Bronco Stadium Lady

God told me to go to Denver to the Bronco Stadium and I would find a young Lady Crying because the Gang she was with left her. She had only been there 15 min.

God said to take her a sub sandwich with no mustard and a ice tea with lemons and Oreo cookies double stuffed. When I got there I told her that God had sent me to her to rescue her and to take her to parents. She cried even more and then she hugged me.

She got in my truck and and I told her what God told me to get for her. She was so hungry. She loves ice tea like me. She gave her heart to Christ. Her mom and dad couldn’t stop crying when they saw her. They also gave their hearts to Christ. I told them that their names are written in the book of life. My King gets the Glory and the Victory.

Christmas Socks

When I rang the door bell, 2 guys answered the door. Brian and Craig asked, “What’s in the bags.”

I said,”Christmas gifts for you guys.”

They said, “What do you mean?”

I said, “God sent me here to give you guys gifts for Christmas because God Loves you guys.”

Juan came around the corner with 2 girls Jasmine and Jennifer and said,”Sonny, why are you doing this.”

I said, “Jesus Christ loves all of you. He wants you guys to go back to your families and start living for him. Jesus Christ has a different purpose for you guys.”

Juan said, “What gifts do you bring us?”

They opened the bags and said, “I needed socks and shirts.”

I told Juan, “I brought you a hoodie and shoes.”

All of them were speechless. Juan was the Leader of the 1st Gang. He has bad migraines. His eyes hurt him all the time. They divided the gifts and some of them said thank you.

I said,”I have another gift for you guys.”

They said, “What’s that?”

I said,”His name is Jesus Christ. He wants to come into your hearts. All you have to do is ask him to forgive you of all your sins and ask him to come into your hearts. Jesus Christ will forgive you of all your sins you will become a new creation your hearts will be transformed.”

3 guys, Luke and Brian and Craig, and 2 girls, Jasmine and Jennifer, gave their hearts to Christ and their parents took them back. God gets the Glory and the Victory.

Pueblo Gang in Denver

Thank you for your prayers. God said, “Buy Christmas Cookies and Milk and take them to Denver.” I found my undercover friends. I was told by the undercover police that there was a gang from Pueblo hanging out in downtown Denver.

When I located them God said, “Walk up to them and serve the cookies and milk. Then tell them that Jesus Christ loves them and tell them why Jesus Christ came to this world.” After I shared what God told me, they just stared at me. Then the leader said, “So, if I ask God to forgive me of all my sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into my heart. I will see his kingdom.”

I said, “Yes you will. Those of you that want your names written in the book of life stand on my right side.”

When the leader came and stood by me, six more came with him. The others got into their cars and drove away. Seven gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I met all their families. Five of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. I just got home from Pueblo. God is Faithful!

Sonic Hotdogs

I love the way God works. Last night God took me to go to the the South side of Denver. There I would see 15 young men and to bring them 30 hotdogs from Sonic. I showed up with the hotdogs and got out of my pickup. They asked me, “What do you want and what’s up with the Bible. Are you here to preach to us.”

I said, “God brought me here. He told me to bring you 30 hotdogs from Sonic with sour cream and onion potato chips and water.”

They all started laughing and said, “We were just talking about hotdogs from Sonic and we wished we had some.”

I said, “God heard your hearts asking for hotdogs so God sent me to get the hotdogs. He also wanted me to tell you that God loves all of you and to tell you that he has a new purpose for your life.”

I read John 3:16-17 to them after they ate the hotdogs. I then asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of Life. Four of them gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Glory and the Victory. I just got to see it. God is Faithful.

Colorado Springs Dad Asks for Daughters Rescue

I’m going to Denver Tonight. There’s a gang that comes from Colorado Springs to downtown Denver every Friday night. I was told that in this Gang there’s a girl by the name Mikayla. Her Dad and Mom have asked me to go to this Gang and try to get her out. I’m going Friday night and be there before 7 p.m. God said, “When you see her call out her name and she will make eye contact with you. She will come with you.”

God showed me there’s going to be a lot of shooting. That’s all God has shown me so please pray.

Thank you for praying. God is Faithful. When I arrived at the place where I had to park in downtown Denver, I was approached by one of my informers. He said, “They are about a block away heading North.”

I was 1/2 of block from the street they were on. God said, ” Go to the street corner and wait for them to walk by you.”

There was 2 girls, Jennifer and Jessica, walking with Mikayla. They were in the very back of the gang. After the gang walked by the 3 girls were right in front of me. Two blocks away firecrackers went off. It sounded like gunfire. The gang kept walking on by. The 3 Girls stopped directly in front of me. I said, “Mikayla”

She looked right at me and made eye contact. She said, “Sonny”

I said, “Come with me Mikayla.”

Mikayla asked, “Can my friends come with us?”

I said, “Yes let’s go.”

I told them, “God said not to look back; just keep walking toward my pickup.”

When we drove away, Mikayla asked, “What was that bright light on you?”

I said, “God’s Angels are protecting us.”

I asked them, “Do you want your names written in the book of life?”

They said, “Yes”. They repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. I asked them, “If they wanted to be filled with the Holy Spirit?”

They said, “Yes”. They couldn’t stop crying. All 3 Girls went to church when they were younger. They new about being filled with the Holy Spirit. When we got to Mikayla’s parents home they couldn’t stop crying. Mikayla asked her parents to forgive her. Her parents asked her to forgive them. The other Girls called their parents in Colorado Springs who all wanted their Girls to come home. I got to pray with Mikayla’s parents. They wouldn’t stop hugging each other. Mikayla’s parents are taking the other girls back to their parents homes. Later my informers called me and told me that when the fireworks were going off the gang kept walking they never looked back to see if the girls were behind them. We walked away unseen. My King gets the Victory.

Rescue 5 Girls Out of Denver Gang

I am witnessing on the streets and going to rescuing 5 Girls out of a Gang at 11:30pm. Please pray for their hearts.

Last night I went to Denver to rescue 5 girls out of a gang. I arrived at the house where they were staying at 11:50 pm. Five girls came out and climbed into my pickup. As I was driving away, they started to hug each other and started to cry. While driving to Colorado Springs to the house where all their families were, I asked them if they wanted their names written in the book of life. They all gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. When I arrived at the home where the families were staying, the parents came running crying and hugging their daughters and hugging me. I told their parents that their daughters had given their hearts to Jesus Christ. Four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. I destroyed all the chips from the Girls cell phones so the gang can’t call them. I stayed there all night sharing the word of God with them and praying with them. My King gets the Victory and Glory. I just got home. I’ll be at church.

Gang from San Jose, California

Yesterday, I witnessed to a gang from San Jose, California. Thank you for your prayers. I pulled up and parked next to their cars. God said, “Serve them.”. I took out the doughnuts and milk I purchased earlier.

I said, “Are any of you hungry? Because I brought breakfast.” I laid out the doughnuts, milk and Orange juice.

The Leader asked, “What are you doing?”

I said, “God told me that you guys are hungry. I know why all of you came to Colorado you came because God brought you here. God wants to bring healing to your hearts.”

The leader asked, “How do you know I need healing in my heart?”

I said, “Because that’s what God showed me.”

The leader asked, “Can God really forgive me for everything?”

I said, “Yes, when you ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart, God will forgive you and forget everything you have done. God will write your names in the book of life.”

One of the girls asked, “I want God in my heart.”

The leader, who’s name is Leo, told the ones that had guns on me to put them away. Francisco said, “What does this mean?”

Leo said, “I’m giving my life back to God. I’m tired of living this way.”

I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life come over to me.”

The whole gang came over as they were asking Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and to come into their hearts. When we were done praying, they began asking many questions. Then they proceded to call their parents and tell them that they have given their hearts to Christ. The parents are welcoming back their sons and daughters. As we sat down to eat, I read the Bible to them. After finishing reading the lesson, I gave Bibles to all of them. God gets the Glory and the Victory. They headed back to California in the morning. God is so Faithful.

Surrounded by 3 Gangs

Thank you for your prayers. 4 Gang members gave their hearts to Christ last night. Their parents gave their hearts to Christ last night. God gets the Victory. Afternoon 12pm

Later in the evening:

Pray for me. I’m surrounded by 3 Gangs.

Thank you so much for your prayers. God’s mighty Hand and his legions of Angels protected me. There were 3 gangs total. 10 in 1st gang, 14 in the 2nd and 15 in the 3rd. As they surrounded me, one of the leaders whos name was Leo took out his knife.

Leo said, “Does this scare you.”

I said, “My name is Sonny. I was sent to you to tell you how much my King loves all of you and that you have a purpose in this world. All of you aren’t lost anymore but have been found by my King Jesus Christ. Jesus wants to bring healing to all your hearts.”

I began reading John 3:16,17 to them. Leo told all of them to hit me and none of them moved. Jerome the other gang leader said, “Your God wants to bring healing to my heart.”

I said, “Yes, your blaming God because your mom died of cancer. She loved God and your mom is in God’s Kingdom.”

Jerome said, “How did you know that?”

I said, “That’s what God showed me. Jerome, God loves you and I know your mom was praying for you when she was alive.”

Then I said, “Who wants to accept Jesus Christ into your hearts and make him your Lord and Savior. This is the only time you will ever see me here again. Who wants your name written in the book of life?”

The youngest one walked to me and said, “I want my name written in the Book of life. I used to go to church when I was younger.”

Six more came forward and accepted Jesus Christ. I gave them all Bibles and my ministry cards. Leo said, “I’m not going to read it.” but he took the Bible. God is so Faithful. The seven that gave their hearts to God climbed into my pickup. One of them has an Uncle and Aunt that live in Denver. I drove them there and told them what God had done. The seven started to cry and started to call all their parents who are taking them back. My King gets all the Glory and Victory. I got home at 2:30 a.m. this morning.

Colorado Springs Rescue

Please pray for me tonight I’ll be going to Colorado Springs to rescue 2 girls out of a Gang. Pray for their hearts that they would be open to The word of God.

I went to Colorado Springs to rescue 2 girls out of a gang. When I got to the house the girls came out with their bags. They threw them in the bed of the pickup and we drove away. Both girls started to cry. I started to pray out loud for them. Their names were Jessica and Molly. When I was done praying, they thanked me for coming for them.

They said,”Your amazing.”

I said, “Thank you, but it’s God that’s amazing.”

The girls started to cry again. They thanked me again for coming for them. While I was praying for them, I asked, ” Do you want your names written in the Lambs book of life. All you have to do is to ask Jesus Christ to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ in your hearts.”

They accepted Christ as their personal savior. They asked men “Does Jesus Christ really forgive us of everything.”

I said, “Yes, Jesus will forgive you and forget all your sins.”

When we got to their home in Aurora, all their families were waiting for them. They cried and told their parents that they gave their hearts to Christ. I destroyed all their chips on their cell phones so they gang members couldn’t call them. I gave them Bibles and prayed with them and their families. Three of the parents gave their hearts to Christ My King gets the Victory. I got home at 4 this morning. God is Faithful.

New York City

God was incredible in New York City. When I arrived at the airport last Friday, 17 ex-gang members were there waiting for me. These ex-gang members were part of a gang that I witnessed to last year in the Bronx. We hugged and prayed together. The Holy Spirit was all over them. It was beautiful to see Marciano ask me “What has God showed you about how we are reaching the 2 Gangs in the Bronx.”

I said, “We are taking God’s Kingdom to them on Saturday at noon. God has shown me that we need to prepare a meal before our enemies. We need 5 tables, 45 chairs for people to sit. For food get fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits, coleslaw and 12 pies. Supply bottled water for drink.”

When we arrived at the Bronx, we started by praying for today’s event. While we were setting up the tables and chairts, two gangs kept driving by. After we were done setting up, we asked them to stop and eat with us. They parked their cars and walked back to our location. We asked them to sit down and eat with us. I asked Marciano to pray for our meal. Both Gangs kept looking at Marciano. The prayer was so anointed that both gangs were silent while watching and listening to Marciano pray. Marciano’s prayer was softening their hearts. As we were eating, they started to talk about the Yankees and that there was a new Gang trying to come to the Bronx. The 17 young men kept sharing with those around them what God has been doing in their life’s.

Then Marciano said, “I want to introduce the man that led us to the Lord. His name is Sonny.”

I said, “Hi”.

A gang leader who is called “Victor” said, “Your the one that brought the big light to the Bronx that night.”

I said, “Yes, that light you saw was Jesus Christ. He loves all of you and wants to bring healing to all your hearts. All you have to do is to ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins and ask Jesus Christ to come into your hearts. Jesus Christ will forgive you and forget all your sins. Jesus Christ will transform your hearts. God said to prepare a meal before our enemies so we come to bring Salvation and peace and a new purpose for your lives in this world. Jesus Christ loves all of you. Jesus Christ wants to transform your hearts so he can use you in this world to bring Salvation and healing to those around you.”

Victor stood up and the other Gang leader stood up. His name was Apollo. He asked, “Is it that easy to ask Jesus Christ to forgive everything I have done and he will forgive me.”

I said, “Yes, Jesus Christ will forgive you and forget everything you have done.”

Apollo said, “I don’t know if I’m ready for this. It’s time for us to go.”

Victor and his boys stood up and said, “We are leaving too.”

Marciano said, “Before you guys leave let me pray for all of you.”

Marciano prayed, “Father God thank you for your Love for us and thank you for bringing us together to eat a meal and talk about all the amazing things you’re doing in our lives. Protect us and provide for us and help us to be a light in this world for those around us. We ask this in Jesus Christ Holy Name. Amen”.

It was so beautiful. They all stood there and listened to this beautiful prayer. They all said good bye and drove off in their cars. I gathered the young men and we prayed for the miracle God did in bringing those young men to eat with us and that we were able to share Christ with them.