Colorado Springs Gang

First of all thank you for praying for me and the girls that I rescued last night. All of you are a blessing to me. When I arrived at their home in Colorado Springs, seven girls came out running. The girl’s names are Lori, Jessica, Joanna, Crystal, Linda, Theresa and Chantelle. A young man Jerome was helping them with the bags. They all climbed in my pickup except Jerome.

I asked him, “Do you want to know about God’s Kingdom?”

Jerome said, “Yes”. He also decided to join us. We drove off. They all started to cry because they couldn’t believe that someone would come and take them away from there. I prayed out loud for all of them. Jerome asked, “Are the cookies and sub sandwiches for us?”

I said, “Yes and none of the sandwiches have mustard on them.”

All of them said, “We hate mustard!”

Jerome asked me, “I want to ask God into my heart. Can God really forgive me for everything I have done?”

I said, “Yes, God will and God will forget it.”

They all asked God to forgive them of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts. When we arrived at the home in Denver where all their families were waiting for them, they cried and told their parents that they gave their hearts to Christ. I destroyed all their chips on their cell phones so no one could call them. I gave them all Bibles and prayed with them and their families. Four of the parents gave their hearts to Christ. My King gets the Victory. I got home at 9pm.

Detroit Gang

Last night I witnessed to a gang from Detroit. Thank you for your prayers. I pulled up and parked next to their cars. God said, “Serve them.” I took them Pizza and Cookies.

I said, “Which one of you is the leader.”

He stepped forward then Jacob stepped between us. I said, “Are all of you hungry because I brought food.” I put out the Pizzas and the cookies and water.

Justin said, “What are you doing?”

I said, “God said that you guys were hungry.

Justin I know why all of you came to Colorado. You came on this Journey because God wants to change your destiny.”

Justin said, “How do you know my name.”

I said, “Your names were given to my Sister from God. She also gave me Justina and Jacob his right hand man because you 3 have been called out by God.”

I showed him Kari’s text which contained information about Justin that was revealed by the Holy Spirit. Justin said, “That’s true, God can never forgive me for this.”

Justina came up because she wanted to see what Kari text said. She started to cry and hugged Justin. Justin said, “Can God really forgive me for everything?

I said,”Yes, when you ask for forgiveness and ask him to come into your heart. God will forgive you and forget everything you have done and God will write your name in the book of life.”

Justina said, “I want God in my heart.”

Justin told the gang members that had guns on me to put them away. Jacob said, “What does this mean?”

Justin said, “I’m giving my life back to God. I’m tired of living this way.”

I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life come over here.” No one else came forward but Justin and Justina. As they were asking Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and to come into their hearts, I noticed that his gang all came forward and stood behind Justin and Justina when we were done praying. I told Justin to look behind him. Justin said, “Did all of pray for Jesus to forgive you and come into your hearts.”

They said, “Yes, we will follow you anywhere.”

Justin said, “I’m following Jesus Christ and all of you are free to go back to your families.”

Then Justin asked, “Justina will you marry me.” Justina said, “Yes”. Then they asked me hundred of questions. After finishing the Q/A, they ate as I read the Bible to them. God gets the Glory and the Victory. They headed back to Detroit this morning. God is so Faithful.

Texas Gang in Denver

Thank you for your prayers. Out of 15 Gang Members from Texas 4 gave their hearts to Christ. When I walked up to them the leader said, “Are you a preacher?”

I said, “Yes, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ wants to bring healing to your hearts. All you have to do is to ask him to forgive all your sins and ask him to come into your hearts. You will have a new purpose in this world.”

One of them hit my ribs but God protected me. I said, “Those of you that want your names written in the book of life, follow me.”

I walked away. Four gave their weapons to the leader and came with me. God is so Faithful. They then gave their hearts to Christ. I gave them Bibles and took them to one of the boys uncle and aunt house in Denver. They aunt and uncle cried when they saw him. The parents are taking them all back. God gets all the Victory and Glory. ✝️

3 Different Gangs

I’m about to witness to 3 different Gangs pray for their hearts.

I went to witness in downtown Denver last night and God took me to a street where there was three gangs facing each other. God told me to pick up 10 pizzas and bottled water before I arrived. When I saw the gangs, I knew that the pizzas and the bottled water were for them. I asked them if they were hungry. I put my Bible and the pizzas on the tailgate of my pickup. All three gangs came over to my pickup to get some pizza to eat. They started to talk to each other. I started playing some Christian music from my pickup’s sound system. As the music played, I opened my bible to read JOHN 3:16-17.

After finishing the passage, I said, “JESUS CHRIST loves you.”

Then I asked, “Do you want you names written in the Book of Life? All you have to do is ask Jesus to forgive all your sins.”

Five of them gave their pistols to their gang leaders and came standing in front of me. They asked Jesus Christ into their hearts. The remaining gang members got into their car and drove away. The five called their parents whom all came to pick them up and take them home. Their parents were crying. Three of their parents gave their hearts to Christ. MY KING GETS ALL THE GLORY. GOD IS FAITHFUL. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS.

Leader Rigo Accepts Jesus

I have been Praying with the Homeless in Ft Collins. Now I’m going to pray for people on the streets of Colfax. Please pray for me.

I met with Rigo at his favorite Mexican restaurant. Rigo said, “Thanks for meeting me today because I have some questions. Who are you? Every time we have met, my boys try to pull the trigger on you and their pistols fail to work. I then brought in Travis ( Gary ) to cut you with his knives. You didn’t show up that night. Then we went to the park and Travis ( Gary ) takes a walk to find you. As we were walking, we hear a sound we have never heard before. A big flash was on Travis and he dropped. We ran and left him there.”

Rigo asked me, “So what happened to my homeboy.”

I said, “God sent warriors with swords from his Kingdom. You live by the sword and you will die by the sword. That’s in God’s word.”

Rigo said, “I don’t want to mess with you anymore. Will you tell your God to leave us alone?”

I said, “God wants your hearts so you can live for him.”

Rigo said, “Can God forgive me of all I have done?”

I said, “Yes, God will forgive you and forget all your sins. All you have to do is ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and ask him to forgive you. God will transform your heart and give you a new life and a purpose.”

Rigo prayed, “Jesus forgive me of all my sins. Jesus come into my heart.” Rigo started to cry. It was beautiful to see his heart transformed.

Rigo said, “I haven’t cried since my mom and dad were killed by a drunk driver.”

I said, “Let’s go and tell your gang what you have done. Tell them you accepted Jesus Christ into your heart and that your a Christian and that your going to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. You have to pray with them. I’ll help you. They will give their hearts to Christ and then you have to let them all go to their Families.”

When we arrived at his home, they were all in the living room. As soon as we walked in all the guys drew their pistols and aimed them at me.

Rigo said, “Put your pistols away. I have given my heart to Jesus Christ and those of you that want to give your hearts to Jesus; Sonny will pray with you and I will help him.”

Three of the girls started to cry and the other 5 Girls came to me so I could pray with them. Then all the young men gave their hearts to Christ too.

They all responded, “Now what?”

Rigo said, “You are free to go. Let’s call all your families and tell them what you just did and have them come here to take you back to your homes.”

All the families came for them and asked for forgiveness from their parents and gave the girls and guys an envelope. Thank you for your Prayers my King gets all the Victory God is Faithful.

Stranded Cowboys

God sent me on a mission right after work today I’ll send you what happened.

God told me to make 14 sandwich’s 🥪 with mustard and mayo and to take a bag of carrots. I asked God, “A bag of Carrots! 🥕 are you sure? Maybe you mean a package of cookies.” 🍪

God said, “Sonny, stop and do what I tell you.”

I said, “OK”

God said, “Go north.” I headed north and I kept asking God where am I taking all these sandwiches 🥪 and Carrots. 🥕

God said, “Just keep going. You’ll see a pickup with 7 young cowboys and 7 horses. “

I eventually located their vehicle. They were about 40 Miles from Cheyenne, broke down.

I stopped and climbed out of my pickup. I said, “God told me to get some sandwiches and carrots and drive north. He revealed you to me as I was getting close. Now I know that the carrots are for the horses. ” I passed the sandwiches out to the cowboys.

I asked them, “Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. ” Four of them said that they loved the Lord but their friends didn’t. I asked them, “Do you wanted to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?” Because they witnessed a miracle of God sending me with the sandwich’s and carrots for their horses, the three that didn’t know Christ accepted Jesus Christ along side the road. Then four pickups stopped. It was all the parents of the boys. The young cowboys all told their parents what God told me to do and that the other three cowboys accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. God is so Faithful.

Saved Gang Member’s Cousin Wants Out

I just received a called from an ex gang member that’s a Christian now. His cousin wants out of a gang here in Denver. Pray for me and her safety. I’m going now to get her out.


God said, “Pick up 3 hamburger meals. There are three girls total. They are very hungry.” I followed God’s driving directions and brought the food to them and prayed with them. Then I read John 3:16,17 to them. They decided to give their hearts to Christ. God gets all the Glory. Thank you for your prayers. Their parents just finished talking to all the families of the girls. They went to church today and all the girls got Baptized. The parents cried and just loved them. It was such a blessing to see.

Two Sent to Kill Me

I got a call from one of the gangs in Denver that I rescued 7 girls out of. Two of the gang members wanted to talk to me. I’m going to Denver to meet them.

God is Faithful. Thank you for praying for me.

I greeted the two gang members when I arrived in Denver. They hit me 3 times but I didn’t get hurt. God showed them his power. It scared them and they stopped moving. They were sent here to kill me.

I asked them, “Let me pray for both of you.”

After I prayed for them, they put their pistols away and said, “We cannot shoot someone that would pray for us.”

They are walking away from the gang. They asked, “How God can forgive us for what we have done?”

I said, “Ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and to come into your hearts.”

They accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and are returning to their families. Their hearts were transformed for God’s Kingdom. My King gets all the Glory.