again, he said, “Those words are powerful.” He paused a moment then said, “I am going to get another burrito.” I said, “Go ahead there’s plenty of them.”  I began walking around praying for them. I wanted these boys to know that God loves them. I then asked Salvador if he had any prayer requests. He said, “Pray for our families. We know they miss us.” Most of the boys said the same thing. When I was done praying for them, I said, “I want you to remember this. If you don’t remember anything else. Don’t forget how much Jesus loves you and he has a purpose for you.”

Sylvester came over with Salvador.  Salvador said, “Paco told me that his name was written in the Lambs Book of Life.  What does that mean, Sonny?” I said, “We die to the world when we surrender to Jesus Christ. When you ask God for forgiveness of all your sins and ask Jesus into your heart, your name will be written in the Lambs Book of Life.”

Salvador said, “Just recently we had called Paco and asked him what happened. You guys just seem different? Paco began witnessing to us and said, ‘You’re not going to see us out in the streets anymore because we got saved.’ We were looking for you mainly because we were hungry, but we also had questions. Are you going to spend the whole day with us?” I replied, “Yes, because there is nothing more important right now than your salvation. That is more important to me than anything else. That’s why my King has me here.” Sylvester looked at Salvador and said, “Are you going to ask him now?” Salvador appeared confused and said, “Asked him what?” Sylvester replied, “When are you going to ask him about the note pads. Remember Paco said the words, ‘Tomorrow is never promised. If we only had 3 days to live, what would you say to your parents and siblings.’” Salvador said, “Oh yeah, and to write down our hurts.”

I said, “Yes, I have note pads and pens for all of you and I want you to ask for forgiveness for what you said and did before you left home. Also write what happened to you and why you left.” I helped those that needed help. They thanked me for helping them. Salvador said, “So this is what you do with the gangs? I replied, “Yes, God chose me for this ministry because I understand you. This makes you feel more comfortable to talk to me.” As they were writing their notes I said, “I’ll be back boys.” Salvador asked, “Where are you going?” I replied, “I am getting something to eat.” When I left, I called my friends. I ordered 14 large pizzas for them to pick up and deliver to me at a different location. I thanked them all for what they do for the ministry and came back with the pizzas. All the boys were excited to get pizza and thanked me for it. I prayed over the meal. As they were eating, I helped those that needed to finish their notes. When they were done writing I said, “Guys can you line up. I want to pray and anoint you with your notes.” All the boys lined up. I prayed for Salvador last because he’s the leader.

When I was done praying for him, Salvador said, “Sonny, you are the kindness man I have ever met. I want to be just like you.” I said, “Let’s be like Jesus.” Salvador said, “You’re the only one that has been allowed to talk to us. We don’t let anyone get this close to us.”

I said, “It was nice spending the day with you boys. You should deliver your notes as soon as possible.” Salvador said, “We will call our parents to make sure they are home. Then well call you and let you know what happens.” Before they left, I said, “I know all of you are going to be scattered delivering your notes; but right now, I want you to stand still and don’t move.”  Salvador said, “You heard Sonny. Don’t move because something bad can happen to us.” I continued, “I need to pray and claim the blood of Jesus Christ over all of you and God’s protection against those who want to steel your soul.” When I was done praying all the boys hugged me and thanked me. God gets all the glory and the victory!!

Victors Gang Gives Hearts to Jesus Christ

On the morning of March 19, 2024, I had a facetime session with my informants who have been in training. They had coolers filled with drinks, donuts, cereal, and milk. They had me watch a video of a new gang to observe their behavior. Lately gangs have been more interested in discussing things going on in their lives solved then in hurting me. Our prayer that God would confuse the gangs to the point where they would hunger for God has been initiated by our King. God is bringing gangs to me all asking questions.

After I picked up the coolers and food from the undercover, I went to visit the new gang at their home. I rang the doorbell, and they asked, “What do you want?” I replied, “I have some food for you boys.” Still unsure, they then began asking questions.

One thing I have learned that the gangs God brings me are always hungry. They were wasting my time, so I said, “If you don’t open the door at the count of three, I’m taking the food to the homeless.” I counted one, two, three, and as I started walking away, they opened the door and asked, “Okay, what did you bring us?” I replied, “I brought you donuts, Captain Crunch cereal, and milk.”

They asked my name, and I replied, “My name is Sonny.” The leader of the 15-member gang is Victor. He asked, “What do you wanted to talk about?” I said, “I want to tell you about Jesus because you’re broken, and I’m here to bring you God’s kingdom.” The leader asked if I was a Christian. I said, “I am a born-again Christian.” He asked, “How can you be born again? Do you have to be inside your mom again?” I said, “Do you know that someone asked Jesus that same question? In the Book of John 3:3, it says when you ask God to forgive all your sins and ask Jesus into your heart, that’s when you’re born again, and your name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” One of the boys asked, “Sonny, is hell real?” I said, “Yes, and those who reject Jesus will be swimming in a lake of fire, and it’s not just for the weekend; it’s for eternity. All you see here is temporary, but God’s kingdom is eternal.” I asked if they were hungry, and they said yes. I said I needed help, and four boys helped me bring in the food, and bowls and spoons. I then said, “Let me pray for the meal.” The leader inserted in and said, “I love the donuts with chocolate.” After I finished praying everyone began eating. The boys were hungry; they ate the two dozen donuts and the two boxes of Captain Crunch.”

The leader expressed his gratitude for my kindness. “Most people are afraid of us,” he said, “Why aren’t you?” I offered them my ministry card and shared a verse from Isaiah 41:10, which they all recited. “See, it says ‘Fear not,'”

I then asked Victor, “When was the last time I trusted someone?  Victor admitted, “It had been a long while. Would you trust me?” I’ve never asked a gang leader this before, but I asked, “Would you take a drive with me?” I questioned what they’d like in their fridge and their preference for ‘The Lord’s Chips.’ The boys laughed, finding it amusing. I mentioned I had a box of chips in my truck to bring in later. “So, will you trust me, Victor?” I asked, hoping for a chance to talk. The leader asked if he could be honest with me. I assured him money wasn’t necessary; God is providing. One boy questioned if I was rich. “No,” I replied, “but I am rich in God.” Jose complimented me as one of the nicest men he’s ever met and thanked me for the food. “Okay, Sonny, I’m ready to go,” the leader said, instructing the others to clean the kitchen. I needed three boys to help bring in coolers with cold drinks from my truck. They were surprised by the generosity. Victor and I then drove to Walmart, and on the way, I spoke with Victor while listening to Bryann’s Christian music. Victor mentioned Bryann was in town, and they had heard his music.

We drove by his concert; he was a former gang member who had found salvation. “Were you the one outside talking to a group of boys?” he asked. “Yes,” I confirmed, “gangs listen to him, so I witness to them and pray with them.” He recognized my shirt and realized where he had seen me. I witnessed to them and prayed with them. He said, “I saw your shirt! Now I know where I saw the shirt you’re wearing today. That was you there.” I said, “Yes, that was me.” I then asked Victor, “If you only had three days to live, what would you say to your dad, mom, and brothers and sisters?” I told him I have notepads so his gang can write a note to their families. Victor began to ponder what I said.

We arrived at Walmart and retrieved a cart. Victor looked scared, constantly looking behind him. I reassured him, “You don’t have to be nervous because I carry the Kingdom of God with me.” He looked at me and said, “I have never heard anyone talk like you.” I said, “I’ll push the cart, and you get what you want.” So he started picking out things for sandwiches and I suggested getting dessert. He said we could go to the dollar store for that because it’s too much here. He kept thanking me saying, “Sonny, I really didn’t know what we were going to do because we didn’t have any money for food.” I said, “God knew you were hungry, that’s why He brought me to you boys.” I directed them to the desserts, “Get what you boys like.” He chose little things of pudding, Double Stuff Oreo cookies, and asked if he could get some Cap’n Crunch cereal and milk. I agreed. Victor was crying but didn’t want me to see him wiping his tears. I said, “Let’s get things to make tacos.” He exclaimed, “Really, Sonny? We have been so hungry for tacos.” I said, “You get peppers and everything for the tacos, and I’ll go get some bowls and a container of spoons, forks, and knives.” When I came back, Victor said, “Thank you, Sonny, we have way too much food.” I said, “God provides,” and we went to get in line. Victor noticed a little old couple following us and getting in line behind us. The little old man asked, “Are you boys in a boys club or something, spending all your money on food?” I said yes. He told his wife, “Mama, let’s help these boys. We’ll pay for your groceries.” Just tell the cashier.”

The cashier exclaimed, “I heard that! That is so kind of you; God bless you!” I replied, “Yes, God bless you and thank you.” I mentioned that Victor started crying. The couple hugged him, and he thanked them. They said, “We want to pray for you boys.” We walked outside, and they prayed for us. I thanked them and prayed for them. I then gave them my ministry card. On our way home, Victor kept wiping his face, saying, “That was the kindest thing they did for us.” When we got back, the boys helped bring in the groceries. Victor was telling them everything that happened, saying, “We’re making tacos.” All the boys were so excited. He asked me, “Sonny, why do you do this ministry?” I replied, “Because I was broken like you boys, and my King healed my heart. I asked Him for a ministry nobody wanted, and He said, ‘Then follow me. This is the ministry God gave me.'” Victor said, “Thank you for coming and telling us about Jesus.” I said, “You got to see the power of God, Victor.” He replied, “I got to witness my first miracle.” He started crying, and I had the godliest man witness it with me. He told the boys, “My heart hasn’t felt like this in a long time.” I asked Victor, “How would you like to write notes to your parents?” The boys were surprised. I asked them, “If you only had three days to live, what would you say to your dad, mom, brothers, and sisters?” They were taken aback and started asking for notepads I had for them. They said, “We’ll write our notes tonight and deliver them tomorrow.” They asked me to come to the park tomorrow at 1:00 PM.

I went to the park and anointed the area before Victor’s gang and all their families arrived. Victor’s gang arrived at 1:00 PM with all their families. All the boys reported that everything went well when they delivered their notes. All the dads have stopped drinking and are now saved. Victor announced, “We’re all here with our families, and we’re ready to surrender and give our hearts to Jesus.” Before I could say anything, all the boys came forward with their families standing behind them. I asked, “Do all of you believe Jesus is the Son of God?” They said yes. “Do you believe Jesus died and rose again on the third day?” They affirmed. “Do you believe Jesus Christ loves you?” Again, they said yes. I led them to pray, “Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to forgive me of all my sins and I ask Jesus to come into my heart.” They all began crying and hugging each other. I gave them Bibles, which we all signed and dated.

Victor’s dad gathered all the fathers and declared, “This is a day of celebration. Let’s have a barbecue and celebrate because our sons are coming home.” They assured me, “Sonny, we’ll be back for the barbecue.”

I started all the grills and cleaned them so they would be hot. The parents had trays to put on the grill, so they wouldn’t have to worry about the grill not being clean. The dads were right, it did not take them long at all. There was a lot of good food. I read scriptures to everyone as they ate. I answered many questions and prayed with them. all.  their family members were saved. We stayed there until dark, and Victor’s dad, Salvador asked, “Can you come to our home and anoint it?” I agreed and immediately went there to anoint their home. God receives all the glory and the victory.

Eisenhower’s Gang Meets Jesus

It is March 4th, and I went to back to Denver to meet with the undercover police to pick up the food for the gang God want me to meet up with.  They have already packed the coolers with drinks. The rest was muffins, Captain Crunch cereal with milk, cookies, and candy bars. Some of the gang members would be ready for lunch, so I also had 4 pizzas with a big bottle of ranch to dip the crust into.

I already knew which park they would be at, so I headed in that direction.  I arrived there at 9:45 a.m. Eisenhower’s gang was already there. There are 15 boys in his gang. I said to myself, “I haven’t seen these boys in a long time. Last night one of his boys called me.”

He said, “Sonny, this is Emilio. I am one of the boys in Eisenhower’s gang.” He paused than began crying. He sobbed, “I wanted to go home and accept Jesus. My parents want to lead me to the Lord; but I said to them that I want Sonny, my friend, to lead me to the Lord.  He has never given up on me. I am ready for God to transform my heart…”

Emilio was on speaker phone with his parents… I could hear them crying in the background. Emilio’s dad said, “My son said you minister to the gangs, and he wanted you to lead him to the Lord.  Thank you for reaching out to them.”

I said, “My King gets all the Glory and the Victory.” I the looked directly at Emilio and asked, “Are you ready to have your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?”

Emilio replied, “Yes”.  He then asked God to forgive him of all his sins and asked Jesus into his heart. Emilio started crying again and thanked me for being there for him. He said, “I asked Eisenhower, and the guys can meet with you tomorrow at the park.  I want to be there if any of you give your hearts to Jesus.”

Emilio made arrangements to meet the following day. when I arrived at the park. They started walking towards me when they recognized my pickup. I climbed out of my pickup with my bible. Eisenhower said, “Sonny, it’s nice to see you!”

I said, “I haven’t seen you boys in a while. Are you hungry?”

The entire gang said, “Man, we are starving!”

I replied, “I have food for you guys. Do I have any volunteers?”

Several boys jumped at the opportunity to come with me. Their eyes opened wide when they saw all the muffins and cookies and captain crunch cereal I had. I said, “We will leave the dessert in the truck. Don’t forget to get the pizza, the big bottle of ranch, plates and napkins.”

We walked back and set everything on the picknick tables. I said, “Let pray first before we eat.” The boys took their caps off while I gave thanks to our King. After I finished praying, I realized we had not brought the drinks. I said, “I have coolers with cold drinks in them.” I did not have to say anymore. The boys jumped up and retrieved the coolers.

They began eating and I began reading scriptures to them. I started with John 3:16 then went to Jeremiah 29:11 and followed up with Matthew 6:33. Soon they were done eating. I asked them, “Are you ready for dessert?”

All the boys were so excited when I mentioned dessert. They were like little kid’s and ran back to the truck to get the dessert. When everyone finished, they started helping me clean up. We had some food left so I asked, “Can you open the truck of your car? I want you to take everything that is left home. They eagerly put everything into their trunks. When they were finished with that task, I went to get some note pads. I anointed them before I passed them out. I had pens for each boy. They asked, “Sonny, what are these for?”

I replied, “If you only had 3 days to live what would you say to your dads? Remember in 3 days you are gone from this world. How do you want people to remember you? Do you want to be remembered as a kind forgiving person or a person that was mean and wouldn’t forgive anyone. If you don’t forgive others God won’t forgive you.”

All the boys wrote notes to their mom, brothers and sisters, but when it came to writing a note to their dads. All of them needed help writing a note to their dads.

They asked, “What do we write to our dads?”

I replied, “You can say Dear dad, I hope you are doing well. I need to ask for your forgiveness for what I did and what I said to you before I left. I hope you can forgive me. I want you to know that I forgive you dad.”

All the boys finished their notes. I anointed each one of them with their notes and prayed with each one before they left to deliver their notes.

It is Wednesday 3/6/24. I was scheduled to meet with Eisenhower’s boys at the park at 10:00 am. but some of their fathers couldn’t make it until 1:00 pm. Some of their parents were arriving earlier and I met with them first. One of the things they kept asking about was how did you come up with the idea of having the boys write notes.

I said, “God told me to get note pads and pens for what he had planned. I went to the dollar store and bought a box of notepads and a box of pens before coming to the park. I was not sure what God had planned in the beginning but as they were eating and I was sharing scriptures with them, God said to me to ask them if they only had 3 days to live what would they say to their dads, moms, brothers and sisters because tomorrow is never promised not even for me. Most of the time the boys would say they would ask for forgiveness for the things they said and sometimes they would cry when they were writing their notes.”

Soon everyone was here. All the parents said they loved their notes from their boys. I called all their dads and talked with them. I found out there all Christians and they love the Lord. Three of them are still counseling with their pastors. All of them said, ” This is a dream come true.”

The leaders father said, “I thank God your still alive and that you brought my son back to me. I know how dangerous gangs can be.”

I said, “Some of the gangs are but it’s not up to them when I die. It’s up to my King when that day comes.”

He replied, ” I wish I had your faith.”

I took the dads back to their families and I started reading the scriptures. I read to the boys John 3:16, Jeremiah 29:1, and finished with Matthew 6:33. After that I had the boys come over by my truck and I asked them, “Those of you that are ready to have your names written in the Lambs Book of Life stand over here.”

All eleven boys moved forward After they asked God to forgive them of all their sins and asked Jesus to come into their hearts, they cried and laughed because they were so happy they were going home with a transformed heart.

All their families are now saved. I gave each one a bible and signed them with today’s date. Before they went home the boys said, “We got up early the next day to clean the house. The landlord liked what he saw and came over to return our deposit to us. Sonny, we are moving out this morning and we are all ready to go home. Our brothers and sisters are going to help us to get our GED’s online.”

I could see the excitement in their voices and faces to go home. Their parents kept talking about the notes and how it meant the world to them and how the notes brought healing to them. They shared that was an incredible idea that God gave you for these boys.

I said, “My king gets all the Glory and the Victory. He orchestrated the whole thing.”

Eisenhower’s dad asked, “Sonny, how many gangs do you minister to?”
His son interrupted, “Dad Sonny is out here every day ministering to gangs. He also goes and ministers all over in different states and different countries.”
he said, “Wow! That is truly amazing!

As they started leaving, all the boys thanked me one more time.
I prayed with them one more time before they left.

Shopping Cart in the Park

The first family that Blue Mustang blessed in ghetto was Samuel and his daughter Lydia. One day they had a grocery cart from King Soopers filled with groceries and they rolled it to their home to deliver their groceries to their home.

They begin taking the cart back and Lydia turned to her dad and said, “You know that there are so many people who are praying for food at the grocery store over the carts. We should leave a cart here in the park so that families will have an opportunity to pray over a cart here in the park.”

Lydia began to anoint their grocery cart for a plan God put in her heart. She prayed over it that no man can remove this cart except those praying over it for food. So, if anyone comes to this park hungry, they can pray over this cart and expect a miracle.

The Holy Spirit would begin to draw Samuel and Lydia to go take a walk to the park when a family was to begin praying. Each week they see a family praying over this cart. Samuel would go down to the family and greet them. He too would pray over the families. He would then tell them to bring the grocery car cart back to the King Soopers store on Saturday and expect a miracle. In the meantime, he would give of his own needs to bless the families.

The families would wait until Saturday and pick that cart up which is always there. When they arrive at the store with it, they are then prayed over by other families who have been blessed by Blue Mustang worshiping God at the grocery store. After receiving the blessing, the families would use that cart to buy their food. After unloading their food in a car or directly in their home, they would take the cart back to the park and place it exactly as they found it.

This has been going on for several months now. That grocery cart is still waiting there. Blue Mustang was curious to know if anyone has tried to take that cart. I said to him that I would go and ask the homeless that I know very well and ask them what they know about the grocery cart.

The first person I came into contact with was Noah. I asked him if he saw anyone go near that cart. Noah said, “When I first saw that cart, I tried to take it. Those carts make it easy to haul my stuff around. But when I tried to grab hold of the cart, it shocked me so hard that I fell down on my back. I immediately told my friend Jeremiah what happened. He did not believe me. Just to prove me wrong, he grabbed hold of the cart. It immediately set him on his butt too. I have seen families that go to that cart and pray over that cart and do not get shocked like we do.”

I said, “That cart has been anointed to be used to bless families who are hungry. God is protecting that cart.”

The homeless guys didn’t really believe me, so I grabbed hold of that cart and began to move it back and forth with no results. The homeless then asked, “Why did you not get shocked?”

I replied, “God knows my heart. He knows that I have no desire to move this cart from this spot. Lydia prayed over this cart that no man could move this cart except families who are hungry.”

After I moved the cart, Jeremiah thought that the force field was gone. But as he immediately grabbed hold of the cart, he was shocked greatly where he fell backwards on his rear end. Both now firmly believe that God has plans for this cart. In fact, the two men have been protecting the cart by warning people about the danger of touching that cart. Many do not believe them, and they usually go up and touch the cart and immediately get shocked. As of this writing, the cart is still there. It is blessing hungry families each week and glorifying God. Not only God but glorifying the community. Only God knows how long this grocery cart will continue to bless families.

Homeless Attack Families

It was a typical Saturday and God blessed two more families in the ghetto after they with the past families, worshiped him for over one hour. Most families that live in the ghetto do not have a lot of money. Neither one of these families could afford a car, so the manager of the King Soopers store gave them permission to take their groceries home in the grocery carts. They told the manager that they would go home and unload the groceries and bring them back right away.

As the families were about to leave the parking lot, four men came up to them and said that we are going to forcibly take the groceries in their carts. Both families were Christians but were caught off guard. Lydia and her dad were the closest to them. Lydia said, “We need to pray for those men.” Her dad agreed and quickly greeted the men and said, “Before you harm anyone, can we pray for you guys?” Whenever you let someone who has the power of the Holy Spirit pray over you, it will change your life. The men gave them permission to pray for them. Lydia’s dad and each family member began praying over them. Their prayers were being directed by the Holy Spirit which in turn made each man regret what they were about to do.

Finally, one man had enough and said, “I am so sorry that we did this to you. We were just very hungry.” He turned around and began to walk away. His buddies did the same. One of the family members said, “Wait. Why don’t you let us make you some sandwiches for you.”  The families immediately began to look through their carts for the items to prepare sandwiches for them and said, “We too were hungry, and God just blessed us. Now we want to bless you.” The families made them sandwiches using the knives that the men were going to stab them with and chips to go with the sandwiches.

Meanwhile, while this was all going on, the manager of the store was watching everything what just happened.  He came out and asked the men if they would like a job cleaning up the parking lot. He said, “I will give you $100 if you clean this parking lot up.” The men were very excited to take the job. They finished eating with the families and thanked them for what they did. They apologized for threatening them again and went to work.

When I came back a week later, I found out that the men did a good job of cleaning up the parking lot. They must have been observed by other people because they were hired them to clean up other parking lots. One furnished them a place to live. The conditions was that they would deduct their rent from the work they did. These men were very grateful. Jesus Christ gave us the Holy Spirit to give us power. Let’s use that power to change people’s lives.

The 3rd Family

It was Saturday February 4th when God put into Blue Mustang’s heart that there was going to be a 3rd family. I felt it to but I wasn’t sure. So he gave me some extra money. I left for the ghetto and did not think much of it anymore. When I arrived, there were over 100 people praising God. It is always fun to watch them worship. They do not allow time to interfere with their worship. They give up their Saturday mornings because they love God. They would be rather be worshiping him then doing their own thing.

I do believe that churches should be just like these guys. We should give God whatever time that he needs. Sometimes God will enjoy just having us just give praise to his holy name. Other times he wants to give us encouragement. Or he may want to share a word to us of the prophetic. We should not prevent the Holy Spirit from doing what he wants.

After they finished worshiping, God blessed the two new families with money. I told them that there is going to be a 3rd family. The families gathered around me and began to pray for that third family. They then anointed the money that I was going to give them. It was time for me to leave. The two families that were blessed went shopping because they were very hungry. As as I left the parking lot, I looked in my rearview mirror and noticed that Lydia was still praying for me. That little girl is anointed by God.

God directed me down a different street that I haven’t been on before. I never knew that there was another grocery store here in this area. This looks like one of those mom-and-pop grocery stores. Boy, everything sure looks run down around here. This grocery store looked like it had been here a long time. I looked down the alley by the store and noticed a family behind the grocery store. I saw a grocery cart and some people standing up against the dumpsters. Soon a person from the store walked outside with a box of fruit. They put that box of fruit on a table that was outside. The family began rummaging through the fruit. I did not drive up on them right away because I wanted to make sure that that was the family that God wanted. I have seen people digging in trash cans all the time. God then said, “This is the family.”

I parked my truck on the east side of the store. I got out with my Bible and walked around the corner to where they were at. I saw the father praying to God thanking him for the fruit. His little daughter then asked, “God, if you are real, could you give us a miracle today. I am really craving cereal.”

I kept myself hidden because I did not want to interrupt their prayer time. It is something amazing just to be able to listen to people’s hearts speak. I walked up to them after they finished praying still holding my Bible. I said, “Good morning, how are you guys doing today.”

Their little daughter piped up and said, “I think it is closer to noon right now.”

I replied, “Yes, it is pretty close to lunchtime.”

She then asked, “Are you a preacher?”

I replied, “I am. I minister out on the streets. I minister to gangs, families, and the lost and the brokenhearted.”

She exclaimed, “Wow, you have quite a job!” she paused a moment then asked, “Would you like a banana?”

I almost started crying because this family did not have very much but she was willing to give some of what they had. I replied, “Sure, I will have a banana.”

She even started peeling it for me. Her dad,
Samuel said, “Could you pray for us? We really could use a miracle right now. We need groceries today.”

I prayed with them. As I finished, I said, “Let me tell you something about who Blue Mustang is and how God is using him to bless families who need help.” I then gave them testimonies on how God is using Blue Mustang to help families in the ghetto area.

Samuel then said, “That would be a miracle today.” He then pointed and said, “We live over there.” It was like one of those buildings where a bunch of families lived together in a complex. Such each apartment has two bedrooms. They are very small. He then said, “I have started a job at the oil refinery in Commerce City. But I will not get paid until Wednesday. We are really hungry right now and we are stretched out to the limit right now.”

His son Joshua stepped in and said, “The only thing that we have is one Apple in our refrigerator.”

I looked at Joshua and asked, “Joshua, do you believe in miracles?”

He said, “Yes, I am a even a miracle. When I was born I only weighed 4 pounds but look at me now. I am strong and healthy but I sure could use some Cap’n Crunch cereal right now.”

I began to cry. I just could not hold back the tears. I knew that God did not want me to hold them back. The little boy came over and began hugging me saying, “Everything is going to be all right mister. God is faithful.”

He said that not knowing what I was about to do. I finally gave them the money. As they began to count it, Joshua was watching. He said, “We are now multimillionaires.”

A girl and the manager of the store came out to greet us. They said, “We have heard everything that you guys have been talking about. How can we not help out with this family.” The girl said, “We have a grocery cart going for you guys. I have loaded it with Cap’n Crunch cereal but haven’t got the milk yet because we don’t wanted to spoil.”

Before everybody went inside the store, they prayed with me. As the family walked inside, the manager said, “I am going to pay half their bill. I know how it is to not have anything. I also know what it’s like to have plenty. It is right thing to do. God bless Blue Mustang whoever he is.”

Joshua turned around and asked, “Is Blue Mustang a car or something?”

I said, “No, he is not car but he definitely has one.”

Joshua replied, “He is our new hero!”

It is time for me to leave now because of the gangs I need to talk to. As I headed down the street, I noticed fire trucks parked in the direction that I was going. I could not continue because they blocked the entire street. So I began to back up. One of the firefighters came over and asked, “Are you Sonny? Because I have seen your truck over on the east side. I have seen you witnessing to the gangs. What are you up to?”

I began to share with him the testimony of what happened. He then asked, “Is there really a grocery store down that road?”

I then told him it doesn’t really look much like a store. After he heard about what the manager did with the family he said, “We are going to go by there later to buy our groceries.”

That store does not get that many customers because of where it is located. The fire department went there and bought all their groceries there for the week. This really blessed that store because not many people go there. The fire department filled the grocery cart full of groceries. When they went to check out, that manager began to cry. They spent a lot of money there today. The manager then said, “Come back anytime.”

The firefighter then said, “I am going to tell our other shifts to come here. We just did not know you were here.”

Just because the manager blessed his family, God brought the fire department to the manager’s store. God really does believe in blessing those who bless others. You can listen to the entire story here:

Family Receives a Car

It was Saturday and I went back down to the ghetto see the new families that our King provided for us. When I arrived, there were over a 100 people worshipping our awesome God. God loves our worship. Being his children and we refused to do that, the rocks themselves will worship our God. These families in the ghetto have learned to worship God even before they receive a thing. They do not care who is watching or even walking by. They sing loudly just praising God. They do not ever watch what time it is. They physically concentrate on worshipping our King. They do not even know if I’m going to show up. But this does not stop them from worshiping.

What was different about this time was that Lydia’s mom began singing a song about Blue Mustang. She wrote a song in her own words. She has a beautiful voice as she sang it. Lydia and all the other kids were in the middle of the circle just dancing while they were praising God. It is interesting how these families worship God. They get in a circle and for protection they put the children in the center, the wives are in the next layer and the men stand around their family members to protect them just in case anybody would drive by and start shooting. I just love the way African American people sing. They will sing “Amazing Grace” without any music and yet when it comes out of their mouths, it is so beautiful. I remember the words that Blue Mustang gave me. He said, “You know because you are out witnessing every weekand, these families give you the opportunity to come together in a body and to worship God . You need fellowship just like everybody else.”

They never get tired of worshipping God. They always sing praises to our Lord for 1 to 2 hours. When everybody else feels they have to have Saturday for themselves, they bring glory to God. They even go to church on Sunday and worship him again.

They finished up the service by Lydia’s dad thanking God for the worship time. Then he anointed the new families that were about to be blessed. The two families were related by brother and sister. They were there with their spouses and they began praying for Blue Mustang. They prayed even though Blue Mustang may not show up today, that we are still going to pray and thank you for what just happened today and the people who were there supporting them.

Even though I was hiding and listening to the service, Lydia eventually saw me. She always yells out my name and comes running towards me. She exclaimed, “I knew that you would be coming. God even said that you were going to be here.”

They then began worshipping again thanking God again. Lydia then asked, “Are we ready for the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the extra for inflation.” I begin laying the money out on the family’s hands and Lydia continued, “The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” When I lay down the twenty she said, “This is the extra for inflation.”

They do a good job of keeping the amount of money secret that Blue Mustang gives each time. It is always a shock to them to see the amount amount of money that they are given to go grocery shopping. They always begin crying when they realize that they are going to have enough to buy food.

There were two girls who worked at the grocery store that came out and they were crying. Lydia asked, “Why are you girls crying?”

They said, “It was because of you and your parents that you shared Jesus Christ to us. We gave our hearts to Jesus Christ just because of you guys. We were watching you guys worshipping and loving God. It is very emotional to watch you guys worshiping the Lord. We have learned how to worship the Lord by watching what you guys do. You guys definitely know how to worship.”

These girls have led their parents and their grandparents to the Lord. After they gave their hearts to Jesus Christ, their lives have not been the same ever since. Many times the girls bring out snacks for the families when they arrive.

Before I left, the new family’s anointed me. They then laid hands on me that God would protect me. They also prayed for Blue Mustang that he would always be able to continue doing God’s ministry.

After they finish praying over me, this old couple came up to us. The man said, “My wife and I were losing faith. We felt like we were in a big rut. But when we heard you guys worshipping and singing all those old hymns, you requindled a new love for Jesus Christ.”

Lydia then begins telling them everything. She started talking about Blue Mustang what he does and then immediately told them what I did. She especially liked telling them about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit when laying out the money.

They asked her, “So Blue Mustang supplies money for families that are struggling.”

Lydia replied, “Yes, God is amazing.”

Rachel then stepped in and said, “He is spirit lead. He doesn’t do it for himself but he does it for the glory of God.”

The old couple then replied, “You know what! We want to buy your guys’s groceries. You can keep that money for gasoline.”

One of the family spoke up and said, “We cannot do that. We do not have a car.”

The old couple replied, “You do not have a car. We have an extra car. My wife does not want to drive anymore. None of our kids like the car because it is a 71 Oldsmobile. They say it looks like a boat. But you are welcome to have it.”

That family became excited that they were about ready to get a car. The old couple then went to bring the car back to that family. The car only had 71000 miles on it. It was a beautiful car and they gave it away. You can listen to the rest of the story below:

Blessing Two Families in Reno Nevada

I told Blue Mustang that my sister bought me a ticket two weeks ago to come to her house for Christmas. He then said, “I bet God is going to bring families into your trip when you get there just like he did last year.”

God finally confirmed to me that there would be two families. He did not say anything else. After I arrived in Reno, my sister and her husband took me to one of those chain grocery stores to go shopping. Usually this is where God brings the families to me. I looked around the store but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I then decided to look in the back. I snuck to the back of the store and opened the door to the dumpsters. There I saw an old beat up car and a family rummaging through the dumpsters. They were collecting expired fruits and vegetables and they even had picked out a package of expired steaks. I then walked outside where they were working and asked them this question, “What would you say if somebody would come from Colorado to bless you.”

They replied, “That would be totally amazing and we would receive it.”

I then said, “Well, I have come from Colorado and I am here to bless you.”

At this moment they began to cry. I never really noticed but God had the manager come outside about this time and he began to listen to everything that I said. I began to tell the family a little bit about me about me and the ministry that Blue Mustang has in the ghetto in Denver. I then began laying the 50s into their hands. I said, “This is the Father, this is the Son and this is the Holy Spirit. And this is $20 for inflation.”

Normally they laugh at this, but this family was in dire straits and they began to cry realizing what just happened. Their little son asked, “Does that mean we can get some cereal?”

I said, “You bet!”

The father said, “You know the fruit and vegetables are rotten.” He then threw them back into the dumpster. He then said, “But I am keeping the steaks. We are going to move our car to the front and come in the store like normal people.”

The manager then came up to me and said, “I have never seen anything like this before and it about made me cry. I want to make sure that I give these this family a discount when they check out.”

The manager walked with me through the store so that we could meet them at the entrance. When we walked outside there was another family that approached the manager and asked, “Do you have any expired baloney or food that we can have? We are hungry and have nothing to eat.”

The manager looked at me and asked, “Does this always happen like this?”

I said, “Yeah, many times it does.”

About this time the husband’s wife said, “I recognize my sister. She is coming towards us.” I noticed she was referring to the car of the first family. Up until this time I had no idea that these families were related. God has been bringing two related families together for Blue Mustang. Both families always love God.

I introduced myself to them and explained to them the ministry of Blue Mustang to them. I then blessed them the same way I did the first family. The sisters were both excited to see each other there because this was not planned. This was orchestrated by God. Their children also asked, “Does that mean we can buy cereal now?” Things likes cereal we take for granted but to both of these family it was a luxury. My sister, who took care of blessing one family, again missed out on what just happened. They were both busy inside of the store getting groceries and never realized what was happening. There are always families in need no matter where we may travel.

I have noticed that in the ghetto of Denver that the whole community is changing because of what Blue Mustang started. I just don’t see the bad guys like I used to. When good is present, the forces of darkness are forced to move out of the way. But it takes effort on our part, prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit to make this happen. Maybe Blue Mustang has started something big here in this community. Only time will tell us what God is up to.

Post Thanksgiving Family

I had Friday off work for Thanksgiving and my King had plans for me to witness more gangs. Blue Mustang and I were making arrangements to meet for breakfast on Friday morning. We began discussing the three gangs that I was going to meet with. Blue Mustang then said, “I think we are going to have a family Friday morning.”

I hadn’t thought about that at all until God began directing my thoughts that the family would be in the ghetto and it would be at the King Soopers store. As we continued talking, Blue Mustang said, “I think this family was brought by the family that we blessed last year at Thanksgiving.” God never gave me any other direction but I exclaimed, “Now that would be cool.” So we waited to see what would happen.

On Friday morning I headed down to the King Soopers store in the ghetto. I saw two families praying together. I recognized Rachel from the family that was there last year. Blue Mustang was right when he said that the family that was there last year would be there with them. I found out that these families are related by sisters. Rachel had already told her sister about the miracle that they received last year after Thanksgiving. Rachel sister had approached her and asked, “Rachel, things are pretty tight right now and we cannot afford to buy groceries. My husband has a new job and we were forced to move to a new apartment. By the time we paid for damage deposit and first month and last months rent it has taken everything that we got. My husband is not going to be receiving a check for at least another week. Is there anything that you can do to help?”

Rachel replied, “We should pray and ask God for a miracle. Maybe God will send Blue Mustang to you like he did for us last year.” Her sister thought that that would be a great idea and both families headed to the grocery store.

As I approached the families Rachel soon recognize me. She was so excited to see me and thanked me for coming last year and began sharing everything with me what happened up to this point. It soon became time to hand out the money and Rachel asked, “Are you going to do what you did with us last year? I can’t exactly remember what you did but it was really cool.”

I smiled and started laying out the money with the 50s first saying, “This is the Father, this is the Son, this is the Holy Spirit and here’s an extra 20 for inflation.”

Rachel excitedly said, “Yeah, I remember that you did that last year. That is so cool and I like the part for the extra 20 for inflation.”

The kids were so excited now that they could go buy cereal and ice cream. Both the families begin to cry as the miracle unfolded. Rachel and John wanted to pray for us for me and Blue Mustang. They asked that God could continued to bless us financially so that we could keep this ministry going. They also prayed for our families and our protection.

It is so cool to be able to bless people you can listen to the rest of the story: